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June 2020


受到 COVID-19 疫情迅猛發展的衝擊,加上幾位員工請假以及期末盤點,SE 菜部人手突顯緊張起來。聽聞此事,在場主管們紛紛響應,商討後齊聲推薦:資深員工 Andrew 可以幫忙搞定!

Andrew 現任 SE 駐店保安,此前在菜部做過 Supervisor 的工作,而且數次為其它部門提供過支援,例如:雜貨、海鮮和廚食部,可謂是店裏難得的多面手!他不僅熟悉店内多個部門的工作内容和流程,而且平時工作認真負責,爲人豁達不吝嗇奉獻。果不其然,會後 Andrew 愉快地接受了支援菜部的任務。一上班,Andrew 就開始忙碌,不停地翻堆,添加新貨。在規定的盤點時間,他與其他同事一起對菜部前後場商品進行了仔細的清點和認真的記錄。因爲 Andrew 的傾力相助,菜部在人手緊缺的狀況下順利完成了期末盤點。

Andrew 的行為切實體現了大統華 “互助合作” 的文化。同事們感恩 Andrew 的付出,他的故事很快在分店傳開。在 Andrew 的帶動下,越來越多的同事加入到了分店 “互助合作、感恩付出” 的隊伍中。

(SE 分店)


元月中旬的一天,Woodbine 分店服務台收到了顧客遞來的一個特別的信封,上面寫有一組金額數字和大大的 “Thank You Theresa”。爲何顧客會專門到店裏給我們的收銀主管送錢和感謝?

事情追溯到元旦那周的一個大雪天,氣象局發佈將有 10 多厘米的降雪和連續的寒冷天氣。當天有位顧客準備為自己的貨品付款,但是找遍全身上下都沒有找到錢包。顧客到車内尋找後再次回到店裏,一臉惆悵地說還是沒有找到錢包,向收銀員表示要回家拿錢。收銀員通知了主管 Theresa,Theresa 當下立即拿出自己的信用卡,客氣地詢問客人是否同意她先幫他付款,等天氣好轉才到店裏還款給她。Theresa 幫顧客結帳後,沒有將此事向任何人聲張,直到顧客回來表達感謝,大家才知道 Theresa 的暖心之舉。

這一切都完全出自 Theresa 的個人意願。當問起此事時,Theresa 說當時最擔心的是顧客在惡劣天氣下來回跑的安全,認爲不能因爲害怕被騙吃虧就忽略了真正需要幫助的人。Theresa 的這一善舉充分展現了鎸刻於她内心的 “顧客至上” 的價值觀。

(WB 分店)





誠信,這一立人之本是每位員工初入大統華時學的第一課,這不僅僅是工作中的守則,更是做人的原則。千萬不要爲了貪圖所謂的 “小便宜”,而賠上了自己的前程,造成不可逆轉的損失。


P8 2019/2020 分店最佳員工榮譽榜



June 2020

Show Your Full Support and Thanks for Others’ Contribution

Due to the rapid evolving of COVID-19, a couple colleagues were asking for days off before the inventory count of the SE Produce Dept., which caused a shortage in labor. After the discussion among supervisors and department head, they all suggested the senior colleague, Andrew, can help out in this situation.

Andrew is the security of SE store, he used to work as the supervisor of Produce Dept. and had been supporting other departments for many times such as Grocery, Seafood and Kitchen Deli. He is definitely an all-round player in the team. Beside familiar with the job duties and procedure of different departments, he is a responsible and diligent worker, who is willing to help others. As discussed, Andrew pleasantly accepted the mission of supporting Produce Dept.. Once he started to help, he was so committed to work and finished the detailed inventory count with Produce team at the deadline.

Andrew’s behavior really reflects T&T’s culture of “Help one another”. The team appreciate the contribution of Andrew and his story is passing along different departments. With the influence of Andrew, more and more staff are joining the team of “Help one another”.

(SE Store)

A Heartwarming Act of Kindness in the Winter

A random day in the winter, the customer service of Woodbine Store received a letter from a customer. On the envelope, there is a dollar amount written on it with a line of big words “Thank You, Theresa”. How come a customer came to our store to give money and express gratitude to our cashier department head?

This story behind dated back to the snowy day in the first week of this year, when the weather forecasted a snowfall above 10cm and extreme cold weather. On that day, the customer was checking out and could not find her wallet. The customer went back to her car and checked for it. In the end, the customer looked worried and said she could not find her wallet. The cashier informed her department head, Theresa. Theresa immediately paid with her personal credit card after asking for the customer’s consent. She told the customer that she could pay her back when the weather gets better. Theresa did not tell anyone about her paying for the customer’s purchase. Everyone found out Theresa’s act of kindness until the customer returned to show her appreciation.

This act is from Theresa’s free choice. Theresa said she worried about the safety of the customer from going back and forth under the bad weather condition. We should not neglect the help needed from others because of the fear of being cheated. Her good deed shows how she values “Customer is #1”.

(WB Store)

Seek for Personal Gain is not Acceptable

Some time ago, an employee picked her favourite item during working hours. Without asking the permission of her supervisor, she reserved it in the counter and decided to pay for it afterwork.

After work, in order to avoid being seen by others, she went to the self-check out counter to pay for the item using the staff discounted meal price that was much lower than the original price of the product. Fortunately, it was discovered by a colleague in time and stopped her from checking out. This is a violation of integrity.

After investigation, the employee clearly understood that her behavior was against the company's culture, but she thought her behavior would not cause any serious consequences. Now, the employee has left the company and lives on with a mark of integrity violation for her lifetime.

Integrity, we all learned about it in T&T’s first lesson. It is not only a rule at workplace, but also a core principle of a human being. Please do not seek for small personal gain and lose your own future, which might be an irreversible loss.

(HR Dept.)

P8 2019/2020 Outstanding Staff of the Store




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