WY 收貨部有一位員工 Paul Fung,他將自己十七年的青春默默奉獻給公司,大家都親切地稱呼他為 Paul 叔。
無論來貨的數量、種類或品質,Paul 叔都嚴格把關每一板來貨。每當遇到困難的專業問題,他不怕麻煩,都會讓主管前來確認,直到完全準確無誤才肯放行簽收。Paul 叔说:“ 我簽字就是我負責,不能因馬虎大意而讓公司受到損失。” 每天早上不到七點半,Paul 叔就到店為早班員工開門,然後為 Cashier 推籃子、拉購物車,甚至還到店外的客人停車場撿起被丟棄的紙巾、水瓶、口罩等垃圾。冬天他還幫忙鏟雪、撒鹽,盡力避免客人和員工滑倒。不論寒暑,不論颳風下雨,Paul 叔都總是以積極的態度對待自己的工作,時刻關心著 WY 這個大家庭。
面對疫情,Paul 叔没有退縮和怨言,每天都以一顆真摯認真的心工作著。他的行爲展現了大統華 “專業盡全力” 的價值觀,一直鼓舞著整個 WY 團隊。
(WY 分店)
在疫情爆發的初期,有些員工因爲擔心被感染而選擇了請假,甚至離職。但也有許多員工選擇了留下來與公司和同事共渡時艱。LD 店壽司部門的 Wayne 就是其中一位。
Wayne 非常熱愛他的工作,是部門的好幫手。考慮到疫情期間分店人手不足,只要是主管安排了班,Wayne 都接受,並且始終堅守著自己的崗位。他非常注重衛生防護,按照防疫指引,Wayne 每天堅持佩戴口罩和手套工作,保持操作台清潔衛生,為客人的食品安全提供保障。Wayne 說工作帶給他快樂和滿足感,相比在家裏休息,他更希望為社區和我們作爲基礎服務行業的分店出一份力,作一份貢獻。
Wayne 的行爲正是大統華價值觀 “樂在工作,開心生活” 的體現!這些像 Wayne 一樣的員工,沒有請過一天假,沒有申請政府福利,每天兢兢業業地為公司付出,大統華有你們真好!
(LD 分店)
蔬果部員工正在外場上貨,旁邊正在挑水果的客人問 “蘋果快沒有啦,等下會加嗎?” 員工沒有理會,客人再問一遍,員工不高興的回答:“沒看見我在忙嗎,現在沒空!”
客人想買鹼水豆沙粽卻找不到,於是問正在補貨的廚食部員工 “有沒有鹼水豆沙粽呢?” 員工不耐煩的說 “這裏有就有,沒有就沒有,你自己看!你讓開,我現在要補貨了。”
客人對肉食部員工說 “給我最前面這塊排骨好嗎?看起來比較新鮮。” 員工態度生硬一口回絕 “我們不從前面拿!” 客人問 “現在擺出來的排骨只剩一半,你可以拿得到最前面的爲什麽不給我?” 員工板著臉說 “這是公司規定,沒辦法!”
P9 2019/2020 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
July 2020
Work at It with All Your Heart
Paul Fung is an employee under WY Receiving Department. He spent his precious 17 years in T&T and his colleagues like to call him “Uncle Paul”.
Regardless of the kinds of stock, quantity and quality, uncle Paul strictly controls the receiving of every pallet of stock. Whenever he encounters any difficulties, he will take time to confirm with the department head and he only signs for the shipment when everything is accurate. “Since I am the one signing the documents, I am responsible not to let the company suffer losses because of my carelessness", said by uncle Paul. Everyday before 7:30am, uncle Paul arrives early to open the door for others and helps cashiers collect all shopping baskets and carts, he even helps picking up trash on the parking lot’s floor. In winter, he helps shoveling and salt snow in order to keep customers and colleagues away from slipping. No matter sun or rain, uncle Paul always treats his work with a positive attitude and care for his WY family.
During the pandemic, uncle Paul had no flinch and complaint at all, he still worked diligently. He is the role model of our value “Be the Best We Can Be” and has always inspired the team.
(WY Store)
Enjoy the Satisfaction at Work During Pandemic
In the early stage of pandemic, some colleagues chose to take leave to avoid being infected, some even quit their jobs. In contrast, many colleagues have been staying to tide over the crisis and Wayne from LD Sushi Dept is one of them.
Wayne loves his job very much and is a helpful team member in the department. Considering the shortage of staff during the epidemic, Wayne accepts whatever shifts his supervisor arranged and takes his responsibility seriously. He pays great attention to the environment and strictly follow the safety measures. Wayne wears face mask and gloves everyday at work and keep the countertop clean and hygiene to protect our customers’ safety. Wayne said work brings him a lot of happiness and satisfaction. Rather than resting at home, he enjoys more about serving our community and contribute by providing the essential service.
“Work-Life Happy” is what Wayne achieving. Those colleagues who are similar to Wayne that work hard everyday and do not rely on the government subsidies, it is great having you with us at T&T!!
(LD Store)
A Smile is the Best Makeup
A produce dept. staff was stocking up the shelves, the customer next to him was looking for some fruits. The customer asked, “it is almost out of apples, will you do the replenishing soon?” He ignored the customer and the customer asked again. “Can’t you see that I am now busy?” replied by the staff.
A customer wanted to get some rice dumplings, but she could not find it. She asked the KD staff who was replenishing, “is there any red bean rice dumplings?” The staff impatiently replied her, “They are all out here, if you can’t find it here that means no. Step aside, I have to stock up the shelves now”.
“Please give the pork ribs in the front, it looks fresher”, said the customer. The meat dept. staff rejected and replied, “we cannot pick from the front”. The customer asked, “the rack is only half full, you can reach the front, why are you not giving it to me?” The staff said rudely, “it is the company policy, I can’t help with that!”
If you were the customer, would you still go on purchasing? Will your shopping mood get affected?
Staff sometimes complain about rude customers, but sadly, we also have impolite staff which customers complain about.
“Customer is #1” is our top value. Do you still remember? A friendly eye contact, a smile, a warm greeting and be proactive are all you need. A smile is the best makeup. Any dispute can be resolved by a smile. Give a smile to your customers and let every shopping experience be a wonderful one.
(HR Dept.)