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  • Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

2024 Period 5 (Western Region)

Updated: May 17

加西版 2024 第五期








這實在令人震驚,也完全不能接受。今天我要把話說清楚 – 我們對任何違反誠實正直的行為,絕不姑息!公司一直在擴充資產保護團隊,並導入新科技,違規的行為都會被抓包!






Tina Lee




(Lansdowne分店) 分店行政部Leo Kao





(分店支援中心) 行銷推廣部Ray Wang


我最初的工作是貨倉的揀貨員,每天下午2點工作到晚上10點,疲憊不堪。然而,Supervisor Ben每天下班都會真誠地對我們說一聲:「謝謝,辛苦了!」這份關懷和尊重,讓我倍感溫暖和感動。










2024 P4 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

Western Region 2024 Period 5

Upholding Integrity at T&T

Dear Team,


There is a reason why “Uphold Integrity” is #1 in our 10 iron rules. It represents values that many of us from Asian families were raised with. It’s important at home, and it’s important at work. Yet, it is something that we struggle with. The most common way this rule is broken? Theft by employees!


Can you believe that a store receiver recently tried to sneak merchandise through a fire exit? Can you believe that TWO kitchen staff colluded with a cashier to check out unpaid products?


This is shocking. And this is unacceptable. Let me be clear today – we have zero tolerance for breaches of integrity. We have been building up the Asset Protection team and technology, so perpetrators will be caught.


It’s disappointing that some of our former colleagues had to learn the consequences the hard way. The penalty for integrity failures is immediate termination from the company. We will file a police report, which will stay on the offender’s record permanently. Don’t risk tarnishing your reputation with a criminal record which will affect your employability the next time you apply for a job.


So my ask of you today is simple. When it comes to stealing from the company, don’t do it. If you see anyone behaving this way, report it. This is important because if we do not hold each other accountable, we all lose.

Ultimately, when we fail to uphold integrity, we all pay the price, through higher prices as customers and lower wages and benefits as staff. Doing the right thing is always the right choice. We have the reputation of T&T, and of us individually, to uphold. This way, we all win.

Tina Lee CEO


Heartwarming gratitude

(Lansdowne store) Store Admin Dept. Leo Kao

Whenever a customer gets to the checkout counter, Susan always greets them warmly, setting a welcoming tone.

Susan shared a memorable moment: an elderly customer was at her counter, holding the wallet with trembling hands anxiously. She warmly told the customer not to rush and help counted the coins. Once the customer paid, she packed and placed the groceries in the shopping cart. The customer was grateful and repeatedly thanked her while holding her hand. While this is our service standard, hearing customers' gratitude warmed Susan's heart, because it was a direct acknowledgement from customers for her professionalism and friendly attitude, which are her greatest sources of motivation and joy at work.

"I feel incredibly proud and honored to be working at T&T, this big warm family is like my second home. My passion for work and sense of belonging is the secret to make customers feel welcome.” said Susan. Because of this mindset, she naturally brings happiness to everyone wherever she goes. I hope everyone can be as happy and have the same drive as Susan does, and encourage you to pass on the warmth to customers and colleagues alike, and always share the company culture of "Customers is No.1" and "Work Life Happy".

Appreciating the contribution of others

(Store Support Centre) Marketing Dept. Ray Wang

Throughout our life, we often encounter people and things that are worthy of gratitude. Much like my experience at T&T, each day is filled with appreciation and gratitude.

My initial job was as a warehouse picker, working from 2PM to 10PM every day exhaustedly. Yet every day at the end of his shift, Supervisor Ben would sincerely say, "Thank you, well done!" His care and respect made me feel incredibly warm and moved.

Afterwards, I worked at the Seafood Department in store, Operations Department and Marketing Department in the Store Support Centre. The best praises always came from my colleagues and superiors with a "thank you", and the thank you cards I received became my source of pride.

I am responsible for producing promotional videos now. Thanks to my colleagues at the Support Centre and stores for all the support and assistance. Whether it's preparing materials, scheduling personnel and venues, and even as far as creative ideas and filming techniques, my colleagues have all given so much support and suggestions.

Always with a heart of gratitude, appreciating the contributions of others. In this big warm family, I've learned the importance of gratitude and giving. Each colleague, every act of assistance, holds my deepest appreciation.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this gratitude that we can persist through challenges and continue forward. May we always hold onto this gratitude and pass on this love, making T&T even better because of us.

Negative online comments are strictly prohibited

HR Dept.

In today's social media-driven world, sharing opinion online is very common. While we value freedom of speech, it is important to recognize the responsibilities and consequences that come with negative online remarks. Recently, a colleague failed to discuss the company and colleagues in a respectful and appropriate manner, including malicious attacks and disclosing colleague's personal information, and needs to be held accountable for their actions.

Every colleague, including management, all experience moments of imperfection. Whenever someone feels aggrieved or dissatisfied, they can seek assistance or provide feedback through various channels within the company. We encourage our colleagues to speak up and voice their thoughts and needs, and resolve problems together to create a better working environment. But it is important to remember to use the appropriate methods and channels. Malicious online attacks towards colleagues or the company, making negative comments and disclosing coworker's private information or revealing company confidential information are all in violation of company regulations and are strictly prohibited. 

Mutual respect among coworkers is one of the emphasized cultures within the company, and the company will not tolerate any behaviour that damages the reputation or privacy of others. This behaviour not only has a negative effect on the overall work environment, but may also bring legal issues. We hope everyone will adhere to the company's code of conduct, and maintain a harmonious work environment to promote personal growth and the success of the team together.

2024 P4 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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