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  • Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

October 2022 (Eastern Region)

Updated: Oct 26, 2022






(Waterloo store) Kitchen Department Tony Liu







P12 2021/2022 分店最佳員工榮譽榜




October 2022

The selfless Chef Wu

WL store's Fry Chef Wu has always been diligent and willing to help others. Particularly during peak times like back-to-school season and Mid-Autumn Festival, he showcased accountability and made indelible contributions towards the Kitchen Department's operations.

During this time, chef Wu actively adapted to the department's changes. When he knew that the BBQ chef was on an extended sick leave, he took the initiative to ask the Department Head if help was needed. After understanding the situation, he expressed willingness to learn and volunteered to undertake this important position in the BBQ section. Within a short period of time, he mastered the roasting time for different types of meat, and was skillfully preparing meals, all the while controlling the quality of products.

Chef Wu always puts others before himself, and never tries to pass the buck. You will always see him wherever help is needed. For example, after completing his work on time, he will help move merchandise when there is a shortage of manpower, and when the store closes, he will help other colleagues throw out the garbage. Because of this, colleagues from each section are constantly praising him.

(Waterloo store) Kitchen Department Tony Liu

Safeguard the "scale of integrity"

Employee A and employee B are friends. A works in the Bakery Department, while B works in the Seafood Department. When A bought seafood, B tightly wrapped up some $12.99/lb headless white shrimps and put the price label for $3.99/lb red grouper priced on it. A was ecstatic that he could purchase expensive seafood at T&T with a low cost in future.

The next day, A once went to buy shrimp again and they became even more daring. A chose live spot prawns which usually costs $39.99/lb. And B put on the price label for $3.99/lb red grouper. The price difference of these seafood was a whopping $36/lb. Just when they thought their system was foolproof, they got caught.

Despite the company's constant reinforcement on the importance of integrity, these kinds of incidents still keep occurring. At the Meat Department, an employee sold expensive products to their friends or colleagues with labels of low-price products. T&T has zero tolerance for these types of incidents. Besides facing dismissal, T&T also reserves the right to file a police report.

To our frontline staff: the scale is to ensure we charge products fairly but not for cheating with low price product label; The wrapping paper is to prevent water leakage, but not for covering up truth. Please safeguard the scale of integrity. If anyone discovers any violation of company policies, please immediately report it to your Department Head so that we can have a honest, fair, positive and healthy work environment.

(HR Dept.)

P12 2021/2022 Outstanding Staff of the Store

Finals of the contest were held on 5 October by Province. Everyone had fun and the contestants have showed "Customer is #1" and "Be the best we can be".


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