OW 電商部因你們而精彩
作爲在 OW-EC Fulfillment 部門的新人,工作剛滿半年,我真實感受到這個大家庭的溫暖,讓我和同事共同學習和成長。
如果說電商部是一顆幼苗,那麼分店大家庭滋養了它的成長!在第三波疫情剛剛開始的時候,我們的訂單暴漲,但大家都有不服輸的精神,訂單越多越興奮:那時候大家像是在和時間賽跑,盡力保證能夠按時將貨物交到客人手裡。這期間創下了送貨到家一天 140 單的記錄,也有客人到店自提的一個訂單就裝了滿滿 41 個袋子的經歷。
當然最困難的時候是人手不夠,這個時候我看到了什麼叫互助合作。店長、副店長、正副主管、Admin 同事以及各部門抽調的同事都趕來支援。在和大家相互接觸磨合的過程中,我被他們的敬業精神所折服。肉部趙師傅不僅動作麻利,而且備的肉基本精準無誤;還有廚房的楊師傅,他片的鴨子得到了顧客的認可和喜愛,他們無不體現了一種匠人精神!(我經常以為售賣的 ‘楊師傅水餃’ 背後的人物原型就是我們廚房的楊師傅😊) 功夫不負有心人,大家的辛勞換來了客人的支持,也是對我們最大的肯定。
(Ottawa 分店 - 電商部 Teresa Fan)
正在上著班的員工突然 “失蹤”,這樣的場景有時會真實的發生在我們的工作場所。突然找不到員工了,員工都幹什麽去了呢:
…… 回家吃飯
…… 去接小孩
…… 在車裏休息
…… 在店裏購物
…… 到店外購物
…… 在休息室聊天、看手機
…… 離開分店去做自己的事
這樣的情況絕對不允許發生,當班時間,公司支付工資,員工就應該在工作崗位上, 萬一有任何意外情況發生需要離開工作場所,請務必向主管請假並獲得批准之後,才能離開。這個最簡單的道理,相信每一個人都能明白。上班時間不玩消失,因爲這是對工作和所有同事的不負責任,會受到紀律處分。
P8 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
June 2021
OW Fulfillment Department is Wonderful Because of You
As a newcomer at OW Fulfillment Department passing the 6 months mark. I can truly feel the warmth from this T&T family, which allows me to grow and learn from every colleague.
If e-Commerce is representing the newborn baby in a family, then it is truly raised by everyone within the T&T family. From the beginning of third wave of pandemic, our orders have significantly increased and went through the roof. Everyone holds the same mind-set to never give up and the excitement grew along with the number of orders received. Everyone is racing against time to ensure all orders are fulfilled in timely manner. We have made an incredible achievement and record to have 140 delivery orders in one day. Besides, we had a self pick-up order that filled a total of 41 shopping bags.
The toughest time was the lack of manpower. At this time, I saw what mutual assistance and cooperation means. The Store Manager, Asst. Store Manager, Dept Head, Asst. Dept Head, colleagues from Admin and various departments all came to support. I was impressed by their professionalism during the process of run-in. Meat Department worker Zhao, who has reflected his skills of sharpness and efficient. The Peking Duck from Chef Yang at Kitchen Deli was customers’ favorite. (I have mistaken that the “Chef Yang’s Dumpling package design was from “our Chef Yang”). Hard work paid off, nothing comes better than a recognition and support from our customers.
I am so thankful to have T&T, and to be able to work alongside with everyone around like in a family. I believe that everyone’s hard working will bring a better future ahead.
(Teresa Fan, Fulfillment Dept., Ottawa Store)
Don't Go Missing for No Reason during Work
This might sound familiar to you, and this is happening at our workplaces. Suddenly we can't find a colleague. Where did the employee go?
· Went home for lunch
· Pick up their children
· Resting in the car
· Shopping in the store
· Go shopping outside
· Socializing at the lunchroom or browsing on their phones
· Leave their store for personal reason
There are always many reasons behind it, but they all share one thing in common. They did not notify their direct superiors, disappear without a proper request or approval.
This kind of action is unacceptable. You are paid to be on shift to perform your job duties. We all understand that there can be emergency incident. However, you must notify your direct superior and get approval before leaving your shift, as simple as that. Don't play missing for no reason during work. Because this is irresponsible to your job and all colleagues and it will be subject to disciplinary action.
(HR Dept.)