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然而,最近在同一家分店,就接連發現了兩件違反規定的事情,而且是多名同事 ─ 包括管理層 ─ 都有參與。


大家都知道,NPS (Net Promoter Score) 是我們對顧客的一項意見調查,希望了解客人對我們的各項服務是否滿意。我們非常重視NPS,NPS也是衡量各分店成績的一項指標。但是,某部門主管卻為了成績好看,不惜弄虛作假,竟讓部門員工,收集顧客不要的收據,用員工自己的手機假冒顧客上網,為自己的部門大講好話,擦胭抹粉。員工和主管都知道這是不對的,但卻做了假。








我們是大統華大家庭,但有少數家人卻讓我們一再失望,這是我們絕對不願看到、不能容許的。家人犯錯當然要接受家規處分,承擔相應的後果。這次,不論是管理層員工,還是基層同事,都按照情節輕重受到紀律處分,最嚴厲的是Final Warning。




Family rules disciplined those who breached

Not long ago, we shared three sad but true stories that happened in our stores. Let’s simply review the cases.

Story A Staff A was taking advantage of working in the meat department by buying meat with false weight that came up with a 90% off price. While he was paying, the cashier found out that both weight and price are relatively low. Staff A said he made a mistake in the weight and he will re-weigh the meat for the right price. However, he did not correct the price, instead he wanted to leave after 45 minutes without paying the item and was stopped by our security guard. After the incident, Staff A said he is going back to China for development and does not care about his fault. The case was subject to the employee code of conduct and reported to the police. His behavior will remain on the criminal record for life.

Story B

While Staff B was doing replenishment in the produce department, he hid some seafood and vegetables in the bottom of the cart. After that, he packed them up and put the stolen green “Paid” sticker on the plastic bag. When he was leaving, he only asked the cashier for plastic bags and did not pay for those items. In the end, he admitted that he cheated with the green sticker. The case was handled according to the employee code of conduct and reported to the police.

Story C

At the quarterly settlement, a department head found that the third quarter result has been met. Therefore, he did not promptly enter the suppliers’ invoices for the third quarter and hold on to them for the fourth quarter.

Recently, there are two other incidents that are related to the violation of our iron rule “Uphold Integrity “again.

In T&T, there are two rules that all of us must be familiar with: No falsification and do not reserve goods for oneself. However, the violation of those rules happened in one of our stores and numbers of colleagues were involved, including the management.

The first incident is the falsify of NPS

As we all know, NPS (Net Promoter Score) is the customer satisfaction survey that helps us to understand our customers’ feedback about our services. We valued NPS and it is also an indicator of the performance of each store. In order to have good result, a Department Head asked her department workers to collect those unwanted receipts and imitate as customers for giving good reviews. Both Department Head and workers knew those reviews are discredit, but they still make falsification.

The second incident is reserving goods for oneself

Even all the employees have been told that do not reserve goods for one self’s after work purchase and Department Heads also clarify the importance of this rule regularly, these kind of sad incidents are still happening in our stores, and there are more than one staff violating this rule.

Staff A confessed: "I will only reserve the products for after work purchase, only if they are very good products and I seldom do that". Staff B said that he heard colleague telling the produce department staff to “pick some good one and I will buy it later". Staff C admitted that she reserved goods for after work purchase. Staff D mentioned that when she is in a rush, she will get the products from warehouse and pay right after her working shift.

From the above two incidents, both acts are obviously wrong but they still do it.

We are the Big T&T, Big family. Sadly, we have a small number of family members let us down. We do not want this to happen and zero toleration on any breaches. If any of us violate the rules, you will have to be punished and bear the consequence. This time, no matter the management staff or the junior staff, all will be subjected to the Employee Code of Conduct and the most severe result is getting a Final Warning.

We would like to remind all our family members: Uphold Integrity, our most important rule. T&T is a big family and we could only have better development, if our family strictly follow our rules.

We hope this will not happen again and please do not take any chances. We will take more stringent actions in the future for the similar violation.


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