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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

June 12, 2020






好在最嚴重的階段暫時過去了,我很高興看到整個公司都已穩步恢復正常運作,各省也紛紛解封,緩和的疫情已成為我們生活的「新常態」,因此,在五月底曾延長過一次的基本服務津貼,也將恢復正常在 6/14 到期。其實類似的津貼,別說其它華人超市,連許多主流超市也早在五月底就停了。公司必須為可能反撲的疫情,保留子彈,做好準備。


雖然基本服務津貼即將在 6/14 到期,但公司決定緊跟著從 6/15 到 6/28 再額外發給前線同事一次感謝花紅,這相當於把基本服務津貼再延長兩週,要為大家的努力付出,畫下一個完美的句點。我真的很想多謝謝你們,真的以你們為榮。這額外的感謝花紅將在 7/10 發放,人力資源部會公布細節。



Hi Team,

It’s amazing to think that COVID-19 has been part of our reality for more than three months now. And, many of the changes and safeguards we introduced during the pandemic are now part of our new normal. It’s great to see that our stores, CK/CB, and warehouses have settled into such a good rhythm. With this stability and with economies re-opening we have decided the time is right to transition out of our temporary essential service allowance, put in place for 13 weeks to recognize your extraordinary efforts.

The $2-per-hour allowance will end on June 14, with an additional benefit in early July. As we thought about winding the allowance down, the Company decided that an additional one-time “Thank You” bonus would be a rewarding conclusion for you. More details on “Thank You” bonus to follow, but basically, the “Thank You” bonus will be an equivalent to the $2-per-hour allowance and will be paid to eligible colleagues who have worked shifts between June 15 and June 28 and are still under our employ when the bonus is paid. The bonus will be paid on July 10.

Like so many Canadians, you all rose to the challenge that was put in front of you and, as always, you have helped Canadians live life well. Thank you.



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