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January 2021 (Western Region)

Updated: Jan 28, 2021


大家庭 新成員

2020 年 11 月 24 日,在卡加利的冬日暖陽裏,籌備已久的大統華 Deerfoot 店開業了,大統華的大家庭迎來了充滿溫暖和活力的新成員。

疫情讓 2020 年的一切變得困難重重,但即將營業的大統華 DF 店內活力四射。DF 團隊全體員工【互助合作】,使得開店的各項準備工作有條不紊地扎實推進。開業的前幾週,總公司還從溫哥華派來了雜貨、冷品、收銀、IT 和 PFD 專員指導工作、培訓員工、解決難題,他們卓有成效的工作使我們受益匪淺。同在卡城的兩個兄弟店 (CA 店和 HH 店) 更是體貼入微。他們提供了崗位培訓新員工,抽出精兵強將支援開店,從店長到員工都給予了 DF 店巨大支持。

大統華在亞省深耕多年, CA 店二十一年的優質服務使其成為卡城市民的購物必選地。隨著城市不斷擴張,位於市中心的 CA 店對於南邊市民顯得有些遠了。因此 DF 店開業當天一早,不少市民不懼嚴寒,在擋風帳篷裏排起了長龍,等待進店購物。倏忽,一個小姑娘手捧著精美的食品從店裡開心地走了出來,沐浴著和煦的陽光會心地笑了,輕輕地說了聲「有大統華,真好!」

冬日裏開店營業的 DF 店,猶如嚴冬裏的臘梅,迎寒而傲立綻放,芳香四溢。新店 DF 定會茁壯成長,為大家庭增色添彩。

(Deerfoot 分店 - 電商部 Fred Li)


2020 年年初,面對疫情的瘋狂肆虐,人們充滿著不安與恐懼的情緒,彼此之間似乎增加了一層隱形的隔膜。但是大統華的員工仍然樂於助人,持續關懷著社區。

一個工作日,一位顧客在 CC 店内購物時突然感到身體不適。店内急救員及值班經理獲知後沒有猶豫,戴好口罩、面罩及一次性手套後,馬上前往給予協助。情況有所好轉後,顧客家屬希望分店可以協助攙扶他上車到醫院作進一步檢查。為保護員工,避免與病人有身體接觸,分店嘗試到商場客服中心借用輪椅。萬料不到商場因疫情管理爲由,拒絕借出所有可再使用的救護設備。商場的這一措施令顧客及分店都感到十分無奈。大家集思廣益討論後,很快決定讓這位顧客坐在有輪子的辦公椅上。進行消毒清潔之後,他被安全地送上了車。

事後,這位顧客特意回到店裏衷心感謝了所有給予幫助的員工。原來,他是長期糖尿病患者,血糖不穩定,加上因疫情佩戴口罩導致他不舒服。CC 店員工及時伸出的援手讓他感覺到大統華對顧客的關懷,表示會繼續支持大統華。


(Central City 分店 - 分店行政部 Ling Lin)

“專業盡全力” 是每一位員工的職責

自疫情開始以來,超市便成爲大衆最常去的地方,加上店内人流管控及社交距離的雙重壓力,收銀檯會大排長龍,貨品也時常被一搶而空。在這特殊時期,公司更需要所有同事做到 “專業盡全力”,以保證正常營運。



疫情期間每位員工都很辛苦,正是因爲所有人秉持著專業認真的態度,以及全心全力地付出,才有我們現在的成就。請大家繼續保持 “專業盡全力”,才不會辜負每位同仁一直以來的努力奮鬥。


P3 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

January 2021

Big Family New Member

On November 24, 2020, a warm sunny day in Calgary, the well-planned T&T Deerfoot Store grand opened. The T&T Big Family welcomed our new member.

The pandemic has made everything became challenging in 2020, but the new T&T DF Store is full of vitality. The whole DF team are helping each other, which the preparations for opening proceeded in an orderly manner. A few weeks before the opening, Support Center also sent Specialists of Grocery, D&F, Cashier, IT and PFD from Vancouver to guide the preparation, provide training and solve any problem. Their remarkable effort benefitted us a lot. The other two sister stores in Calgary (CA Store and HH Store) are being considerate, they provided on-the-job training positions and selected their outstanding employees to support the new store opening. From store management to working level, they were giving the most support to DF Store.

T&T has been serving Alberta for years. With 21 years of quality service, which made CA Store become the must-go grocery store in Calgary. Since the city area is expanding, the CA Store located in downtown is a bit too far for South Calgary residents. On the opening day, a lot of the neighbourhood residents tolerated the cold and lined up to get inside the new store. After a while, a little girl came out with bags of delicacies and smiled, “it is good to have T&T.”

The DF store opened in winter is just like winter plum, which blooms proudly in the cold. The new DF store will grow stronger and make the big family more fabulous.

(Fred Li, e-Com Dept., Deerfoot Store)

T&T Cares Our Community

In the beginning of 2020, when the COVID started to get crazy, all of us were suffering from fear and insecure. It seems there was a transparent barrier built in between each of us. Fortunately, T&T’s employees are willing to help and care for the community.

On a normal business day, a customer who visited CC Store was not feeling well. The in-store first aid attendant and Duty Manager got notified, both immediately put on personal protection gear and provided support without any hesitation. After the situation became stable, the customer’s family asked if our staff can assist the customer to get into the car, then he can go to the hospital for further examination. In order to protect our staff from close contact with others, our staff tried to borrow the wheelchair from the shopping mall customer services, however, they rejected due to the pandemic. After a quick discussion among our colleagues, they decided to use the office chair with wheels. After disinfecting the chair, they safely transported the customer to a car.

The customer came back to store and thank all the helping staffs. He is a diabetic patient whose blood sugar fluctuates, additionally, he was wearing a mask that caused the discomfort. The help of CC Store staff made him feel cared, he expressed that he will continue to support T&T.

During the pandemic, being the frontline workers in supermarket, we can deeply feel our community responsibility. We are proud of our work; it is good to have T&T!

(Ling Lin, Store Admin Dept., Central City Store)

“Be the Best We Can” is The Duty of Every Staff

Once the pandemic began, supermarket became the most visited place of the public. Also due to the traffic control and social distancing, there is always a long line for the checkout counter and the shelves are often empty. In this critical moment, the company needs all colleagues to be the best they can in order to ensure normal operation.

However, a colleague was found using the cellphones during peak hours, she even used it while serving customers. This act will decrease the working efficiency and service quality, and even affect the good impression of T&T. That colleague made a few big mistakes because she was not paying attention at work and was followed up by disciplinary action.

From products to services, T&T has always given a professional impression to our customers. We do not want to see any situations that violate our professionalism. Therefore, if employees are unable to concentrate on their work due to any emergency condition, they must immediately report to their supervisors instead of doing anything irrelated to work while on duty.

We know every staff is having a tough time during the pandemic. It is because everyone is holding a professional working ethics and do our best we can, which is how we have the current achievement. Please maintain the “Be the Best We Can Be” attitude and keep up the good work.

(HR Dept.)

P3 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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