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May 2021 (Eastern Region)

Writer's picture: T&T NewsletterT&T Newsletter



今天我們要和大家分享的是 - 最近獲得季度週期盤點庫存準確性進步獎的一位同事 Clement Yeung,他是來自雜貨部的 Supervisor。他為人誠實正直,工作勤懇努力,認真仔細,工作業務水平嫺熟,盤點數據的準確度也頗高。也恰恰體現了 T&T 重要的價值觀:“專業盡全力!!” 這也正是我們每一位 T&T 員工應該學習與追求的目標!!

Clement 一直負責雜貨和冷品的盤點工作,每天早上不到七點就到店,不論寒暑,不論颳風下雨,Clement 都總是以積極認真的態度對待自己的工作,從不鬆懈也從不馬虎。他平時也非常關心分店,有一次還沒到營業時間,有一位客人就自己推門進來店裏逛,Clement 發現後馬上禮貌的告訴客人還沒到營業時間,並請顧客到分店門外等候,是一位非常有責任感的同事。

Clement 團隊合作精神強,在需要他的時候總是毫無怨言的協助其他部門的工作。分店早上六點需要開門給麵包部的師傅進店工作,他經常協助分店早上六點開門,從不遲到也從不拒絕,是一位深受大家喜歡的好員工。

(Weldrick 分店 - 分店行政部 Angela Peng)



公司為確保商品的品質或口味,部門主管 (或其上級) 和後場負責生產的廚師都是可以親身或指定代理人員進行試食的。但除此之外,所有未經付款的商品 (包括樣品、包裝損壞商品、瑕疵商品、到期商品、準備銷毀或已報備銷毀商品),在任何時間或地點,任何員工都不得試用、試吃、携帶離開工作場所或轉贈予任何人。請不要覺得因爲是廢品或次品就不會有事,公司對於它們的處理方式都有相應的規定和流程。希望同事們都能引以爲戒,做個誠實正直的好員工。


P7 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

May 2021

The Inventory Check Expert

We would like to introduce you, one of our colleagues, Clement Yeung, who recently won the Quarterly Inventory Accuracy Improvement Award. He is the Supervisor of Grocery Dept. He is honest, hardworking, detailed oriented and familiar to the work procedure. His inventory count is high accuracy. This greatly presents the T&T value: “Be the Best We Can Be!!” and this is exactly what each of us should be learning and work on!!

Clement is responsible for the inventory count in Grocery and Dairy & Frozen departments. He gets to work everyday before 7am no matter rain or shine. Clement treats his work with positive, responsible attitude and never slack or lazy at work. He also cares about our store a lot. There was a time that a customer entered the store before opening hours. Clement noticed and politely informed the customer that the store was not yet opened and asked the customer to wait outside. He is a very reliable colleague.

Clement is also a good team member, he is willing to help other departments whenever the other need help without any complaint. Bakery’s colleagues always have to start working at 6am, Clement is the one who often helps opening the door at 6am and he never reject the request or come late. He is a good staff and everybody likes him.

(Angela Peng, Store Admin Dept., Weldrick Store)

Don’t Be Greedy

How do you define damaged or defective products? Have seniors of your family ever told you, “Don’t waste it when it is edible”? It is fine to have this thought in your daily life, however, you cannot have this mindset at work. Sometime ago, a store colleague found some defective products during production, in order not to waste the damaged ones, she took them home privately. However, this act violated company’s regulations.

In order to ensure the quality or taste of the product, the Department Head (or the superior) and the Chef are responsible to assign a representative or personally test the food. Other than the food test, all other unpaid products (including samples, defective, damaged, expired and ready to dispose products) are not allowed for test use, bring out of workplace or given to other at any situations. Please do not have the wrong concept that defective or damaged products can be taken away. They have to be processed according to the related regulations and procedures. Please take this as a reminder and be an honest employee with integrity.

(HR Dept)

P7 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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