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March 2021 (Eastern Region)

Updated: Mar 24, 2021



在我們新的第九部門 Fulfillment 有個同事叫 Douglas。“道哥” 是在大統華工作了超過 10 年的老員工,我們大家都愛稱他為 “道哥”。

當初進公司的時候是保安,由於健康因素轉成了庫存控制員。去年 Fulfillment 剛剛起步,突然疫情的爆發,網上訂單紛湧,道哥就被借調來我們店。當時的情況可謂是困難重重,從人手不足、到需要使用全新的電腦系統撿貨、到不熟悉的商品陳列,道哥很快地就克服了這些問題然後成為了 E-com 的主力之一,最後同意轉調到 UV 店和部門一起成長。


除了幫助 Fulfillment 越來越穩定,道哥熱心幫忙,每早負責開大門順道檢查場內是否有安全隱患,讓大家上班都安心。他也會主動幫忙控制人流,甚至早班 First Aid 他都包了! 雖然已到退休年齡,道哥還是專業盡全力的幫助到我們 UV 大家庭的每位員工!

(Unionville 分店 - 蔬果部 Bill Deng)


分店儲物櫃進行重新調配時,某員工得知自己的儲物櫃由原來的中檔位置被調至下檔後,感到很氣憤,覺得遭遇到不公平對待,便立刻找主管理論,一氣之下,開口大罵主管。結果可想而知,辱罵他人是會被處分的,更甚者是會被公司開除。 日常工作中,儘管主管應當公平對待每位員工,但許多情况下,公平不意味著絕對一致。就儲物櫃的例子,每個儲物櫃都有上下檔,總會有人被安排至下檔的。




P5 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

March 2021

Any Questions? Go Look for Doug

In our new 9th store department - Fulfillment, there is a colleague named Douglas. He is a senior employee who has worked for T&T for more than 10 years. We all like to call him “Dao-Ge".

When he first joined the company, he was a security guard. Due to health factor, he became an inventory control officer. Fulfillment team had just set up last year. The outbreak of the pandemic suddenly boosted the number of online orders, so Dao-Ge got temporarily transferred to support our store. We faced a lot of challenges in the beginning, such as manpower shortage, new system and unfamiliar item location. Dao-Ge quickly overcame these problems and became one of the key persons of eCommerce, and finally agreed to be officially transferred to UV store and grow together with this department.

Dao-Ge always help one another. Since most of the staff in this department are new, he gave a lot of suggestions, helped introducing new colleagues to others, and communicated across departments so that everyone could quickly get familiarize with the operations. Every morning, Dao-Ge sorts out the orders, then focusing on fresh products, in order to reduce the workload of the morning shift colleagues.

In addition to helping the Fulfillment team, Dao-Ge is eager to help, he opens the door every morning and also checks whether there are any safety hazards to make sure everyone works safely. He will also take the initiative to help controlling the traffic and even acts as the morning shift’s First-Aid attendant sometimes. Although he has reached the retirement age, Dao-Ge is still doing his best to help every employee in our UV family!

(Bill Deng, Produce Dept., Unionville Store)

Don't Let Yourself Regret Because of Your Short Temper

When the store’s lockers were re-assigned, an employee felt very angry after he learned that his locker had been moved from the original middle position to a lower position. He felt that he had been treated unfairly, so he immediately approached the supervisor for a reason and yelled to the supervisor. As you know that insulting others will be punished, and even worse, will be expelled from the company.

In daily work, although the supervisor should treat each employee fairly, in many cases, fairness does not mean absolute consistency. In the case of the lockers, each locker has different position, and someone will be assigned to the lower position lockers.

At work, the tasks assigned to each person are also different. Some employees always think that other 's work is easier and feel that they have been treated unfairly. When you have this kind of thought, the more you think the more you feel wronged and angry, but no matter what, these emotions can't solve the problem. You must first control your emotions and calm yourself down. When necessary, you can ask your superiors to explain the situation. You can use communication to solve problems on the premise of mutual respect and understanding.

When you feel dissatisfied, don't get angry. You can only make the right decision when you are rational. Don't let yourself regret because of your short temper.

(HR Dept.)

P5 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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