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東岸昨天早上 11 點,首間 Mini T&T 在萬眾期待下終於開放啦!

Updated: Oct 2, 2019


BC、AB 省同事可知道,一間超可愛的迷你大統華昨天在東岸正式開張啦 !



開張前一刻,Tina 當然要親身蹲下來體驗小朋友的購物順暢感。

雖然早上 11 點才能正式入場,但是 9 點就已經有許多家長和小朋友在排隊等候了!


除了免費給小朋友遊玩以外,我們還準備了大禮包送給前 50 位到場的小朋友,同時我們還邀請了氣球魔術師和小朋友互動,現場也有很多零食免費供應,快來看看小朋友們的熱鬧場景吧!


那些專為小朋友定制的 Mini 購物車和結帳台,

更讓他們能扮演大統華的各個職位,和小夥伴一起 “過家家” 模擬經營屬於自己的 Mini T&T,



正在仔細 Check Out 自己 Item 的小可愛


附上 Mini T&T 開放時間:

它絕對值得帶上各家小寶貝來玩上一玩! 請大家告訴大家喔 ~


The First Mini T&T finally opened in Eastern Region at 11am yesterday!


Do our BC and AB colleagues know the cutest T&T was opened yesterday in Eastern Region?

We want our young customers to have an early experience of the shopping happiness. That is why T&T came up the concept and implemented it in the T&T Unionville Store.

The Mini T&T is ready to welcome our guest!

Before the opening, Tina squatted down to try the mini shoppers' experience.

Although the opening started at 11am, there were already a crowd of families waiting outside at 9am.

According to the preliminary statistic, there were more than 300 parents bringing their children to our mini T&T on the first day. Besides providing a free playground for kids, we also prepared gift bags for the first 50 children. There was also free snack and a balloon artist on site to play with our young customers. See how much fun they had!!

In Mini T&T, children are not only playing with food toys , those custom made shopping carts and checkout counters can also help children understand different department roles in T&T and operate their own mini market.

Mini T&T is serving as a dual functional playground that also provides a learning opportunity to our young generation

All the food toys are well organized, from seafood to grocery items.

The cute little girl is checking out her items.

The custom made checkout counter really can scan different products ~ wow!!

Here are the opening hours of Mini T&T:

It is worth for the adorable ones to experience our mini T&T. Share the fun with your friends and families.


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