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September 2021 (Western Region)






General Assistant這個工作內容繁瑣的職位也許不太耀眼,然而卻扮演著多功能角色。感謝Wai的努力付出,他的工作精神值得我們學習。

(Ora 分店 - 收銀部 Vivian Chan)



HH 店的Y就是這次意外的親歷者。 Y的先生在4月7日確診為新冠,直接被送進ICU搶救。巨大的意外,語言不通,不會駕車,堪如大廈將傾。情急之下Y求助店長,店長一邊安撫Y的情緒,一邊在電話上與911工作人員溝通並翻譯,解決了救治的燃眉之急。後面又多次幫忙預約醫生,關注救治情況。


出入相友,守望相助。危難有情,情有馀兮。越是危急時刻,越能研讀人性的平凡、偉大,越可見布衣之下的炎炎赤血。 Y說感恩就職於T&T,感恩疫情期間幫助過她的領導和同事。在這個以人為本的大家庭裡,愛從未缺席。

(Harvest Hills分店 - 麵包部 Jun)

控制脾氣 端正行爲





P11 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

September 2021

The mixture of employees’ values and the company’s culture.

Memories flashback of massive hiring since the beginning of Covid pandemic to fulfill all the safety precautions. Wai who has extensive working experience, being one of the new hires at the time and applied for General Assistant. He has never worked in the grocery retail industry, but he was still very thankful for the job offer from T&T. He will always be ready for any position within the department wherever it needs him without any hesitation.

Wai didn’t just master what he does within his role. He would also pay attention to details in other departments and provide support when it’s needed. He valued his role and showed pride in it. He would substitute for anyone regardless of collecting shopping carts in the rain or assisting in temperature recording. Wai’s work ethic has also been recognized by one of the loyal customers.

His confident and persistent help him to get through all the obstacles in work. He still has the passion like a young man, yet still willing to learn and adapt new skills. His perfectionism is one of the reasons for how he completes his tasks.

General Assistant isn’t a position to shine but yet being one of the most important gears for the mechanism to operate smoothly. Thank you for all of Wai’s contributions and it should be the perfect example for everyone to learn from.

(Ora Store - Cashier Department Vivian Chan)

Love in Covid

Since the beginning of last year, Covid-19 has been a hard hit around the globe. The city has been taken over by the quietness. From no one cares about the virus to become everyone’s matter in part of their life.

Y from HH store is being one of the victims of this incident. Y’s husband has been confirmed positive back in April and was sent straight to ICU for urgent treatment. While facing the hard truth, at the same time dealing with the language barrier and incapable of driving. Everything seems to be collapsing for Y. Being in such an emergency, Y has approached the Store Manager for help. Meanwhile, Store Manager has been trying to comfort Y while communicating and translating for Y with the 911 operator which has temporarily relieved the pressure for Y. Later, the Store Manager was assisting Y with doctor appointments regarding the treatment.

Even simple daily living has been a big downfall for Y. One of Y’s colleagues, Yvonne, has been approached for help such as buying groceries and daily essentials. When the Department Head has been notified, an exception has been giving to Yvonne by allowing her to shop for Y’s essentials during working hours. The Department Head has also been using personal time to provide counselling, help with prescriptions and explaining how employee assistance programs work.

The help from everyone has been tremendous especially when the situation has become more critical. Y has been thankful to be employed in T&T with the help that was received during the hardest time of Y’s life. Y was truly amazed and thankful for everyone that helped. Love and caring have never been absented especially being in such a big family.

(Harvest Hill Store - Bakery Department Jun)

Control your temper and correct your behaviour

A violent incident has happened in the store lately. It all started from an argument at work that each has their own opinion and is unwilling to give way to each other. Eventually, it’s been escalated to a violent incident. One side has made physical contact by pushing the other, although the other person has not fought back the provocative behaviour did not make it any better. Both parties have tried hiding the incident and are unwilling to cooperate with the company’s investigation. However, they were unaware that everything has been captured by CCTV. It could have been smoothly resolved if proper communication can be done. Due to its wrongful behaviour which leads to a serious impact on their employment for both parties.

Our company has zero tolerance for violent behaviour (including but not limited to physically or verbally assault or any sort of threatening.) which has been clearly stated in our employee handbook. All employees must not fight or argue with either customers or employees. If the situation cannot be resolved, you must notify the Department Head immediately.

To provide a safe working environment for all employees and to be able to receive full support. We must enforce and eliminate any wrongful behaviour at the workplace such as violence, discrimination, and harassment. We would like to hold everyone accountable to prevent such behaviour to carry out at the workplace and to build a positive working environment for everyone.

(HR Department)

P11 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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