在這嚴峻的時刻,顧客比任何時間都需要 T&T,所以我們首先就是要保護好自己。
Tina 想跟大家分享她自己的防疫小貼士:
1. 建立自己的安全區:住家、辦公室及大統華分店
2. 出入房門時,用衣服墊著手去扭開門把
3. 搭乘電梯時,用手肘或其他物品去觸壓電梯按扭
4. 暫停使用隱形眼鏡,改戴鏡框眼鏡,多一道防護避免眼睛感染
5. 不要服用感冒成藥,以免因表面症狀暫時減輕而輕忽了可能性的感染
6. 健康的飲食;每週最少要有一次出汗的運動,兩次更佳
7. 多吃維他命 C, D 及多曬太陽來提升免疫力
8. 購物時避免停留一處過久;保持移動,事實上能減少在超市中被感染的機會
9. 剪短指甲,不藏污納垢
10. 漂亮的手飾和手錶都別戴了,讓我們手洗得更方便徹底
11. 頭髮往後梳、使用髮夾或绑個馬尾,避免用手撥弄頭髮時可能接觸到污染
12. 回家後先徹底洗手、換套衣服後,再抱孩子
13. 每天回家後消毒手機和錢包
14. 洗一個熱水澡,把今天的外穿衣服都放進洗衣機
15. 聽音樂,照顧下自己的心情
In this critical moment, our customers need us the most, now we must stay strong.
But how??
Here are some tips from Tina:
1. Create your safe zone: Home < - > Office < - > T&T Stores
2. Open door handles with clothes (or maybe having someone or a cat to open it for you)
3. Use elbow or materials to press the elevator button
4. Wear glasses not contact lenses
5. Don't eat cold medicine
6. Eat healthy and sweat at least 1 / week
7. Boost your immunity: vitamin C, D, sunshine
8. Keep circulation while you are shopping = good air flow
9. Cut nails short
10. Took off jewelry (including watch) on hands to wash your hands better
11. Keep hair back
12. Once get home, wash hands and change clothes before you hug your kids
13. Disinfect phone and wallet when you get home
14. Take a shower and put all the clothes wore in the laundry
15. Listen to music
Protect yourself is the only way to protect the community.
Stay healthy, Stay Strong!
thank you for the information.Well appreciated..My the Lord protect us all for this covid-19..