在疫情持續燃燒的情況下,許多行業都相繼暫停歇業或改為在家上班,但因零售是屬於必要行業,我們仍然需要堅守在工作崗位上去繼續服務社區。除了關懷社區,同仁的健康安全對公司亦是同等重要;除了稍早讓那些從疫情嚴重地區旅遊返回同事居家隔離外,現在更要求凡有流感症狀的同事一定要告知主管、並留在家中休息,同時也將疫情期間的有薪病假延長至 5 天。
分 店
關閉分店座位區,僅對內改為員工用餐休息區分散 Lunchroom 使用人數
體恤分店夥伴們的辛苦,決定加發特別津貼及 3/24 提前打烊讓大家喘口氣
分 店 支 援 中 心
針對疫情,公司已做了很多的因應措施,而且還會做更多去確保員工的安全。而身為 T&T 這大家庭成員的我們,也必須要做好自己的部份:自家有情況要主動上報、與人保持安全距離之外,就是洗手!洗手!再洗手!讓我們齊心協力地將自己的家、分店支援中心及所有分店形成一個強大的安全網,在這場抗疫馬拉松賽中贏得最終的勝利!
Employee Care – Protect the Safety of T&T, the Big Family
Under the rapidly evolving epidemic situation, many industries have been suspended or switch to work from home. However, grocery retail is an essential business and we should hold on to our roles and continue to service the community. Beside caring our community, the health and safety of our employees is also company’s top priority. Early February, the company has been requesting employees who recently back from travel to self isolate, employees who have flu like symptoms need to report to their supervisors and stay home for rest. In the meantime, the company has been extending the paid sick leave to 5 days within the epidemic period.
Starting from last week, the company enforced some new policies and procedures to protect our employees, let’s take a look here
Sanitize hands, check the temperature and wear a face mask during work
Encourage cashier to wear disposable gloves
Close the seating area and use it as staff dining area for distancing purpose
Increase disinfection and store cleaning activities to protect both customers and employees
Close all stores early on Mar 24 to give a break for our colleagues and paying allowance to show appreciation.
Installing protection shield in the checkout area (in process), also all staff lunch rooms will be adding partitions soon
Store Support Centre
All employees are entering from the front door to check temperature and get face masks before getting into the workplace
For meetings, the Store Manager and Commercial meetings are now all changed to phone conference (VCU) and employees attending internal meetings are required to sit far apart, use a larger meeting room or split into two rooms and wear face masks.
Hand sanitizers are all around the office. Janitors are disinfecting the high touch surface (such as. handles, collaboration areas, etc.) three times a day. Support Center in Western Region had removed a lot of chairs in the canteen to create a single way facing environment and also reminding colleagues to spread out their lunch break and distance.
Change self-serve lunch to bento box.
We are lucky that support center in both regions moved in the past year, which we now have more working space to practice social distancing and work safely.
In response to the epidemic, the company has been working on a lot of measures and policies, and will be doing more to ensure the safety of the employees. Being part of the T&T big family, we also have to do our part: Report to the supervisor if you have any conditions, keep safe distance with others and mostly WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! Let’s create a safe zone between our homes, store support centers and stores in order to win this battle!
Thank you T&T for your compassion.We support you.And I pray that this pandemic will end soon..Stay safe and healthy everyone.God Bless❤🙏
T&T doing everything. we can to support you right now. we’ll be fine amen!