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多倫多 - 城中分店 1/30 結束營業

Updated: Feb 7, 2020

今天在這裡、離情依依地要告訴大家的是,我們的第十六家分店就在上週四拉下鐵門、永久歇業了 ~

這件大事,追溯回到去年的 10 月 2 日,Tina 是帶著忐忑沉重的心情,到 TD 分店召開 Store Huddle 宣佈了這個消息。不是我們做不好,更不是我們不被顧客喜愛,一切的一切只是迫於港口區的改建計劃。當然再充份的理由,也免不了分店同仁的錯愕不安,和巨大的善後工程;其中最重要的,是完成近二十位同仁轉調其他分店,留在這個大家庭裏。

時間再回到 2007 年 8 月 23 日,一面巨幅的加拿大國旗就在 TD 分店前廣場飄揚著,引領那些來自四面八方的賓客前來參加隆重的開幕儀式。

十二年不算短,從 Day 1 到結束營業日,這期間歷經了 8 任店長,而在這兒工作過的同仁也是不計其數,為公司創造的利潤更是不容小視。在我們去年十二月對外公佈將要在今年初結束營業的消息後,中西媒體更是紛紛報導此一影響不少華人生活軌跡的重磅消息 。。。。


1 月 30 日這一天還是來了,再多的捨不得終究要離開這個地方。想看看 TD 分店服務的最後一位客人嗎? 從當年的主持開幕,到最後一單的落幕,不光是 Tina 一個人的痛,更是所有大統華人的不捨!

就在前晚,公司特別安排了城中分店的惜別聚餐,TD 分店全數受邀同仁中有 75 位前來參加。席間不乏有人聊起過去同事間的甘苦糗事,也有人暖心地到處給抱抱,整晚就是在大家夥的歡笑淚水夾雜中渡過 ─ 感謝付出,他日再見!

面對失去我們在多倫多市中心唯一的分店,公司自當會努力在鄰近區域尋找其它適合的店址。今天,TD 分店已光榮地完成了它在大統華歷史中的使命,而其餘在崗的所有分店,還要繼續努力,因為顧客需要我們、需要大統華!

2007.08.23 - 2020.01.30


The redevelopment of Port Lands

Toronto Downtown Store Closed on 1/30

We are sad to tell you that we brought down the curtain of our sixteenth store last Thursday and will be closed permanently. This dates back to October 2nd of last year. With a heavy heart, Tina went to the TD store to hold the Store Huddle and announced the news. Neither we did not do a good job, nor our customers dislike us, but because of the redevelopment plan of Port Land. No matter how reasonable this is, it is still shocking and will be an uneasy transition for our colleagues. Among all significant follow ups, the most important one is transferring nearly 20 colleagues to other stores and keep them staying in our T&T big family.

Back to August 23, 2007, a huge Canadian flag fluttered in the square in front of the TD Store, leading our guests from all directions to attend the grand opening ceremony.

Twelve years is not a short period. Starting from day 1 to the last business day, within this period, there were 8 store managers and countless colleagues who worked here and helped bring a high profit to the company. After we announced in last December that TD would be closing early this year, many of Chinese and mainstream media have reported the impact it would be on the local Chinese community.

After we broke the news, the message board outside the store is filled with concerning voices. There is only one message in between those lines: T&T is already part of the community and part of our customers’ daily lives.

The day of January 30 finally came, even we cannot bear the loss, we still have to face reality. Wanna know who is the last customer? From hosting the opening to wrapping up the closing, Tina is not alone, all T&T colleagues are also unwilling to see the closing of TD Store.

The night before, the company specially arranged a farewell dinner for TD and 75 store colleagues attended. During the dinner, colleagues were sharing the memorable moments at work and some turned into huggers. It was a night full of tears and laughter -Thanks for everyone’s contribution and hope to meet again soon!

Since the closing of the only store in Toronto Downtown, our company is actively looking for another downtown location to serve the area. Today, the TD Store has honorably fulfilled its mission in the history of T&T, and all the other stores should keep up the good work. Our customers need us and T&T.

2007.08.23 - 2020.01.30


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