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與大統華共舞 25 載

Updated: Jul 3, 2020

記得去年在西岸分店支援中心的員工週年晚會上,主持人點名邀請了十多位「服務年資堪稱長老級」的同事上台,那是大統華第一批服務屆滿 25 年的同事,在滿場掌聲中接受來自 Cindy and Tina 的頒獎。

2019 週年晚會首次頒發 25 年服務獎

一年過去,第二批資深同事又產生了。而今年迫於新冠疫情,公司的心意及 Tina 的親筆賀卡只有靠店長轉送,所以我們更要在這裡邀請所有同事一起向他們道喜祝賀,同時也分享他們每位此刻激動的獲獎心情。


Alan Gordon - 收貨員 @ 素里分店

時間過得好快,多謝公司這麼多年來給我的在職訓練,上過很多工作中需要的課程,有機會讓我在好多家分店工作,讓我對工作上更加熟練。25 年在大統華工作都會有困難及開心的時間,但這都是一個過程。見到大統華一年比一年有規模、有制度,加上跟同事、主管及店長工作上面都合作相處愉快,期望自己在這裡繼續努力堅持下去。”

May Wong - 分店行政員 @ 大阪超市八佰伴分店

記得在 1996 年,當 Yaohan Supermarket 面臨結束營業、要連員工一起轉手給大統華時,對完全不確定的未來,我的心情是忐忑不安的,心想只有試了再說,沒想到一待下來就留到了今天。

沒錯,就在 Osaka Store 這個地方、同一個屋簷下我工作了 25 年未曾離開過。原本是收銀員,一度因腳傷,公司特別為我安排轉為分店的行政人員,也正因此讓我重新學習到很多技能,了解很多營運管理相關數據。僅管前後經歷、要去配合與 9 任店長共事,但公司的系統制度及同事間合作的氛圍,都是讓我很喜歡、很享受在這裡一直工作下去的原因。”

Michael Chang - 麵包及糕點師傅 @ 鐵道鎮分店

Liliana Chang - 收銀部主管 @ 東一街分店

Andy Lam - 肉食部主任 @ 素里分店

看著 CEO Tina 的親筆信,讓我想起了 25 年前我登陸溫哥華,來到這個當時華人很少的陌生環境,那種徬徨、忐忑不安的心情仍記憶猶新,對每一個新移民來説那應該是一段非常辛苦的日子。非常幸運當時讓我生命中遇見了大統華,我有幸成爲了 T&T 的一名員工,這在當時給我帶來了很大鼓舞,我不僅有了固定工作和收入,更主要是從心態上有了安全感。

加入大統華後,認識了來自中港台等各個不同背景的同事,從他們身上學到了很多東西,也結交了很多朋友,生活中不再感到孤獨,日子過得非常充實,似乎每天進出大統華已經成爲我生活的一部份。隨著公司的發展,我也積累了很多經驗,對 Meat Dept. 的工作也越來越得心應手。

最後我特別想感謝 Cindy 當時創立了 T&T,感謝 Tina 接棒把公司發展壯大,為我們新移民創造了很多工作機會,也帶來了家鄉的味道。也特別想感謝店長和同事們,從你們身上學到了很多,謝謝有你們一路相伴!”



一個人的工作生涯能有幾個 25 年,它是漫長又難忘的記憶。



註: 公司是以每年年底 ( 12/31 ) 作為員工服務年滿 25 年的結算日,所以在 1995 上半年入職的同事,敬請期待明年的領獎成就吧!


The 25 Years with T&T

Still remember the SC annual dinner of last year which the MC invited more than 10 colleagues on stage? They are the first group of employees who have been serving T&T for 25 years and received the awards presented by Cindy and Tina.

First 25-Year Service Award presentation @ SC annual dinner 2019

After a year, the second groups of employees with 25 years of service are here! Due to the COVID-19, store managers forwarded the Thank-You card from Tina and the awards on behalf of the company and now we invite all colleagues to congratulate them. Followings are their award acceptance sharing.


Alan Gordon, Receiver @ SU

“Time flies, I would like to thank our company for all the trainings and courses throughout all these years, which I also have the chance to work in different stores and enhance my ability. Within the 25 years in T&T, I had both happy and challenging moments, they were just part of the process. T&T is now scaling up with a more systematic structure and all colleagues are collaborating effectively. I hope I can keep growing up in T&T.”

May Wong, Store Administrator @ OA

“I still remember that in 1996, when Yaohan Supermarket was facing a close down and all workers were transferred to T&T. At that moment, I was struggling because of the uncertain future. I could only give it a try which ends up that I am still here today.

Yes, it is the Osaka Store that I have been working here, under the same roof for 25 years. I was first a cashier, but due to my foot discomfort, the company transferred me to the store administrator position. I learned a lot of new techniques, include understanding the data related to the business operation. Regardless of my experience, I like working with all 9 store managers and other colleagues and this is the reason why I keep working here.”

Michael Chang, Baker @ MT

Liliana Chang, Cashier Head @ FA

Andy Lam, Meat Supervisor @ SU

“Reading the handwritten card from our CEO, Tina, it reminds me about the period I landed in Vancouver 25 years ago. As for me, a new immigrant at that time, Vancouver was an unfamiliar environment with only a few Chinese. I can still remember the anxiety and uneasiness feelings. It is a very difficult time to every immigrant. Luckily, I came across T&T and become part of the team. This gave me a big encouragement, not only steady income but also a sense of secure.

After joining T&T, I met colleagues from different background and I learned a lot from them and also become friends. I am no longer lonely, instead I am feeling more fulfilled. T&T becomes part of my life. Along the development of our company, I gained more experience and master the skills for Meat Dept.

I would like to specially thank Cindy for founding T&T and thank Tina for making our company stronger, which creates a lot of job opportunities for new immigrants. T&T also brings us the taste of home. Thank you to the store manager and my colleagues. I learned a lot from all of you and thank you for being by my side!”


Small medal with big meaning!

How many 25 years could one have in the career life?

Those are years full of memories.

Wish more of us can grow along with the company and create more amazing experiences.


Note: Our company calculate 25 years of services according to the calendar year. For those who joined in the first half year of 1995, please look forward to the award presentation in next year!


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