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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

June 2021 (Western Region)

Updated: Jun 25, 2021




去年起新冠病毒在世界範圍肆虐,一年多來,全球都在共同努力抗擊疫情,爭取早日打贏這場戰爭。這期間,身在大統華 KW 店菜部工作的我,雖然不是抗疫的最前線,但也深感是在為抗疫的人們以及社區居民提供著生活保障。從開始的心理準備不足,恐慌糾結,到大家齊心協力,做好本職工作,為顧客提供優質服務。這期間,看到店裡為顧客和員工提供了大量的防疫保障,特別是菜部主管每天辛苦地為同事們量體溫、發口罩一直要服務到晚班的同事,他們才能下班,這一切深深感動並溫暖著我。


(Kingsway 分店 – 蔬果部 Joanne Jiang)



例如:店內清潔工作到位,員工健康安全意識培訓,隨手可得的消毒手液,lunchroom 前的測溫儀、林立的間隔、標語等。此外,在門店入口安排了專門人員測溫服務,以及提醒顧客佩戴口罩,我便是其中一員。

在此工作中,我感受到了許多溫馨的場景,比如:每當我竪起大拇指示意顧客溫度正常,並將清潔好的購物籃、小拉車遞給顧客時,顧客往往會回頭報以感激的眼神並道聲謝謝,這便是對我們工作的認可、以及肯定。關愛社區、阻止 COVID 傳播的舉動,將我們與顧客的距離更是拉近了一步呢。

令我更加感動是,部門主管以及同仁對我的深切關心,每每聽到 “感謝您,您辛苦了,冷不冷呀多添件衣物” 一句關心、一聲謝謝、一個動作卻將我的心與公司牢牢地繫在一起,不禁感嘆【Big T&T Big Family,有大統華真好!】

(Marine Gateway 分店 – 收銀部 Eva Chen)


正在上著班的員工突然 “失蹤”,這樣的場景有時會真實的發生在我們的工作場所。突然找不到員工了,員工都幹什麽去了呢:

…… 回家吃飯

…… 去接小孩

…… 在車裏休息

…… 在店裏購物

…… 到店外購物

…… 在休息室聊天、看手機

…… 離開分店去做自己的事



這樣的情況絕對不允許發生,當班時間,公司支付工資,員工就應該在工作崗位上, 萬一有任何意外情況發生需要離開工作場所,請務必向主管請假並獲得批准之後,才能離開。這個最簡單的道理,相信每一個人都能明白。上班時間不玩消失,因爲這是對工作和所有同事的不負責任,會受到紀律處分。


P8 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

June 2021

Make Your Life to be Meaningful

Vancouver is a beautiful and peaceful city. It has been a pleasure that being able to live in Vancouver for quite a long period of time. Going through the same daily routine is making me to realize that my life is lack of something.

Ever since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic from last year all around the world, everyone has been fighting through it over the year and all aiming for the same goal.During this period, I worked in Produce Dept at Kingsway store. Although I was not the forefront of the fight against the epidemic, I also deeply felt that I was providing essential needs for people fighting the epidemic and community. From the initial lack of mental preparation, panic and struggle, to everyone working the best together to provide customers with quality services. Meanwhile, the store has been putting up the extra effort in many safety measurements for all employees and customers, especially the Department Head of Produce, who works hard every day to take the temperature check for colleagues and distribute facemask to everyone until the late shift. This kind of kind action has really caught my heart.

Covid-19 pandemic is one of the biggest events in human history in the recent century. It is well proven the ability of human being to live through it. Nowadays, every staff is actively taking the vaccinations and hoping to return to normal as the biggest result. In this epitome of the anti-epidemic war, I have left my own contributions and memories, and I feel that life has a little more meaningful.

(Joanne Jiang, Produce Dept., Kingsway Store)

A Compliment and a Simple Action Mean It All

“Customer is #1” has always been the core value for T&T. In the past year, customers’ well-being has also become a true goal for us to work toward to. To ensure providing the most consistent service and safe environment for our loyal shoppers have become the habit of ours. T&T has taken the extra steps to ensure safety measurement is met.

For instance, the high standard of expectation is introduced such as store cleanliness, employees’ safety mind set, hand sanitizer to be available all around, taking body temperature, signages and dividers have all come in place. In addition, a dedicated staff who reminds customers to wear face mask and takes body temperature at store entrance, I was one of them.

While performing this job duty, I have truly experienced that good side of humanity. As simple as when I gave my thumbs up to customers with the normal temperature, or hand over the sanitized basket or shopping cart. Customers would simply turn around and give me the warmest thank you and eye contacts. This is the recognition of our work. Caring for the community and help preventing the spread of Covid, this has brought us so much closer with our customers.

Another notable action that I have experienced was, the Dept Head and colleagues care deeply about me. Every time I hear "Thank you, you have worked so hard, do you feel cold, put more clothes on you” or a gesture showing care, all these firmly bind my heart to the company. What a true demonstration of “Big T&T, Big Family”.

(Eva Chen, Cashier Dept., Marine Gateway Store)

Don't Go Missing for No Reason during Work

This might sound familiar to you, and this is happening at our workplaces. Suddenly we can't find a colleague. Where did the employee go?

· Went home for lunch

· Pick up their children

· Resting in the car

· Shopping in the store

· Go shopping outside

· Socializing at the lunchroom or browsing on their phones

· Leave their store for personal reason

There are always many reasons behind it, but they all share one thing in common. They did not notify their direct superiors, disappear without a proper request or approval.

This kind of action is unacceptable. You are paid to be on shift to perform your job duties. We all understand that there can be emergency incident. However, you must notify your direct superior and get approval before leaving your shift, as simple as that. Don't play missing for no reason during work. Because this is irresponsible to your job and all colleagues and it will be subject to disciplinary action.

(HR Dept.)

P8 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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