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北美最大亞洲食品工廠 ─ 西岸中央廚房/中央麵包廠正式投產

Updated: Feb 28, 2020

BC 省新建的中央工廠已於農曆年前完工,而其各生產線也陸續在農曆年後啟動運作。這占地 5 萬 1 千平方英呎的中央廚房及麵包廠,除了廠房即將獲得 SQF Level 2 及 CFIA 認證,俱備食品安全保障之外,其標準化配方及大量自動化生產,更是高效產出品質口味一致的產品。現在就讓我們來介紹其中幾個亮點吧 ~

January 18 2020 開幕日

PFD 大家長 Eagle 親自主持開幕典禮

CK/CB 全體同仁對全新自動化工廠充滿期待與信心
創辦人 Cindy 與 Jack 偕同 CK/CB 一級主管歡欣剪彩


February 18 2020 採訪日

走進廚食部的中央廚房,自動包點生產機正表演著它每分鐘產出 30 顆包點的本事,我們的明星商品 ─ 叉燒包和小籠包就是在這裡製作出的。


巧遇中央廚房總廚杜師傅,他興奮地領我們去了他的秘密基地 ─ Test Kitchen,告訴我們,從此他們可以在這­兒研發創意新品,再也不用向別人借鍋借爐借地盤了。





每小時產出 1200 到 4800 顆冷凍麵糰提供給分店去烘烤。



公司投入大量資金興建這間食品工廠,就是期望整個西岸鮮食團隊,在嚴格的食安標準下,去完成更多創新研發、建立標準化配方及大量採用自動化設備提高產能等使命。回想我們的鮮食部自 1998 年在分店小小地萌芽,發展到今天的規模實不可同日而語。加西全新的中央工廠如虎添翼,全體同仁信心滿滿,深信未來的業績自是蓬勃可期。



North America Largest Asian Food Factory

Western Region Central Kitchen / Central Bakery Officially Put into Operation

BC newly built central kitchen and bakery were ready before the Chinese New Year and its production line has been operating since early February. This 51,000 square feet central kitchen and bakery are about to receive the SQF Level 2 and CFIA certification. Besides guaranteed food safety, the standardized formula and large scale of automation machines help produce consistent high-quality products efficiently. Let’s introduce some of the highlights!

January 18 2020 Opening Day

The Chief Production Officier, Eagle, is hosting the Opening Ceremony

All colleagues of CK/CB are confident about the new automation system and looking forward to it.
Founder Cindy and Jack are ribbons cutting with the CK/CB management

Give ourselves a “thumb” for completing the challenge
Everyone enters the new office, it looks neat and professional.

February 18 2020 Site Visit

Once entering the central kitchen, here is the big show: the automatic bun machine is manufacturing 30 buns in every minute. Our hero items – Roasted BBQ bun and soup dumplings are produced here.

After fermentation, the whole cart will be pushed into the cabinet-sized steamer to steam out the fresh buns.

We met Master Du, the head chef of the Central Kitchen, and he excitedly led us to his secret base, the Test Kitchen. He told us that they can now develop innovative products here without borrowing pots and stoves from others.

All those food cookers, blenders, dumplings and sai mai machines in the central kitchen are very impressive. Walkthrough another corridor, wash our hands again, change a new set of protective clothing and we entered the Central Bakery - a huge dough kneading machine stunned us!!

You cannot tell how powerful it is through the photos, the two videos below help us understand how this advanced Japanese machine can produce 1200 to 4800 frozen dough in every hour to supply the stores' order.

Dough kneading automated production line

Automatically eliminates the unqualified dough

Our company invested a large amount of capital to build this food processing factory and expecting the WR PFD to complete the mission of developing more innovative products efficiently under the stringent food safety standard. In 1998, T&T rooted the PFD in a store. Today, our scale is incomparable. The whole new WR central factory is now well equipped, and the whole team is confident that they will be able to achieve more goals.

From the least to the greatest, from good to better!!


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