哇…… 一踏入 MG 店,一聲極具有穿透力的 “您好,早安” 把我喚醒了。聞聲而來,是面帶笑容、推著蔬果的菜部之花 Sophia。她陽光般的笑容與親切的問候一下子將我帶入了充滿正能量的狀態。
秉持先進先出的原則,Sophia 純熟地將檯面的西蘭花拿起,做好清潔,再將新鮮的西蘭花井井有條擺放,甄選補上舊貨。正當她要把不新鮮的貨帶回後場時,一名顧客喊著 “Hi Sophia, where is squash? ” 她迅速放下手推車,並回應 “Dear Jing, please follow me”,原來「我們最新鮮」的價值觀,源自 Sophia「顧客至上」的心。她不但致力讓顧客購買到新鮮蔬果,還熱心與顧客交流,記住顧客的名字,讓大家感到賓至如歸。
Sophia 說: “在這裡打工我很驕傲、很自豪,大統華就像我的第二個家,很溫馨。” 因為這種想法,Sophia 把快樂帶給大家,凝聚大家。希望大家像 Sophia 一樣快樂有衝勁,也鼓勵大家將工作中的喜悅傳遞給同仁與客人,建立顧客第一、樂在工作開心生活的文化氛圍。
(MG 分店)
Pedro 是 WL 店肉食部的非華裔同事,雖然他不會講中文,但所有部門同仁都很喜歡他。他做事認真細心,又主動幫助人。晚班時他總消毒清潔得十分徹底,東西擺放得井然有序,讓早班同事都有煥然一新的感覺,開早的大姊總對他讚口不絕。
然而,Pedro 好一陣子沒上班了,同事都非常想念幹勁十足的他。原來他在一次體育活動中不慎弄傷腳踝,所以無法上班。因為太太需要在家帶著五個小孩,這使作為家庭經濟支柱的他十分擔心。
店長得知後,不單自掏腰包給他買拐杖和復康用品,還發起小額捐款活動。店內同仁紛紛表達心意,雖然款項有限,但大家還是希望幫助 Pedro 渡過難關。由於 Pedro 行動不便,卻需要每週回診所復健,店長和主管決定輪流開車接送他。中秋節前夕,店裡更特別準備月餅探望 Pedro。他當時滿懷感激的說,大統華同仁對他的關顧,是他來加拿大後最刻骨銘心的經歷呢。
(WL 分店)
前段時間,我們從 Loblaw 接到了一個壞消息:一名 T&T 員工在 Superstore 逛時,把不同的商品放在自己的背包裏,沒有付款便直接穿過自助收銀櫃檯離開商店。
他馬上被 Superstore 的保安截住,按照 Loblaw 的一貫做法,保安會當場報警。然而,這位保安其實已經留意了那個員工一段時間,並在調查中得知他是 T&T 的員工,於是通知公司。
在完成内部調查之後, 發現一證據確鑿,這名員工便被立即解僱。為什麼呢?儘管事情發生的地方不在 T&T,但他的所作所為,已經完全破壞了誠信,試問這樣公司又怎可以繼續信任他、聘用他呢?
P5 2019/2020 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
March 2020
I am proud and I take pride in my work; T&T is my home!
Wow ... Once I stepped into MG Store, a very penetrating greeting "Good morning" awakened me. I looked for the voice and here came Sophia, the beauty of the produce department, who was pushing a trolley of vegetables. Her warm smile and friendly greeting brought me into a state of positive energy.
Adhering to the FIFO principle, Sophia picked up the broccoli on the countertop, cleaned it experienced, and arranged the fresh broccoli in order, selecting and replenishing the stock. Just as she was bringing back non-fresh products to the back room, a customer asked, "Hi Sophia, where is squash?" She quickly pulled the trolley aside and responded, "Dear Jing, please follow me". Sophia understands “Customer is #1”, which supports her to fulfill “Lead in Fresh”. She works her best to make sure that the customers can buy fresh produce and friendly interact with customers, even remember their names, in order to let them feel like home.
“I am proud to work here and I take pride in my work. T&T is just like my second home”, said Sophia. With this thought, Sophia brings cheerfulness to everyone and unites the team. Hope that everyone can be as cheerful and energetic as Sophia and spread your joy of work to your teammates and customers. Let’s cultivate the “Customer is #1” and “Work-life happy” environment.
(MG Store)
People Oriented: Lend a hand in a hard time
Pedro is a non-Chinese colleague who works in the meat department of WL. Although he does not speak Chinese, all colleagues from his department like him very much. He pays attention to details, and he takes the initiative to help others. Before closing, he always cleans the area thoroughly and arranges everything in an orderly manner, so that the colleagues in the early shift can work along the daily routine. The senior colleague from the morning shift appreciates him very much.
Yet, Pedro hasn't been working for a while, and his colleagues miss him badly. It turned out that he injured his ankle during exercise, which he could not go to work. He was worried because his wife must take care of five children, and he is the only financial supporter of his family.
The Store Manager found out Pedro’s situation, he decided to buy a crutch and rehabilitation supplies for Pedro from his own pocket. He also took the initiative to raise funds for him, many of the colleagues were willing to contribute. It might be a limited amount, but they still hope that Pedro could get through the difficulties. Since Pedro could not drive, the Store Manager and the Dept. Head decided to take turns in giving Pedro ride to the clinic every week. On Mid Autumn eve, his colleagues brought mooncakes to visit him. He felt grateful and saying that the care he got from his T&T colleagues was the most unforgettable experience he had in Canada.
This is a real-life example of Our Value “People Oriented”, which is also a touching one!
(WL Store)
Bring Your Integrity Wherever You Are
Some time ago, we received a piece of bad news from Loblaw: A T&T employee was shopping in a Superstore, he put different products in his backpack and left the store directly through the self-service checkout counter without paying.
He was immediately intercepted by Superstore's security. According to Loblaw’s usual practice, the security would call the police on the spot. However, the security guard actually paid attention to this employee for a while and realized that he was a T&T employee, so he notified the company.
After completing an internal investigation, the employee was fired as soon as conclusive evidence was found. How come? Although this incident did not take place at T&T, what he did has completely undermined integrity. How can the company continue to trust him and hire him?
Please keep in mind, once the theft got discovered, losing his job isn’t the worst. Even worse is he may face criminal charges. For non-citizen employees, they might also lose their citizenship or be deported to their place of origin. With such serious consequences, no one should violate the law.
Among our Winning Culture, the first iron rule is “Uphold Integrity”. No matter where you are, remember that integrity is the most important ethics.
(HR Dept.)
P5 2019/2020 Outstanding Staff of the Store