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July 2021 (Western Region)

Updated: Jul 26, 2021




Cashier 部門的 Sandy 是本店第一批接種疫苗的同事之一。 Sandy 對於疫苗抱有樂觀的看法,不論是輝瑞還是莫德納等,她都樂意接種, 因為她的自身經歷讓她懂得生命的寶貴。她相信疫苗可以挽救生命。在接種疫苗後,她向其他同事宣傳疫苗的安全性,並且積極地鼓勵同事們去接種疫苗。她的行動讓大家都對疫苗更有信心,同事們都更加放心地去接種。前段時間政府開放疫苗給 front line worker 先接種,很多同事都踴躍地註冊報名接種,特別是Cashier部門的同事們,差不多所有人都報名了。

很快,本店的疫苗接種率已經達到了95%,是BC省接種率最高的分店。 這個接種率不僅讓在店內工作的同事感到安心,也讓在店內購物的顧客們更有安全感。疫苗不單保障接種者,更保障身邊的人。

(Lansdowne 分店 - 分店行政部Yvonne Guan)


全店員工95%的接種率!看到這個放在入口處 poster 上的數字,我心裏彷彿卸下了大大一塊石頭。

這一年多的 COVID-19 疫情,反反復復。這對於一個菜部前場員工來說,可謂是壓力山大。但壓力雖大,心裏卻穩穩的。店裏口罩、面罩充足分發,主管身先士卒,外場上貨理貨,一刻不閑。店長巡店,都會叮囑:“客人多的時候,你們盡量不要擠著去上貨,注意保持距離。”

然而,不幸的事情還是發生了!兩個多月前部門一位員工確診!主管被隔離!但不幸中的萬幸,除了主管一人,沒有別的密切接觸者。不巧的是,公司系統出了問題,這是我到大統華這麽多年來從未遇到的挑戰!在 SE/ED 的菜部主管及時到店支援,店裏也抽調人手幫忙,終於度過難關。

隨著 AB 省接種疫苗的加快,疫情終於大大緩解,同事們現在說的最多的話題就是“你什麽時候打第二針?”“打了第二針有什麽反應?”而店長也是不厭其煩地叮囑大家打疫苗。主管隔離結束,又投入了和大家一起戰鬥,染疫的同事檢測陰性,也回來上班了。 Edmonton的夏天也終於來了,天還是那麽的藍,草還是那麽的綠,一切都是那麽的美好。

(Northtown Edmonton分店 - 蔬果部 蔡淑萍)




其實接種第一劑疫苗後,我們的免疫系統並不是能夠立刻產生抗體來對抗 COVID-19。衛生專家警告說,即使您接種了第一劑疫苗,也應該繼續遵守公共衛生措施,否則就有被感染的風險。雖然很多員工都已經接種了第一劑疫苗,但是我們在店裏或在辦公室裏交談聊天時還是要注意保持安全距離,戴好口罩和勤洗手,絕不能掉以輕心。

在COVID-19 的防疫方面,公司已經採取了一切措施確保工作場所的安全,所以同事們必須時刻嚴格遵守,否則,公司將對違規員工採取紀律處分。


P9 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

July 2021


Even since the start of the pandemic over a year ago, everyone’s life has been filled with uncertainty and limitation. However, the discovery of vaccines is like seeing light of hope in a pitch-dark tunnel. The knowledge of vaccine is being lack of with many people which is causing some concerns and worrisome for our colleagues and to avoid vaccination.

Sandy from Cashier department is one of the first among the group of colleagues who received their first dose. Sandy has a positive point of view toward vaccines whether it’s Pfizer or Morderna. She’s willing to accept either one regardless, due to what she has personally experienced in life has taught her a different point of view to cherish lives. She believes in vaccination which can also help saving lives. After she has received her first dose, she helped promoting and explaining the importance of vaccination and encourage people to take them. Her kindness in action is implying confidence for everyone to accept vaccination. Previously, the health authority has prioritized the registration for frontline workers. Most of our colleagues have registered immediately especially Cashier department which everyone has registered.

The store vaccination rate has reached 95% in no time and being the highest rate of all stores in BC. The vaccination rate is assuring everyone working in a safe environment as well as for our shoppers. Vaccines is more than just protecting yourself, but to also protect everyone that you care.

(Yvonne Guan, Store Admin Dept., Lansdowne Store)

We work together to breakthrough all the challenges.

An overall 95% of vaccination rate from our store. When I see this number from the poster in storefront. This is much more meaningful than expected.

There have been lots of up and down throughout the year with Covid’s cases. The pressure has been huge being a frontline worker of produce department. However, the proper arrangement from the store has always been able to give me an ease of mind. Masks and face shields have never been lacked. Our department head has always been supportive and being on the frontline with us together. Store manager would constantly be reminding us not to get into the crowd stocking and maintain the proper social distancing.

Unfortunately, one of our colleagues has been tested positive and our department head had to be quarantined due to being a close contact. Despite the fact that we are trying to get through this difficult time, our system has gone into the biggest issue I have personally experienced in my career with T&T. Luckily, SE/ED department head have come to the rescue, store has also made the best arrangement in delegation from all other departments to get through this roadblock.

Meanwhile, vaccination in the province of Alberta has sped up significantly which helped relieving the struggle of corona virus. The most discussed topics nowadays among colleagues are mostly on second dose appointment and the side effects. Store Manager has continued to remind us on getting vaccination and the benefit being vaccinated. Eventually, our department head has finished his isolation, our colleague has also now been tested negative and both have returned back to work. The long-awaited summer has finally arrived in Edmonton. Regardless what has happened, but the nature doesn’t change and it’s good to be back to normal.

(Shuping Cai, Produce Dept, Northtown Edmonton Store)

Continue to follow the safety protocol even after vaccinations.

Vaccination is the best way to protect ourselves, our families, and our community. Most people have already received their first dose with the tremendous support and encouragement from our company.

Although the vaccination rate is getting higher and higher. Our team can work in a safer environment. However, some of us have already been letting our guard down including socializing with other colleagues without mask. Please keep in mind that this is still extremely dangerous. Luckily, it was caught by the manager on duty and took a corrective action with the fellows.

In fact, receiving your first dose is not enough to build the antidote for your immune system against Covid. Health authority has also suggested to continue following safety protocol and measurement even after getting your first dose. Otherwise, you will still be at risk on catching the virus. You must continue to wear masks, maintain social distance, and wash your hands.

As long as we are still under the Covid-19 pandemic, our company must continue to ensure the safety measurement is met. If anyone is caught disobeying the policy, discipline action will be taken.

(HR Dept.)

P9 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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