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年度最佳 BU 洛城之旅

Updated: Oct 2, 2019


歷經一年馬拉松般的努力,最終赢得 2018 年最佳 BU 的西岸蔬果部團隊,上月中在 Tina 帶領下前往洛杉磯,展開四天三夜的果園市場觀摩、影城同樂、緊湊又豐富的行程。

出發前是興奮、期待的, 團員們個個整裝待發!




在四個半小時車程之後,他們來到 “Family Tree 研發中心”。

Mr. Jackson 熱情歡迎團隊的到訪,還帶團員們去了種植現場,驕傲地分享他們是如何創造出李子和杏子的新混合品種。Aprium 是一種比杏子更具有杏子特徵的新品;而 Plumcot 是比杏子更具特色的李子。

We are so proud of being Family Tree Top 20 Customers !

緊接著,團隊又驅車來到了 AC Food,他們是一大型柑橘包裝商,

經手 Suntreat 標籤的臍橙、Cara Cara Orange、我是粉红色等標籤的橙子。


在包裝廠之後,團員們參觀了AC Food 的苗圃。 他們每個人自行挑選苗圃中的一個臍橙,然後比賽誰挑的最大,參觀行程也就在這小小的趣味活動後結束。



終於盼到整個團隊最期待的行程 ---- 環球影城 !


回過味來一想,大家不正在一塊兒過情人節嗎 ? 有意思!

[Best BU 推薦] 哈利波特的坐骑是大家公認最棒的喔!

回到酒店,大夥意猶未盡, 更沒偷懶地繼續加強團隊凝聚力 - 啤酒配划拳,輸贏都開心



大中華 - 是洛杉磯市場的新手,從買下5家虧損的亞洲超市,到今天成為最強競争對手(如果我們在同一城市的話),因為它陳列整潔、價格最低、質量又新鲜

韓亞龍 - 因其整潔陳列、實惠價格慢慢赢得一些華人顧客,團隊公認其肉部是所有競争對手中最好的

大華超市 – 絕對是值得一看的同業,儘管感覺不如從前

Seafood City - 以海鲜產品聞名的菲律賓超市

Cravings – 大華超市旗下一家新概念貨倉式陳列大型超市,引進世界各地商品,外加一超大的美食廣場




是海底撈耶 ~




Tina 開心展示當晚可比清明上河圖的帳單






也無不感謝公司、感謝 Tina,提供了這個學習、成長、歡聚的機會。西岸蔬果部全體團員除了許諾 2019 要更加努力、要再次奪冠外,同時也鼓勵其他所有 BU 齊來爭奪年度最佳 BU 冠軍,因為它 不儘是認可、更是一種榮譽。





但先決條件是營業額及獲利兩者預算目標均須達成 !


The Annual Best BU - LA Trip

WR Produce Team Taste the Fruit of Victory

After a year of hard work, the WR produce team won the 2018 Best BU. Last month, under the lead of Tina, they went to Los Angeles for different farm visit and Universal Studio. What an exciting 4 days’ journey!

Everyone is ready for the trip!

BC Produce Team

AB Produce Team

Exploring the Fruit Nursery

After four and a half hours of car ride, they came to “Family Tree R&D Center”. Mr. Jackson warmly welcomed the team and showed them the growing field. He proudly shared the process of grafting a hybrid breed of plum and apricot. The two kinds are aprium with more characteristic of apricot, and plumcot that has more plum’s features.

We are so proud of being Family Tree Top 20 Customers !

Thereafter, the team came to AC food, the parent company of Columbine Vineyard and also a big citrus packaging warehouse. They pack the quality Suntreat navels and the pink “Cara Cara” Oranges.

We wandered through the field and learned the process of how navels in the field end up in the box; the use of technology to pick out the tastiest and best looking oranges.

After the packaging house, they visited the nursery farm of AC Food Before leaving, each picked their own sumo mandarin and compared who had the largest. Can you tell which one is larger?

Work Hard

Play Harder

The most anticipated sight ----- Universal Studio!

Seeing all those rides and games, who cares about age. It was a crazy fun day!

Oh! They spent the Valentine’s Day together, what a meaningful one!

[Best BU Recommendation] The Harry Potter ride is the most popular!

Back to the hotel, the team kept on building team spirit with beer and games.

He that travels far knows much

Traveling is a valuable learning experience.

In order to grow and improve, industrial visit is a must.

GW – is a newcomer in the LA market. They bought 5 Asian supermarkets that lost money and now they are our strongest competitor (if we are in the same city), as their display is neat, prices are low with fresh quality.

Super H Mart – has a clean environment and affordable price, they are winning more Chinese customers. The team also agreed that the meat department in Super H mart is the best meat departments among all competitors.

Ranch 99 is definitely worth visiting, although they are not as well as before.

Seafood city- a Filipino supermarket that is famous for its seafood

Cravings – A new concept case lot supermarket with a huge food court.

First we Eat

After a busy day, time to boost our energy!


Hai Di Lao!!

A boiling pot with fresh ingredients,

full tummy, warm body

Tina was showing the receipt that is as long as the famous Chinese painting.

Let’s travel together again next year

Only those who taste victory wants to win more!

After a break, everyone is getting ready to work harder this year.

Time flies when you’re having fun ~

Within this journey, the team is closer than before and with stronger team spirit.

All thank to T&T and Tina for the great experience. The WR produce team promise to work harder and achieve the Best BU again. They also encourage all other BU to compete for the Best BU. It is not only a recognition, but also an honor.



Achieve the goal, Grow the most

The sum of sales and gross profit has the highest growth rate wins

But both sales and gross profit have to meet the budget!



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