收銀部雜務員東哥是 AU 分店所有員工公認的好大哥、好幫手。他辛勤付出、勇於承擔責任和互助合作的精神感染了每一個人。
儘管英語水平有限,他還是勇於跟客人溝通,盡自己所能向客人講解。同時,他還把收銀部的 PLU 號碼倒背如流,成為收銀部團隊的重要隊友。因此,大家總是聽到每一位收銀員把「有東哥真好!」這句話掛在嘴邊。
(AU 分店)
老吾老以及人之老 — 關懷社區
俗語說 “家有一老,如有一寶”,長者過去對社會和家庭貢獻良多。KW 分店一直秉持大統華強調社會責任感、關懷社區的價值觀;加上晚輩希望老人能安享晚年、老有所依,一直是中國的傳統。因此,今年 KW 店延續了每年的傳統,在春節前探訪列治文天恩頤安養老院。
當天,我們會同總公司商品部同仁準備了豐盛的新春禮品去探訪。很多和同事相熟的老人家早就在門口徘徊,看見我們都親切地說:“孩子們,你們來了!每年過年前你們一定會來看我們,真有心,謝謝呀!” 活動開始,我們和老人及其他義工一起載歌載舞,歡聚一堂。拿著禮品的老人露出喜孜孜的模樣,現場頓時變得十分溫暖。
事實上,再次看見老人們時的我們,既開心又傷心。開心的是看見他們幸福安康;傷心的則是 - 每次探訪都會發現某些熟悉的面孔從此消失。當向老人院經理問起時,她哽咽著說:“就在前幾天,就有兩位老人家先後離開了。” 聽到這個消息時,在場同仁不禁淚水盈盈。
(KW 分店)
P6 2019/2020分店最佳員工榮譽榜
April 2020
The Big Brother That Everyone Likes
Dong, the general assistant of the Cashier Dept., is recognized as a helpful big brother by all his colleagues in AU Store. He is hardworking, willing to take responsibility and helping others.His positive working attitude affects everyone.
Dong works diligently and take his work seriously in the Cashier Dept. Beside working his job perfectly, during the peak hours, he also proactively helping customers in the self checkout. Despite his limited English level, he enjoys communicating with our customers and explain patiently to them. He also remembers all the PLU numbers of the Cashier Dept. and become an important teammate. “It is good to have Dong” is the most heard line in Cashier Dept.
In addition to the work in checkout counter, Dong also helps customers out after the closing of the seafood, meat and bakery departments at night, which the related dept. staff are off duty. From catching lobsters to printing price tags, and even packaging cakes, Dong does every task perfectly. He is not only saving labor for the store, but also providing quality services to our customers and increasing sales to the store.
Dong ‘s positive working attitude seems to be the light of others and present the winning culture of T&T. It is good to have Dong.
(AU Store)
Extend Your Respect for Your Parents to All the Elderly – Care for Our Community
As the saying goes, " They that live longest see most," the elders have contributed a lot to the families and society. As KW Store, we always upheld the values of T&T especially on the social responsibility and caring for the community. Also, in Chinese tradition, the young generations hope the seniors can enjoy their old age lives and being take care. This year, KW store continues our yearly practice by visiting Richmond Senior Care Home before the Chines New Year.
On that day, we and the SC Merchandising Dept prepared a variety of Chinese New Year gifts for the visit. Some elders who know our colleagues well had already wandering at the entrance, once they saw our colleagues, they kindly said “Children, you are here! You visit us each year before the Chines New Year, that ‘s very sweet, thank you!” The event began and all seniors, our staffs and volunteers enjoyed themselves by singing and dancing together. The seniors look happy with each of them holding the gift, what a heart-warming moment!
In fact, our staff were both grateful but also sad when visiting the seniors. We are happy because the seniors are joyful and healthy, but the sad part is some familiar faces were gone. When the senior home manager being asked, she wept and said, “Just a few days ago, two seniors left one after another." When we heard the news, some burst into tears.
We cherish every annual visit as these are chances to get along with elderlies and understand the importance of caring for our community. Great that T&T brings everyone together and give back to the society.
(KW Store)
Do Not Think Any Vice Trivial, and so Practise It!
Some time ago, there was an incident that is worth reflecting upon.
A cashier repeatedly disregarded the company's regulations and violated rules by assisting other employees to purchase clearance products. She also reserved goods for herself and even checkout by her own. This series of actions seriously violated the working ethics of cashier and the integrity culture of the company.
However, throughout the several conversations, although she admitted that she did violate the company's regulations, she thought that they were minor mistakes and did not bring much financial loss to the company. She even felt that the company should not take it seriously to terminate her employment because of those mistakes.
In fact, we always have such a mentality that we do not have to strictly abide the rules in small things: for example, being late for work or leaving early, taking a longer lunch break, asking other colleagues to reserve goods, etc, actually they are all violations. To a certain extent, any minor violation will seriously damage the integrity of the individual and even have a bad influence on the company's culture.
Do not think any vice trivial, and so practise it. We hope everyone can bear this truth in mind. Be self-discipline, self-police, self-examination, self-respect, and strictly abide by the company's rules and regulations. If we do, both us and the company will get better and better!
(HR Dept.)
P6 2019/2020 Outstanding Staff of the Store