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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

August 2020

Updated: Aug 26, 2020


今年疫情剛開始的 2 月份,OW 分店的生意受到很大的衝擊。 疫情下如何滿足客人及服務社區? OW 店積極思變,在店長和主管的共同努力下,率先嘗試並實現了微信接單、生鮮配送到家及到店自提的服務。

3 月初開始線上服務的第 1 個週末,訂單量只有雙位數,銷售額幾千元; 到了第 3 個週末,訂單量和銷售額都增加了近 3 倍。 由於客人的需求劇增,分店人手有限,分店同事馬上思考改進,在微信下單的同時增加了電話下單,把送貨上門改成無接觸的到店自提服務,讓更多的顧客受惠。3 月至 4 月期間 5 個週末,OW 店到店自提服務滿足了超過 360 個客人,總銷售額達到 $50,000。

OW 店因爲有了微信接單的基礎,當公司總部 E-Commerce 網站的 Click & Collect 到店自提服務正式上線,顧客很順利的過渡到公司正式 C&C 服務以及隨後開通的 Express Delivery 生鮮配送到家的服務,同時也令 OW 店的訂單在全國配送的分店中名列前茅。

疫情改變了顧客的消費習慣,誰都不能墨守成規。 OW 店同心協力,用行動體現了大統華 “創新求變” 的文化。

(OW 分店)


Ada 是 NE 店冷品部主管,在大統華兢兢業業服務了十多年。一直以來,Ada 工作認真負責,對同事及下屬關懷備至,大家都親切地稱她為 “Ada 姐” 。

工作日的一天,Ada 姐正帶著員工在外場上貨。 冷品部一位平時表現很好的小伙子打電話來,說媽媽因爲疫情而擔心,不讓他來上班。 但他又很喜歡冷品部這個團隊,喜歡大統華,所以心裏很矛盾。Ada 姐建議他先放三個禮拜的假。 三個禮拜即將過去,這時,公司已經相繼出臺了一系列防疫措施。Ada 姐主動打電話,非常詳細的跟他的媽媽介紹了公司採取的防疫措施,包括要求員工和顧客戴口罩及測體溫、嚴格徹底的消毒、客流管控等,消除了她的擔心。他的媽媽感激地說:“謝謝大統華為員工做的這一切,小孩在這裏上班,我們做家長的很放心。”

冷品部的業務量因爲疫情期間人們囤貨而節節飆升,Ada 姐帶領她的團隊天天忙碌並快樂著。 提升業績的同時,Ada 姐也不忘關懷下屬,稱得上是展現大統華 “以人爲本” 價值觀的典範!

(NE 分店)



今年爆發了 COVID-19,隨便打個噴嚏都會引起大家的矚目。各種防範措施層出不窮,比如戴口罩、測體溫、消毒等,而且個人衛生習慣也極爲重要,這不僅是對自己負責,更是對他人以及社區負責。


希望大家都做好個人衛生,成爲病毒絕緣體, 讓我們齊心協力,為自己、也為他人提供一個安全的工作和購物環境。


P10 2019/2020 分店最佳員工榮譽榜



August 2020

Always Innovating

Our Ottawa Store has been affected a lot in February this year when the pandemic started spreading. How to continually provide a satisfying service to our customers and community during the outbreak? Together with the innovative minds and efforts from the Store Manager and Department Heads, the Ottawa Store took the leap by taking orders through WeChat and providing home delivery and in-store pick-up service.

In the first weekend that we initialled online shopping in early March, the number of orders was less than a hundred, and the sales amount was only a few thousand. However, by the third weekend, our orders and sales had nearly tripled. Due to an abrupt surge in the demand and the limited staff in store, our staffs decided to add “Order-by-Phone" service and replace the home delivery service with contactless In-store pick-up to benefit more consumers. Within the 5 weekends of March and April, the Ottawa "In-Store Pick-up" served more than 360 customers, with a total sales reaching $50,000.

With these endeavours, the Ottawa Store has accumulated solid experiences of taking WeChat orders. While the company officially launched Click & Collect service in the T&T website, their customers were smoothly transitioned to our official C&C and Express Delivery services, which also made the OW Store ranked high in the number of online orders among all stores in Canada.

The pandemic has reshaped the consumers’ habits, and we should be more flexible to take the opportunity. The Ottawa Store has truly translated our “Continuous Innovation” culture into actions.

(OW Store)

Fight against COVID Together

Ada is the Department Head of D&F in North Edmonton Store. She has been dedicated to her work in T&T for over ten years. Ada has always been responsible for her work and known to be considerable and thoughtful for her team and co-workers. She is respected by them and called "Sister Ada".

It was one random workday; Sister Ada was loading the products with her team. She got a call from her subordinate, telling her that he has to stop working due to the worries from his mom about COVID-19. He felt struggle as he enjoys the teamwork in T&T but there is no way to convince his family. Ada suggested him to take a 3-week leave. Just before the end of the three weeks, T&T has adopted a series of protections for staffs. Ada took the initiative to call that co-worker and introduced the safety measures taken by the company in details to his mom, including the request for both costumers and staff to wear masks, body temperature checks, daily cleaning and disinfecting the store, traffic controls etc. These thoughtful actions ease the worries of his mom. She was really appreciated and said: “Thanks for all the efforts that T&T has made, I feel relieved to have my child continuously working for the company.”

The sales of dairy and frozen dept have soared due to people hoarding goods during the epidemic, Ada and her team have been working hard but happily during this challenging time. Ada set a positive role model of our company value -- “People Oriented”.

(NE Store)

Small Things to Protect Your Health and Safety

Wonder you might get a penalty if you don’t wash your hands after using the toilet? It might seem unreal to a lot of people, but this is how T&T taking it seriously to engage our “Safety-First” rule. We focus on keeping both our staff and customers safe.

We’ve been dealing with COVID-19 since the beginning of 2020, a random sneeze can easily trigger people’s fear. Although everybody tried their best to stay safe by wearing a mask, taking temperature checks, disinfecting every piece of personal accessory, etc., your personal hygiene matters the most. It’s not only responsible for oneself but also others and the community.

A few days ago, a store employee was found not following this rule. The employee returned to his job without washing his hands after using the washroom that day. This behaviour is not acceptable at any time, and it made the situation even worse during this sensitive time. He had been coached immediately and disciplined by the company, and the importance of personal hygiene was again emphasized to all store employees. All staff need to take off the apron and hang it on a specific hanger in the backroom before entering the bathroom. You need to carefully rub your hands when washing them. Turn off the tap with a paper towel after washing hands. Do not touch your eyes and face with your hands.

We sincerely request everyone to be responsible of your hygiene and lower your risk of being affected. Together, we can provide a safer workplace and shopping environment for ourselves and others.

(HR Dept.)

P10 2019/2020 Outstanding Staff of the Store

Western Region

Eastern Region


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