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廚食部 LA 慶功之旅

恭喜兩岸廚食部齊奪 2019 BEST BU

你或許不知道,因為成績一路領先,早在 P11 初,財會部已提前結算出今年 Best BU 獎落廚食部,而且是兩岸雙冠王!有鑑於新年度諸多計劃要接連展開,這一團隊的勝利之旅,特別提前在兩星期前由 Simon 帶隊前往洛杉磯,展開四天的參觀同樂行程。


不論東西岸,三個省份的同事都是半夜摸黑出門,在飛機上見到日出。在不同航班機上小寐過後,全國分店主管、中央廚房經理、主廚到商品採購同仁前後飛抵 LAX 機場,當然要先開心來張全員大合照。


因為 Tina and Eagle 另有商務行程,這次大隊人馬是由廚食部暖男總監 Simon 帶領 。在行程的一開始,Simon 就向大家說明,這次他將與 Cindy, Jane 擔任全團導遊、褓姆,期望提供給夥伴們全程的 VIP 級服務。然而,在之後的每一天,看著他們三人前前後後辛苦張羅每一個行程細節,團員們雖是熱情開心地享受所有的安排,但無一不由衷感動。

四天密集行程下來,團員們一共考察了 22 家超市、餅店及餐館,如:順發超市、大中華、 99 Ranch、H Mart、夏威夷超市、Mitsuwa、Cravings, Wholesome, 85°C Bakery Cafe, Lazy Acres, Gelson’s, Erewhon, Eataly……..等,其中又以 Panda Express 營運模式是主要觀摩學習的重點。


其一,每日行程都將團員分組由小隊長帶領參觀,且每日重新編組。由於每一小組都是混著三省不同店的主管,每個人要看想學的重點都不盡相同 ……..

參觀完畢, 上車趁鮮立即分享! 每組都要派代表做小組心得簡報,





再緊湊的行程,也要讓團員有放鬆玩耍的時候 ~



兩個半小時的 Universal Studio 自由活動,大家更是拿出 KD 拼命三郎的精神,用力玩,看誰排到最多遊樂設施!


KD 團隊感謝 Tina 的犒賞,安排的盡是海底撈、鼎泰豐、添好運等名牌大款的饗宴;大夥吃得非常盡興,連司機朋友都被團員教會如何享用滷大腸和酸菜鍋!

最後一晚 Eagle 由另一出差地趕來會合, 履行他身為大家長的重要任務 ->買單!


東岸的夥伴們,是要趕搭飛機離開的第一批,說再見時難分難捨 ~


最後一批踏上歸途的是 BC 省同事。在飛機上望著 Santa Monica 的夕陽,雖說大夥是個個疲累,但除了滿滿的收穫,心中更是無限感恩 …….





(特別感謝 BC KD Merchandiser May 提供的照片及熱情的口述)


Kitchen Deli LA Celebration Trip

Congratulation to both regions’ Kitchen Deli for winning the 2019 Best BU

Early in P11, Finance and Accounting dept. already figured out that this year Best BU belonged to the Kitchen Deli dept. with their remarkable result and this happened to both regions’ Kitchen Deli. Due to a list of projects coming up in the new fiscal year, this winning trip shifted two weeks earlier and led by Simon to Los Angeles.


No matter which regions, all the colleagues departed at the dark and saw the sunrise on the airplane. Store department heads, Central Kitchen managers, chefs and merchandising colleagues all gathered in the LAX airport. The happy group photo pulled the curtain of the trip.

Specialists from 3 different provinces meet up, it is time to take a photo

Tina and Eagle had another business trip, which our kindest Kitchen Deli Director, Simon, became the leader of this trip. In the beginning of the trip, Simon emphasized that Cindy, Jane and himself were the tour guide and nanny of this trip and they hoped to provide VIP service to our colleagues within the whole trip. Everyone can tell that three of them were working hard for the planning and arrangement for every detail. All the participants enjoyed this trip but also touched by their effort.

The four days trip were packed with 22 stores visit, including supermarkets, bakeries and restaurants, such as Shun Fat Supermarket、GW Supermarket、99 Ranch、H Mart、Hawaii Supermarket、Mitsuwa、Cravings, Wholesome, 85°C Bakery Cafe, Lazy Acres, Gelson’s, Erewhon, Eataly, etc. They also visited Panda Express to learn about its operation model.

The two main features of this business trip:

1. All participants were assigned to a new group everyday and each group leader guided the visit. Every group had a combination of colleagues from 3 provinces and everyone can be inspired by new thoughts.

After each visit, there were sharing moments on the bus which each group assigned a rep. to express their observation.

2. What is the other feature? Since KD is all about food, beside the regular three meals, all the visits are about EATING, EATING and EATING. Although they might be full, they still taste as much as they can in order to let T&T customers taste the best.

See something new to learn from, they cut it open, try it and analyze.

Once they saw any new operation concept, all members expressed their interest and eager to learn.

Finally come to the playful moment!

Find the favorite star in Hollywood Walk of Fame, Yeah!

Group photos in front the TCL Chinese Theatre

Everyone did his/her utmost to play as much games as possible within the 2.5 hours in the Universal Studio.

What a strange but healthy way to cheer, our KD colleagues are particular about eating healthy, which they replace shots with bitter melon!!

The KD team thank Tina for the arrangement, as they were treated with all well known brand restaurants, such as Hai Di Lao, Din Tai Fung and Tim Ho Wan, etc. The group enjoyed their meals and taught the driver about braised pork intestine and pickle cabbage hotpot.

At the last night of the trip, Eagle caught up with others from another city and fulfill his leader’s responsibility: Pay the bill!

After four days of getting along, the team build is strong and close.

However, it was time to say goodbye and they were loath to part from each other.

AB colleagues left after the Eastern region colleagues, each other gave hugs and look forward to the next meet up!

BC team was the last group flying home. Watching the sunset of Santa Monica, everyone felt tired but fruitful after this trip.

Grateful that team work hard together Grateful that we are recognized by T&T

Grateful that we can work together

Great to have T&T!!

(Special thanks to BC KD Merchandiser May for those photos and sharing)


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