記得去年三月之後,受疫情影響,人們曾在一段時間内集中囤積生活和日常用品。雜貨部面臨著空前考驗,補貨上架的人力遠遠不夠。因此,店長安排店内不同部門的同事跨部門到雜貨部支援,Kelly 就是其中一位。
Kelly 來自電商部,人很文靜、纖瘦,一看就是個頗有書卷氣的南方姑娘。由於我們部門的美容顧問已離職,所以 Kelly 一到崗就被委以重任,接手以 “商品種類繁複、單價高、外包裝相似度高” 著稱的 Be Beauty 區域。Kelly 既要按時完成電商部的揀貨,還要兼顧 Be Beauty。但是 Kelly 出乎意料的用了最短的時間熟悉了全部補貨上架流程及陳列技巧,不到一星期就把通道和後場整理的整整齊齊。更讓人意想不到的是,她還主動承擔起向顧客推薦商品,發放贈品的工作,有效幫助部門提高了 Be Beauty 的銷售額。她還主動報名了公司的跨部門支援計劃。條件允許時,她都會主動來雜貨部幫忙,工作範圍也逐漸擴大到零食、速食麵、甚至是醬料,為支持雜貨部的日常營運作出了突出貢獻!
由於工作需要,像 Kelly 一樣主動參與跨部門培訓,來我們部門支援的同事不勝枚舉。正是同事們充分發揮以團隊需要為己任,【互助合作】的精神,才使雜貨部在疫情期間能夠平穩營運,更好地服務社區!
(Waterloo 分店 - 雜貨部 Gloria Zhang)
“專業盡全力” 是每一位員工的職責
自疫情開始以來,超市便成爲大衆最常去的地方,加上店内人流管控及社交距離的雙重壓力,收銀檯會大排長龍,貨品也時常被一搶而空。在這特殊時期,公司更需要所有同事做到 “專業盡全力”,以保證正常營運。
疫情期間每位員工都很辛苦,正是因爲所有人秉持著專業認真的態度,以及全心全力地付出,才有我們現在的成就。請大家繼續保持 “專業盡全力”,才不會辜負每位同仁一直以來的努力奮鬥。
P3 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
January 2021
Serve Our Community
Still remember starting from last March, due to the pandemic, the public started to hoard daily necessities. The Grocery Dept. faced the biggest challenge then ever, the replenish workforce fell behind the need. The Store Manager arranged cross department support and Kelly was one of the helpers.
Kelly is from the e-Com Dept, she is a quiet and slim girl, who seems to be a studious girl. Due to the leave of our beauty advisor, Kelly got assigned to handle the Be Beauty zone, which products are “high value, complicated categories and having similar packages.” Kelly has to complete her e-Com duty and also take care of the Be Beauty zone. Surprisingly, she learned all the replenish procedure and display techniques in a short period. She even organized the corridor and backroom within a week. She also took the initiative to recommend products to customers and hand out free samples. Her help effectively increased the sales of Be Beauty. In the meantime, she applied the Store Cross-Dept Training & Manpower Sharing Program. When the condition allows, Kelly proactively gives a hand to the grocery department and expand her help to the snack, instant noodles and sauces aisles. She is making outstanding contributions to support the daily operations of the grocery department!
Due to the need of work, there are many colleagues just like Kelly, who join the training program and provide cross-department support. It is because our colleagues have the team spirit and willing to help each other, which assists Grocery Dept. to overcome the difficulties and back to regular operations!
(Gloria Zhang, Grocery Dept., Waterloo Store)
“Be the Best We Can” is The Duty of Every Staff
Once the pandemic began, supermarket became the most visited place of the public. Also due to the traffic control and social distancing, there is always a long line for the checkout counter and the shelves are often empty. In this critical moment, the company needs all colleagues to be the best they can in order to ensure normal operation.
However, a colleague was found using the cellphones during peak hours, she even used it while serving customers. This act will decrease the working efficiency and service quality, and even affect the good impression of T&T. That colleague made a few big mistakes because she was not paying attention at work and was followed up by disciplinary action.
From products to services, T&T has always given a professional impression to our customers. We do not want to see any situations that violate our professionalism. Therefore, if employees are unable to concentrate on their work due to any emergency condition, they must immediately report to their supervisors instead of doing anything irrelated to work while on duty.
We know every staff is having a tough time during the pandemic. It is because everyone is holding a professional working ethics and do our best we can, which is how we have the current achievement. Please maintain the “Be the Best We Can Be” attitude and keep up the good work.
(HR Dept.)