扎實做好一件事 — 窩頓店主廚Jimmy的故事
窩頓店的自助餐台,多年來一直是一道獨特的風景線。餐台上出售的幾十種菜餚,一直深受華人和其他族裔人士的青睞。到底這幾十種各具特色的美味佳餚出自哪位高手?原來這高手就是人稱謝師傅的廚食部主廚Jimmy xie。他精心烹製的無數菜品,都成了窩頓店的招牌菜。
這麼多年來,謝師傅兢兢業業地堅持做好一件事:就是為來自世界各地、口味不同的食客,烹飪出他們喜愛的美味,將看似簡單的菜餚做到不簡單。如東坡肘子除了要顧及色香味型,還要符合南北方不同食客的口味;牛腩燉蘿蔔看似普通,但要好好選材和把握火候。而在謝師傅手下,這兩道菜一直是供不應求。除此之外,春節的重頭戲 — 年菜,尤其是謝師傅精心設計的大吉大利煲,每年都深受顧客的喜愛。
(Warden分店) 肉食部Shunqi Cheng
P9 2021/2022 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
July 2022
Focus on doing one thing well - The story of Head Cook Jimmy at the Warden store
For many years, the Self-Service hot food section at Warden store has been a unique landscape. Dozens of dishes in this section are loved by many Chinese and other ethnic groups. Who is the master of these delicacies? He is Jimmy Xie (Master Xie), Head Cook of the Kitchen Department. The countless dishes he masterfully made over the years have all become signature dishes at Warden store.
Master Xie never had any experience as a cook before joining T&T. He started off doing odd jobs at a Vancouver store back in 2005. After five years of hard work, he became a Head Cook. In 2011, when Master Xie and his family moved to Toronto, he transferred to the Warden store and has remained for the last 17 years.
All these years, Master Xie has focused on doing one thing well, and that is to create delicious flavours through seemingly simple dishes that appeal to diners from all over the world. For example, besides color and flavor, Dongpo Pig Knuckle needs to suit the palates of customers from north and south. Whereas, the Braised Beef Brisket with Radish seems simple, but requires careful selection of ingredients and skillful heat control. Because of Master Xie, these two dishes have always been in high demand. In addition, the Supreme Mini Pancai Pot created by him, as one of the highlights of the Spring Festival, has been a customer favourite every year.
Not only has Master Xie's cooking skills improved quickly over the years, but he is also a good role model. Which is why he deserving the awards of “Staff of the year (Western Region)” champion in 2009 and “Staff of the year (Warden Store)” in 2019.
(Warden store) Meat Department Shunqi Cheng
Creating a harassment-free work environment
Our company is committed to creating a workplace without discrimination, violence, bullying and harassment, where colleagues are expected to respect one another.
We recently received several complaints about harassment. These incidents involve employees who remained after work and interfered with the work of on-shift colleagues, holding onto another colleague's wrist and arm as a friendly invitation, or tapping someone's shoulder or other body parts because they thought they had a close relationship. Oftentimes these actions can be interpreted very differently, and can cause distress, or even feel like harassment by the other party.
The company's “Workplace Discrimination, Violence, Bullying and Harassment Policy” states that harassment includes inappropriate conduct, comments, display, actions or gestures. No matter it is with intention or not, after investigating and conducting interviews, the company would take disciplinary actions or re-educated related employees to raise awareness of this important issue.
We hope everyone remembers that any inappropriate action that may have a detrimental effect on the mental or physical health of their colleagues will be viewed as harassment. At the same time, the company's values of "Work-Life Happy", includes allowing all employees to feel comfortable, healthy and safe while they work, which is why each and every person has the responsibility to follow the code of conduct of respect and inclusion to create a harassment-free work environment.
(HR Dept.)