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大統華好聲音 | 我司真是藏龍臥虎啊!

2018 東岸大統華好聲音活動於 9 月17日晚上 6:30舉行,才發現,我司居然有那麼多“麥霸”,其水準可謂是相當高啊!

特別嘉賓 Dominic Chung 演唱 <成全> 和 <一生中最愛>

當晚共有 15 位參賽者競逐歌王殊榮,每位歌手都施展渾身解數,舞台上唱得響亮,舞台下更是歡呼不斷,現場氣氛十分熱烈。


開場嘉賓 Mike Chang, Leslie Huang 和Lawrence Man 唱了一曲 Beyond 的「不再猶豫」,引得現場 160 多名觀眾的歡呼聲此起彼落,從不間斷。

參賽者一個接一個上場表演,有的唱慢歌婉轉動聽,扣人心弦。有的唱快歌高亢嘹亮,餘音繞梁。恭喜冠軍 UV 店的 Holiday Liang,亞軍及最具人氣獎得主 WB店的 Boey Lao 和季軍 WY 店的 Jimin Nan獲得大家一致好評,當之無愧成為大統華好聲音代表!

冠軍: Holiday Liang

亞軍及最具人氣獎得主 : Boey Lao

季軍 : Jimin Nan


除了參賽者外,我們還邀請到幾位特別嘉賓為我們演出。Dominic Chung 和 Candy Wu 的歌聲有如天籟之音,現場觀眾都聽得如痴如醉,尖叫聲和歡呼聲越來越大。

我們的總監們當然也不甘示弱,紛紛上台一展歌喉。ER Merchandising Director Vincent Yang 為我們深情演唱鄧麗君的「我只在乎你」,COO Sandy Tan 和ER Store Operations Director Calvin Liao 更即席伴舞。

隨後,Calvin 為我們高歌一曲周華健的「風雨無阻」,祝願大統華明年業績長紅。



The Voice of T&T 2018

The Voice of T&T 2018 took place on September 17th at 6:30p.m. Throughout this event, we have discovered so many “mic kings“ among us; and the talent level is actually quite high!

Special guest Dominic Chung wowed the crowds with two beautiful songs.

There were 15 contestants competing to be the “Voice of T&T” this year. While they gave their best and performed their favourite songs, the whole place was jammed with cheering crowds.

Best Opening Ever!

Special guests Mike Chang, Leslie Huang and Lawrence Man opened up the night of competition with the song “Hesitate No More” by Beyond. The crowd of over 160 people went wild and the room was instantly filled with non-stop cheering and applause. 

Contestants went up one by one; some sang tender melodies that tugged at our heartstrings, some brought powerful and loud rhythmic beat that echoed through the crowd.

Congratulations to our winners this year: First Place—Holiday Liang from UV; 1st Runner Up & People’s Choice Award —Boey Lao from WB and 2nd Runner Up—Jimin Nan from WY. Their amazing performances certainly qualified them to become the new Voices of T&T!

First Place: Holiday Liang

1st Runner Up & People’s Choice Award : Boey Lao

2nd Runner Up: Jimin Nan

Let’s give it up for…

Aside from the contestants, we also invited a few special guests to perform for us. - Dominic Chung and Candy Wu’s performance totally gave us goosebumps!

And obviously, our directors would not let the show end without showing off their talents. ER Merchandising Director Vincent Yang brought to us “I Only Care about You“ by Deng Li Jun; COO Sandy Tang and ER Store Operations Director Calvin Liao joined in by dancing along. 

Calvin followed up with “Nothing will Stop Me“ by Zhou Hua Jian to wish T&T good fortune and even better performance in the coming year. 

Once again, we wish to say thank you to all contestants and special guests for bringing us such a wonderful evening. We are so glad to get to know everyone outside of the normal work setting. We can’t wait to hear more talented singers next year!


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