一年一度大統華運動日於三省 (AB, BC & ON) 四市 (Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver & Toronto) 的比賽已完滿結束,讓我們一起回顧一下比賽當天精彩的瞬間吧!
今年, Edmonton 舉辦的是保齡球比賽,ED, SE 及NE 三家分店的健兒們都踴躍參與,度過了一個愉快的晚上。最後,SE店拔得桂冠,NE和ED分別取得亞軍和季軍。
Calgary則舉辦了排球、乒乓球和羽毛球三類比賽,CA 和 HH的健兒們在幾個月前就開始進行練習,務求比賽當日能為自己的分店爭取殊榮。結果當然也是不負有心人,HH在乒乓球賽中勝出,CA則贏得了排球和羽毛球的勝利。
BC 12家分店以及 SC 今年舉辦了羽毛球和保齡球比賽,從早上8時開始,各隊健兒陸續來到羽毛球場進行比賽,一番角逐之後,RA拿下了冠軍,季軍和亞軍分別被OA和SC斬獲。
下午4時,大伙移師保齡球館繼續比賽,此時的氣氛不像是比賽氣氛,更像是一場派對,大家互相加油、共同喝彩。最後,KW, CC, MT脫穎而出,獲得了前三名的好成績。
雖然這次都是以團體方式競賽,但 BC 保齡球賽當天也記錄了每位參賽同事的個人成績。我們特別訪問了打出個人單局第二高分(172) 的 Eagle Chou,他開心地找出手機上的一張照片告訴我們:「我因為長期坐辦公室,同事們都知道我腰痛的問題很嚴重,所以我下定決心要養成運動的習慣,也就因為這樣,才有今天的好成績。我真的覺得公司舉辦Sports Day 很棒,讓同事在聯繫感情的同時又可強身。」
最後來到 ON 的比賽場館 Markham Pan AM Centre,ON省十家分店以及ESC,早上先進行了激烈的籃球賽,決賽 Sushi Outlet 對 ESC 更以破紀錄的 83 比 54 分超水準分數結束籃球賽。恭喜Sushi Outlet憑實力拿下冠軍,當然榮獲亞軍的ESC和季軍的OW也表現得非常好,明年繼續加油,看好你們哦~
下午則進行了羽毛球和保齡球比賽,ESC士氣大漲,一舉拿下這兩類比賽的冠軍,羽毛球季軍和亞軍分別是WS和WY,保齡球季軍和亞軍則是Sushi Outlet和OW。一整天的比賽下來,身體上是累了,心裡卻是異常興奮且激動的。
Let’s take a look of all those talented athletes hide in T&T!
The annual T&T Sport Day came to an end in the 3 province (AB, BC & ON) within the 4 cities (Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver & Toronto). Let’s review those exciting moments!
This year, Edmonton held the bowling race and all those talented players from ED, SE and NE Stores participated. In that cheerful night, SE got the champion, NE is the 1st runner up and ED is the 2nd runner up.
Calgary held the volleyball, ping pong and badminton competitions. Players from CA and HH started to practice a few months ago and aimed to bring the glory for their stores. The hard work did pay off, HH Store won the ping pong race and CA won both the volleyball and badminton races.
Although the 3 competitions were held in different dates, the cheering teams were very enthusiastic, you can tell from all those photos.
SC and the 12 BC Stores organized the badminton and the bowling races. The badminton competition started at 8 in the morning, after some excite moments, RA got the champion, OA and SC got the 1st runner up and 2nd runner up respectively.
The group moved to the bowling centre at 4pm. The atmosphere seemed to be a party more than a race, where everyone cheered for the others. In the end, KW, CC and MT won the competition.
Although this is a team competition, the BC bowling competition also recorded each player’s result. We interviewed Eagle Chou, player with the second highest score (172). He showed us a photo in his cellphone and said, “Due to long period of sitting in the office, I have a severe back pain. After that, I decided to make exercise a habit and this is how I get the good result today. Sport Day is fantastic, it connects us and also exercise us.
Last but not least, the Markham Pan AM Centre in ON had an exciting basketball game in the morning. In the finale, Sushi Outlet broke the record with 83 points and defeated ESC. Congratulation to our champion - Sushi Outlet; ESC - the 1st runner up and OW Store - the 2nd runner up . Keep it up for next year!
Came to the afternoon, ESC kept the high morale and won both the badminton and bowling competition. WS and WY Stores came second and third respectively in the badminton competition. Sushi Outlet got the 1st runner up in bowling and OW Store got the 2nd runner up. After a long day, all of us were tired, but we re-found our passion.