在這其中,還有一則令人振奮的小故事。上週東岸活拜分店有位顧客,看到分店員工的辛勞和奉獻精神,自願要捐出 600 個口罩給我們分店的員工!後來因為公司口罩存量仍足夠提供給員工使用,我們請她將口罩轉捐其他急需單位。
最後叮嚀:在我們彼此打氣加油的同時,請大家好好照顧自己。公司已貼心給予 5 天有薪病假,這是留給真正需要的同事,其餘的你我,在感恩身體健康的同時,請繼續、堅持做好社區英雄的角色,大家一起攜手連心地渡過難關!
We are the heroes!
We all work hard on our duties because we know the community needs us. In order to protect our safe shopping environment, the company keeps enforcing policy and measures to protect our customers and employees. All the conditions and actions are now transparent, which include a staff tests positive last week and the temporary closure of CA Store.
Our customers are very attentive and they can tell what T&T has been doing. We are wonderful and we should be proud of ourselves. Following are some conversation in the Store group chats and there are plenty of good reviews /encouragement from our customers.
SE Store Group Chat
HH Store Group Chat
CA Store Group Chat
Among those conversation, there is one touching story. Last week, a customer in WB Store appreciated the hard work and contribution of our staff. The customer would like to donate 600 masks for our staff. As the company has enough face masks for staff use, we thank her and recommend her to donate those masks to emergency services.
P.S. While we are cheering for each other, please also take good care of yourself. The company extended the paid sick leaves to 5 days is to make sure those in need can take enough rest. For the rest of us, who are blessed with good health, please keep it up and be our community’s heroes. Let’s get through the challenge together!