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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

2023 Period 11 (Western Region)

加西版 2023 第十一期









雖然商品、物流、人工的成本都在上升,但我們的商品和鮮食部門,一直以來已經在努力控制。我們要保持合理毛利,更要讓客人買得滿意、喜悅,覺得真划算,增加銷售,擴大市佔率,這樣T&T就可將“Food for Joy”分享給更多的加拿大人。這是我們長期致勝之道。

事實上我們已經開始做到了。你信不信,今年我們的價格已經比去年更優惠。像最近蔬果部的椰子$2.40/ea (去年$3.90)、蓮藕$2.10/lb (去年$2.90)、酪梨$0.80/ea (去年$1.00)……,好多東西都比去年的價格還低,外面的同業基本上都做不到。

不只跟去年比,我們還立下志向要敢於跟Costco比:像最近我們肉食部的五花肉$5.58/lb (Costco $6.12)、小雞腿$2.08/lb (Costco $3.40)、雞上腿$3.58/lb (Costco $3.85)。儘管Costco比我們的規模大,但我們的採購團隊已找到突破口,可以把Costco比下去。



Tina Lee






(Marine Gateway分店) 分店行政部Leanne Yau


相信很多同事都上過HR Judy老師的課。8月8日,Judy上班時突然不適,同事Jonathan馬上送她去看急診。醫生檢查後給她止痛藥,讓她先出院等專科醫生的治療通知。


在Calgary期間,HRA Emily得知Judy的狀況,竟然每天按Judy的口味精心為她準備餐點,包餃子、做麵條、煲湯、燉菜和水果,直接連鍋帶菜地把愛心餐送到酒店。事實上,Emily已經不是第一次這樣給「落難」的同事送愛心了,去年夏天,一位同事全家去班夫旅遊時不幸染上了新冠,旅遊變成隔離。Emily知道後,第一時間就送藥、蛋糕和水果。她就像一個關懷救護站,總是給同事雪中送炭。在我們感謝Emily時,她說這沒什麽,還說相信如果自己在BC生病也會獲得這樣的照顧。


(分店支援中心) 人力資源部Ella Zeng



然而,有些同事忘記在這些工作群組中保持基本的禮儀,把群組當成個人舞臺和盡情發洩個人情感的地方,分享與工作無關的內容,指名道姓地發表嘲諷的評論,或者在深夜大發牢騷。這種不當的行為不僅違反了工作群組的初衷,也會讓同事感到壓力和焦慮。 雖然不是面對面或是身體上的接觸,但網絡上的不當言行也可以構成霸凌及騷擾。



2023 P10 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

2023 Period 11

Delivering ‘Great Value for Money’ to our customers


I often ask our colleagues which of our 10 T&T values resonates with them the most. It’s so interesting to see the different answers I get – some people really like “work-life happy”, a lot of the PFD team members like “continuous innovation”, and our front-line staff resonate the most with “customer is #1”. Each department and team member has their own thinking and interpretation, and collectively, they’re all important to us as a company. My personal favourite is “be humble and courteous”.

Why? Because it forms the foundation of our winning culture. When you wear a T&T name tag or a T&T green shirt, you represent T&T to all our partners – colleagues, vendors, and customers. As a representative of T&T, we have the responsibility to exemplify courtesy and respect to everyone we interact with. Sometimes I hear vendors lamenting that their calls go unanswered, and their emails unacknowledged – this is not the T&T way.

The T&T way is one of humility and respect – it means cleaning up after ourselves in the kitchen, it means responding to our partners in a timely manner, it means remaining humble and understanding that even though we are the largest Asian supermarket, we can learn a lot from our competitors. It means that whether we are in the boardroom or the bathroom, we treat one another with respect.

But something has been gnawing at me for the past two years, something missing from our 10 core values. While we don’t often make changes to our values, the world around us has changed a lot. Inflation has been high, and global food prices have gone up. Everything is just a little bit more expensive these days. As a company, we feel it in our cost of goods sold, transportation cost, and labour cost. As a consumer, we feel it in our housing prices, gas prices, and of course, food prices.

In response, I am proud to introduce “Great Value for Money” – a concept we embody and work towards internally, but never explicitly articulated. It’s about providing exceptional value for money for our customers, so that they fall in love with shopping at T&T.

Occasionally some friends and family mention seeing comments on social media about T&T products being a bit pricey. I don’t like that perception. We’re not a discount store – we offer a remarkable and elevated shopping experience for our customers – but we need to deliver great value for money. That means being able to go into a T&T and finding great deals. It means seeing competitive pricing on products that our customers love. And in some cases, it means seeing cheaper prices than last year, even with high inflation. What I want is for us to be recognized for providing “great value for money”.

This means every category manager, every member of our merchandising team, and everyone in PFD and on the front lines to internalize this concept. We want to meet GP targets, and exceed on sales, because we want to bring more people to our stores – we want to capture more market share, so we can share our “Food for Joy” with even more Canadians – that’s our ultimate goal.

In fact, we've already started. Would you believe that our prices are already lower compared to last year? For example, coconuts in the produce department are $2.40/ea (down from $3.90 last year). Lotus roots are $2.10/lb (down from $2.90 last year). And avocados are $0.80/ea (down from $1.00 last year). Many items are priced lower than last year, and we are proud to be one of the few grocers doing this.

Not only do we measure up against our own prices last year, but we also dare to compete against competitors such as Costco. For instance, in our meat department, pork belly is now $5.58/lb (while Costco charges $6.12). Chicken drumsticks are $2.08/lb (compared to $3.40 at Costco). And chicken thighs are $3.58/lb (compared to Costco’s $3.85). Though we may be smaller than Costco, our buyers and category managers have found a way for us to beat Costco on pricing.

However, offering competitive prices and high-quality products is only half the battle. The other half depends on how effectively our operations teams communicate this value in our stores. This message extends to marketing as well. Our pricing should be transparent, clearly displayed, and emphasize the value we provide. In the context of evolving customer perceptions of grocery pricing, we all need to work together so that T&T becomes synonymous with “great value for money”.

We have a lot of great values that our team brings to T&T every day, and to keep the list manageable, we will continue with 10 values – as a result, we will drop my favourite “be humble and courteous” to make room for “great value for money”. It is now up to all of us to continue to embrace “be humble and courteous” and keep that alive as part of our culture. It should continue to drive how we think, act, and present ourselves to the world.

Thank you for everything you do to keep these values at the heart of what we do.

Tina Lee CEO

Our Receiver Ben inspires active engagement

There are some colleagues who are rarely seen on the front lines but have been consistently providing support to our stores behind the scenes, among them is Ben, our Receiver. He always finds ways to help others resolve their issues, displaying a high level of team spirit.

Ben is like the firefighter of the team. When there was a water leak at the store, he volunteered to clean up the aftermath. Not only that, but when the green bin started leaking and the paper shredder jammed, he was quick to resolve both issues without hesitation. He displays all the qualities an employee should possess, including a willingness to take on additional responsibilities beyond his own duties, all to ensure the team runs smoothly.

This unwavering commitment to tackling problems head on and giving it his all have encouraged all the colleagues to be fully engaged, bringing a positive influence on the team. With him here, our MG store's colleagues are even more vibrant!

(Marine Gateway store) Store Admin Dept. Leanne Yau

The stories all around us

I believe many colleagues have had HR Judy’s class. On August 8, Judy suddenly felt unwell and was rushed to the Emergency by our colleague Jonathan. After an examination, the doctor prescribed painkillers, discharged her and asked her to wait for the instruction from a specialist.

Training had been scheduled for Alberta colleagues for the week of Aug 14, and Judy made the surprising decision to fly to Alberta despite being on pain medication. Everyone was worried as the training was both mentally and physically demanding. But Judy said, "I have to wait for the specialist's call regardless, it won't make a difference where I wait. Everything has been arranged, I can't let everyone down." In the end, she persevered through the two-day training in Calgary, only returning when the specialist urged her to return for the treatment as soon as possible. Judy embodied the spirit of "Be the best we can be", leaving no room for compromise.

After HRA Emily knew about Judy's condition, she prepared meals according to Judy's preferences, making dumplings, noodles, soup, veggies and fresh fruits and hand delivered these lovingly prepared homemade meals to her hotel each day. In fact, this wasn't the first time Emily had shown such kindness. Last summer, when a colleague’s entire family got COVID while vacationing in Banff and had to isolate, Emily immediately brought them medicine, cake and fruits upon finding out. She's like a compassionate care station, always extending her helping hand. When we thanked Emily, she humbly shrugged it off, and said she would receive the same level of care if she were sick in BC.

The mutual care and unity make us love this T&T family even more. Stories of unwavering professionalism, helping one another, unfold around us everyday, and these bring us back to one heartfelt sentiment: It is great to have T&T!

(Store Support Centre) HR Dept. Ella Zeng

Speak out in the right way and through the appropriate channels

We invite colleagues into our work-related WeChat and WhatsApp groups as a way to facilitate our work and communication, as well as to strengthen team spirit.

However, some colleagues might forget to maintain basic etiquette in these groups, venting their emotions, sharing content unrelated to work, naming and making pointed and mocking remarks targeting others, or venting their frustrations late at night. This inappropriate behavior not only deviates from the initial purpose of these work groups, it also creates pressure and anxiety for others. Although it's not face-to-face, nor involve physical contact, but improper online conduct can still be considered a form of bullying and harassment.

The company encourages colleagues to speak up, share ideas and express their opinions, but it has to be done in a respectful and friendly manner, and help or advice should be sought through an appropriate channel. The harm caused through online bullying cannot be underestimated, we remind all that whether in the work chat or on social media, we should ensure our conduct does not cause harm to others.

Human Resources Department

2023 P10 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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