每天早上,當 CA 店收貨部的卷閘徐徐升起,總會看到一個人來回地忙碌著,面帶笑容,鎮定自若。他就是具有嫻熟的駕駛技術和統籌能力的收貨員阿祥。雖然 “收貨亞歷山大”,但 CA 店和亞省中央廚房的所有貨物和進出問題總能被阿祥輕鬆化解。
秉持 “簡單統籌,提升效率” 的原則,阿祥會保證冰貨優先。爲了時刻保持聯繫不拖延,他與 ICE-TEAM 建立了微信群組。對於延遲收貨的部門,他會經常 “溫馨提示”,直到有結果爲止。得知總倉貨車到達時間後,阿祥必會提前 20 分鐘電話告知亞省中央廚房和所有前來取有機垃圾、棧板、紙箱的車輛,安排各車進出時間,保證 “無縫連接,到店即取”。儘管有數不盡的棧板需要堆疊,他總耐心疊得既高又穩,還幽默地自喻 “玩積木”。爲了方便最有使用電唧車需要的人,他寧願自己使用手唧車 “鍛煉肌肉”,提高團隊的工作效率。
CA 店的收貨部經常繁忙而不紊亂,貨物堆積如山卻整齊有序,簡直是阿祥做事追求 “簡單高效” 的鐵證!
(CA 分店)
瘟疫肆虐期間,大統華各部門的員工一直堅守著自己的工作崗位,冒著風險在前缐為民服務。他們是偉大的前缐天使!特別是我們 UV 分店的收銀部員工。
當生意量急速暴增,而多位收銀員又同時告病請假, 部門運作岌岌可危之時,她們幾位天使卻自動自發,挺身而出。雖然家裡有小孩要照顧,但是她說:“現在家人可以幫忙帶小孩了,我可以多上幾小時”;雖然每天面對從早到晚的顧客,但是她們說:“公司發了口罩、護目鏡和裝設了結賬櫃枱的檔板,怕啥呀”。
面對嚴峻的疫情,慶幸有 UV 分店的收銀部員工互相鼓勵,保持服務顧客的熱忱,溫暖我們的社區。這充分體現了大統華 “專業盡全力,關懷社區” 的價值觀,令顧客深受感動,獲讚無數。
(UV 分店)
有一句話叫做 “衝動是魔鬼”,記得,千萬不要一時衝動做出讓自己後悔的事情。在工作場所,如果有任何糾紛是你不能解決的,不要駡人,更不能動手打人,請立刻去找你的上司幫你解決。公司承諾給員工提供一個無暴力的工作場所,不要讓衝動變成魔鬼,破壞我們大家健康與安全的工作環境。
P7 2019/2020 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
May 2020
Do More with Less
Every morning, when the roller shutter door of the CA Store's receiving department rises slowly, you can always see a person work diligently with a smile. He is Xiang, a receiver who is skilled in driving and coordinating. Although there are plenty of works in the receiving dept., Xiang can still simply resolve all the problems related to the receiving of CA Store and Alberta Central Kitchen.
Adhering to the principle of "improving efficiency by simple planning", Xiang will ensure that all frozen products are given priority. In order to communicate without delay, he established a WeChat group with ICE-TEAM. For the departments that delayed their receiving, he will keep sending warm reminders until all the stocks have been taken away. When Xiang get notified about the arrival time of the truck from BC central warehouse, he will call 20 minutes in advance to coordinate with AB CK and the green bins pick up trucks for better time arrangement to minimize the wait time in between. Although there are countless pallets to be piled, he patiently piling them up safely. He humorously said it is just the building blocks game. In order to let the others who need the forklift more are able to use them, he himself would use the pallet-jack to train his triceps and to improve the team’s efficiency.
The receiving dept. in CA Store is busy but well-organized, they keep all stocks orderly and well arranged. This is how Xiang fulfils our value of “Do more with less”.
(CA Store)
The Frontline Heroes
In the pandemic outbreak, T&T employees from all departments have been sticking to their jobs and taking risks to serve our community. They are all frontline heroes, especially those cashier staff of our UV Store.
While the business volume rapidly increased, several cashiers also took sick leave at the same time, the department's operation was instable. Luckily, a few angels spontaneously step forward to help. Although one has children to take care of, she said: "Now my family can help looking after the children, I can spend a few more hours at work" ; although they have to face customers from day to night, they said: "The company provides masks, goggles and installed the protection shield at the checkout counter, what do we have to worry about? ”.
Facing the evolving epidemic situation, we are glad that the employees of the cashier department in UV Store encouraged each other and maintained the enthusiasm of serving our customers. They gave warm support to our community. They presented our values of “Be the Best We can Be” and “Care for The Community” to our customers and received a lot of appreciation.
(UV Store)
Control Your Impulse
An employee was helping a customer to bag his purchased items; however, the customer was very picky and complaint about the packaging. He even scolded the employee, which infuriated the employee and they got into an argument and ended up in a physical fight.
Two employees met in a narrow path in the backroom and were first fighting over the same tool verbally, then physically.
These kinds of incidents happened in our stores and what is the result? Unfortunately, they have to say goodbye to the company.
Impulsive is the devil inside, so please remember not to do things that will make you regret because of impulsiveness. In workplace, if you get into any disputes that you cannot resolve, please do not yell at others or even physically hurt others. You should immediately look for your superior to help solving the issue. The company promises to provide a zero violence workplace, please control your impulse and do not violate our company’s rule that put others in danger.
“Be Humble and Courteous” is one of our values that if everyone can stick to it and become one’s working attitude, this definitely can influence others.
(HR Dept.)
P7 2019/2020 Outstanding Staff of the Store