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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

May 2021 (Western Region)

Updated: Jun 24, 2021




服務台工作人員立即帶領客人去蛋糕櫃。在麵包部 Anita 和 Monica 專業的介紹後,購買了帶有卡通圖案的蛋糕。顧客回家後立即寫表揚信稱讚:“Anita 和 Monica 工作熱情周到,對待顧客將心比心,只有大統華這樣的華人超市如同家人般溫暖!”

疫情持續已過一年且仍在升溫,作爲前線零售超市行業人員,我們默默無聞服務社區的警察、醫護、司機、超市和工廠基層人員….. 不同的職業,共同守護這座城市。不同的身份,共同溫暖著城裏的人。在這背後有千千萬萬的逆行者默默付出,讓我們同舟共濟,向最美的逆行者致敬!

(Metrotown 分店 - 分店行政部 Carolyn Zhang)


Covid-19 病毒越來越肆虐!星期四,病例 800 多;星期五,病例 970 多!這對於一個 T&T 的員工來說,無疑是巨大的壓力!

看著穿梭往來的客人,我猶豫不決。這時,主管羅彭走過來說:”病毒情況嚴重!人多的時候就避一避!” 我們主管一向講求工作效率,來去如風!但在關鍵時刻還是把我們的安全放在首位!時常囑咐好好休息,保持距離!讓我們心裡倍感溫暖!看到店長在人群中指揮客流,我們也受到很大鼓舞!

但在去年 12 月份的時候,我們擔憂的事情還是出現了! “分店有員工檢測結果呈陽性......"店長的信息那麼誠懇、泰然,但對於我來說就像一顆定時炸彈在大腦裡炸開了!

可能由於緊張的緣故時常覺得頭暈,手也洗得乾裂。為了大家的安全,公司內部每兩個小時就要全面消毒並一直提高防疫措施。十分佩服能一直堅守崗位的同事們!他們用自己的安危保障著社區人們的基本生活需求!為了相互安全,他們中午還到自己車上吃飯!這可是 Edmonton 的冬天!

冬天走了,春天來了!堅持!再堅持!我們相信 T&T 團隊一定會勝利!

(South Edmonton分店 - 海鮮部 Xiao Wei Lan)



公司為確保商品的品質或口味,部門主管 (或其上級) 和後場負責生產的廚師都是可以親身或指定代理人員進行試食的。但除此之外,所有未經付款的商品 (包括樣品、包裝損壞商品、瑕疵商品、到期商品、準備銷毀或已報備銷毀商品),在任何時間或地點,任何員工都不得試用、試吃、携帶離開工作場所或轉贈予任何人。請不要覺得因爲是廢品或次品就不會有事,公司對於它們的處理方式都有相應的規定和流程。希望同事們都能引以爲戒,做個誠實正直的好員工。


P7 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

May 2021

Guiding Angels Who Support Each Other

In a rainy night, the store was closing soon, a customer rushed in and asked the customer service is there any cake available. She is a Chinese mom who works as a frontline health care worker. Due to the pandemic, she is overloaded with work and seldom sees her child. Her child is already used to not seeing his mom at home. The customer said today is her child’s birthday and she wants to give him a big surprise.

The customer service staff immediately brought the customer to the cake counter. After the detailed introduction from Anita and Monica of Bakery Dept., she bought a cake with a cartoon image on it. The customer sent an appreciation letter right after she got home and said “Anita and Monica are very friendly and responsible, and they put themselves into the customer’s shoes. It is only T&T, the Asian supermarket, can treat customers just like family!”

After a year of the pandemic, the issue is getting worse. As being the frontline workers, we are quietly supporting our community, such as polices, healthcare workers, drivers, supermarket and factory staff etc... We are all doing different roles to protect our city, we are all paying our love forward. There are thousands of frontline workers who are contributing to the community, let’s support each other and pay respect to the bravest warriors!

(Carolyn Zhang, Store Admin Dept., Metrotown Store)

The Adversity Life

COVID-19 is getting more severe! Thursday: 800 cases; Friday:970 cases!! This is giving a tremendous stress to a T&T staff!

Standing in this busy store, I was hesitating. At that moment, Peng Luo, the Department Head passed by and said, “The virus is very powerful, you should get to somewhere else when there is a lot of people nearby!” Our Department Head is an efficiency-oriented person, but at this critical moment, he will put our safety in top priority and keep reminding us to stay healthy and practice social distancing. This act warms our heart. Seeing the Store Manager helped with the traffic control, we felt more encouraged too!

However, in last December, what we were worrying about finally happened! “One of our staff tested positive….”, the message from Store Manager was in an honest and calm tone, but it was just like a time bomb that exploded in my brain.

Due to the anxiety, I often feel dizzy and my hands cracked because of the frequent hand wash. For our safety, our company disinfects the whole store in every two hours and keep strengthening the safety measures. I appreciated those colleagues who stick to their duties to feed the community. Some even have lunch in their own cars to keep distance with others. It was the winter in Edmonton!

Winter is gone and here comes spring! Hang in there! We believe the T&T team will win in the end!

(Xiao Wei Lan, Seafood Dept., South Edmonton Store)

Don’t Be Greedy

How do you define damaged or defective products? Have seniors of your family ever told you, “Don’t waste it when it is edible”? It is fine to have this thought in your daily life, however, you cannot have this mindset at work. Sometime ago, a store colleague found some defective products during production, in order not to waste the damaged ones, she took them home privately. However, this act violated company’s regulations.

In order to ensure the quality or taste of the product, the Department Head (or the superior) and the Chef are responsible to assign a representative or personally test the food. Other than the food test, all other unpaid products (including samples, defective, damaged, expired and ready to dispose products) are not allowed for test use, bring out of workplace or given to other at any situations. Please do not have the wrong concept that defective or damaged products can be taken away. They have to be processed according to the related regulations and procedures. Please take this as a reminder and be an honest employee with integrity.

(HR Dept)

P7 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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