2021年8月19日首屆大統華「刀神」表演決賽在CL新店舉行。隨著「比賽開始!」的一聲令下,只見幾十磅重的原條豬扒和厚油覆蓋的牛仔骨,在兩位選手熟練和精準的刀功下,頃刻分解成不同部位漂亮的商品。最後,評委根據所用時間、成品的數量和質量、產品創意,評出了首屆比賽的刀神:他就是WS店肉部副主管Justin!當公司SOD Calvin Liao為其頒發獎狀、CEO Tina親手將用安格斯牛皮製成的圍裙給Justin穿上時,這位年輕的漢子顯得有些激動。Tina還在比賽簽名海報上寫下 “Feng & Justin, our best meat cutting artists! Beautiful knife skill only at T&T!” 對首屆表演賽的刀神給予了積極的鼓勵。
記得Justin剛進入大統華時,是一個無任何切肉經驗的「小白」,初期因為不熟悉各種刀功,導致效率和質量都達不到要求。經過營運部門專員Kit和部門主管Jim Jiang的細心指導與幫助,加之自己長期的練習揣摩,Justin逐漸掌握了各項技能,並得到了領導的認可。
(Warden 分店 - 肉食部 Cheng Shun Qi)
控制脾氣 端正行爲
P11 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
September 2021
The Master of Knife
The first knife skill competition took place at CL store on August 19th, 2021. As it began, 2 of the contestants are skillfully working and preparing on a pork tenderloin and beef short ribs to presentable merchandise. In the end, the decision of judges was based on time-consuming, the sellable and presentable quantity and quality of the merchandise, and creativity. The decision of the first Master of Knife has gone to Justin who’s the Assistant Department Head in Meat of WS store. The certificate was presented to Justin by SOD Calvin Liao. Meanwhile, CEO Tina has presented the apron to Justin that was made by Angus Beef skin. Justin has become very emotional and excited with its result. Tina has also signed and handwritten on the competition poster stating “Feng & Justin, our best meat cutting artists! Beautiful knife skill only at T&T!” It brings a tremendous amount of encouragement to our newly crowned Master of Knife.
When Justin first joined the meat department, he was zero experience in culinarily and knife skills which drastically affect his overall performance. After being trained and supported by Kit and Jim Jiang, and of course with his own practising. Justin has slowly adapted his new skills and is being approved by his superior.
Even after his recent achievement, Justin modestly speaking that there is always a better one out there. He needs to continue with his self-improvement to fulfil its constant changing market in demand and to perform at his best.
(Warden Store - Meat Department Cheng Shun Qi)
Control your temper and correct your behaviour
A violent incident has happened in the store lately. It all started from an argument at work that each has their own opinion and is unwilling to give way to each other. Eventually, it’s been escalated to a violent incident. One side has made physical contact by pushing the other, although the other person has not fought back the provocative behaviour did not make it any better. Both parties have tried hiding the incident and are unwilling to cooperate with the company’s investigation. However, they were unaware that everything has been captured by CCTV. It could have been smoothly resolved if proper communication can be done. Due to its wrongful behaviour which leads to a serious impact on their employment for both parties.
Our company has zero tolerance for violent behaviour (including but not limited to physically or verbally assault or any sort of threatening.) which has been clearly stated in our employee handbook. All employees must not fight or argue with either customers or employees. If the situation cannot be resolved, you must notify the Department Head immediately.
To provide a safe working environment for all employees and to be able to receive full support. We must enforce and eliminate any wrongful behaviour at the workplace such as violence, discrimination, and harassment. We would like to hold everyone accountable to prevent such behaviour to carry out at the workplace and to build a positive working environment for everyone.
(HR Department)