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大統華網上購物 12/31 內部先開跑!

Updated: Dec 30, 2019


就是這麼一個單純的想法,想要讓那些遠離我們 27 家分店的顧客一樣能享受 T&T 的商品,吃到家鄉的味道,儘管我們知道在幅員遼闊的加拿大,市場規模及配送條件都不足的情況下,網購未必能給公司帶來額外業績的大幅成長,但我們還是毅然決然地在 2019 年 1 月啟動了網上購物專案來實現這理想。

我們將這項專案循序漸進地分成好幾階段推展,其第一階段的模式是建立在 5 家配送分店去處理網上訂單,服務地區覆蓋加國大部分地區。今天,我們很高興地在這裡放聲宣佈:歷時一年努力、完成無數測試的第一階段成果,今天就要先開放給部份自家同事去檢驗網上購物流暢。

透過加拿大郵政,我們現在提供雜貨類商品的 “送貨上門” 服務,另外還有壽司、蛋糕類商品的 “網上下單、到店提貨”。從此,你在溫哥華,就可為人在渥太華工作的家人訂購一個生日蛋糕,讓他自行到 OW 分店去提領慶生;又或者你有住在沙省的親朋好友,現在就可以透過大統華網上購物,送去一箱亞洲零食泡麵的寶貝好料,不難想像他們收到時感動驚喜的表情。

就在網站發佈四個星期前,網上購物團隊代表一行 4 人,舟車勞頓奔走於三省間完成了 5 間配送分店的培訓及兩岸分店支援中心的說明會。


5 間配送分店 ( OW, UV, RA, NE, CA ) 的培訓

此時,懷著極度忐忑心情的網上購物團隊是這樣跟我們分享的: 『儘管我們這一年面臨巨大的壓力和挑戰,但我們每個人都為即將寫下跨足電商的歷史而感到興奮。


跟地球另一端的多家國際供應商合作開發從來都不是一件容易的事, 12 小時的時差總讓我們技術溝通的效率大受影響。幸運的是,背後總有人支持著我們。非常感謝全公司的支持,尤其是 IT 和 Marketing 兩部門,如果没有他們的幫助,我們是絕對無法走到今天的。我們還要特别感謝 Tina,她在整個過程中一直給予最強有力的支持,並以她的創新思維不斷地啟發團隊。』

接下來的這星期,希望能透過內部同事網上下單的體驗,迅速反映並解決系統中的各種錯誤與死角,達成公司在 2020 設定的經營目標。



From Zero to Hero, a new page of T&T Supermarkets

T&T Shop Online Soft Launch on Dec 31 !

Being the largest Asian supermarket chain in Canada, T&T has been quite successful in all aspects. However, we are out of reach to many others, because our 27 stores are concentrated in 3 provinces.

Therefore, we have a simple idea: we want customers who are far from our stores can still enjoy T&T products and get a taste of home. In this big piece of land, although there is limited market size and delivery options, online shop may not create a substantial increase in the company profit, we resolutely kicked off the online shop project in January 2019.

We completed this project gradually in different stages. In phase one, we arranged 5 fulfilment stores to manage all the online orders and deliver to the majority area of Canada. Today, we are pleased to announce that after a year of effort with endless testings, we now completed phase one. T&T Shop Online is now open to some colleagues to test the online shopping platform.

Through Canada Post, we now provide “Delivery to Home” services for grocery products.

Customers can also online order sushi and cake and select "In Store Pick Up". From now on, who live in Vancouver can order a birthday cake for a family member who works in Ottawa and he can pick up the cake in OW store for celebration. You can also order a box of Asian snacks to your friends in Saskatchewan through T&T Online Shop. How surprised and touched they will be when they receive the package.

Just four weeks before the website launch, the e-commerce team core members traveled within the 3 provinces to coordinate roadshow and training for 5 fulfilment stores.

Presentation in SC

Training in the 5 fulfilment stores ( OW, UV, RA, NE, CA )

At this moment, the e-commerce team shared with us that, "although we have been facing tremendous pressure and challenges this year, each of us feels excited about creating the history of e-commerce.

Presentation in ESC

It is never easy to work with international vendors who are on the other side of the globe and the 12-hour time difference always affects the efficiency of our communication. Fortunately, there are always other team members supporting us. Thank you for the support of our company, especially the IT and Marketing departments. We might not make it without their help. We would also like to thank Tina for her strongest support throughout the entire process. Her innovative thinking continues to inspire the team. "

In the coming week, with the help of our colleagues by ordering online and provide feedback on any errors and problems within the system, we will achieve the 2020 business goal.

From Zero to Hero, let's make a final sprint for the milestone.


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