在大統華CA分店,總會見到一位身材高挑的女生在店內忙碌穿梭。 她時而上貨,時而給商品拍照,時而又耐心地向顧客介紹商品。 一天下來,她那移動的身影交織出亮麗的軌跡!
她微笑的眼神蘊含著真誠,她溫和的言行帶著謙卑。 據我所知,顧客微信群裏相當一部分的顧客都不是本區居民,卻寧願捨近求遠地來CA分店購物。 聽他們說,是因為覺得CA分店的員工和客服特別親善好客,令他們感受到溫暖……
她既做雜貨部的工作,同時負責著Facebook、小紅書和微信等三個社交平臺的商品推廣和客服工作。 特別是微信,一共9個顧客群3700多人,在眾多分店裏面排名第一位! 不僅如此,她還趁著跟顧客互動的機會,了解顧客的需求與意見,為領導的決策提供參考。
她憑著個人努力,為CA分店建立了良好的口碑,成績顯著。 在她的帶領下,CA分店客服組榮獲2020-2021大統華社群管理年度表彰大會AB省最佳表現獎。
她是誰? 她就是我們的 Local Communication Supervisor ,Selina Chen。 一個一心一意想為顧客提供最佳服務的前線員工。
(Calgary分店)分店行政部Kai Liu
我們的文化和價值觀,讓我們“凡事先從別人的立場想一想”,要“以人爲本”,以及 “顧客至上”,如果把好的商品留給自己,那麽別的員工怎麽辦?顧客怎麽辦?如果大家都這麽做,我們的超市要怎麽運作?這麽一想,就不難理解,爲什麽公司會對員工預留商品的行爲採取紀律處分了。
P4 2021/2022 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
February 2022
About ‘her’
When you are at T&T’s CA branch, there is a good chance you will come across a tall lady bustling about gracefully taking product photos, keeping shelves stocked, or patiently introducing products to customers.
Her smiling eyes show sincerity, her words and actions exude a sense of gentleness and humility that is immediately apparent to anyone she interacts with. And our customers clearly agree. Through our understanding, a significant portion of customers in our WeChat groups are not local residents. Many of them say despite the longer travel time, they prefer visiting our CA branch simply for the friendly and welcoming service they receive at this particular location.
Aside from completing tasks for the Grocery Department, she is also responsible for product promotion and customer service work on three separate social media platforms, including Facebook, Little Red Book and WeChat. Her hard work shines through on all platforms, but most prominently through WeChat where she manages nine chat groups totaling over 3,700 customers – ranking first amongst a number of branches. She utilizes her interactions with customers as an opportunity to learn and understand their needs, and this information ultimately helps improve and guide her future decisions and strategies.
The CA branch has built an excellent reputation and made notable achievements thanks to her hard work and efforts. Under her leadership, the CA branch’s customer service team won the Best Performance Award in Alberta at the 2020-2021 T&T Annual Social Media Management Award Ceremony.
Who is she? She is our Local Communications Supervisor Selina Chen – a dedicated frontline worker who is committed to providing the best service for our customers.
(Calgary store) - Store Admin Kai Liu
Be respectful in workplace Ensuring a fair shopping experience for all - Please do not reserve merchandise
We know employees will sometimes reserve merchandise for themselves. At times even taking these reserved items directly from the back room straight to the checkout counters.
Each and every product is available on our store shelves, so why is it necessary to reserve merchandise at all? The answer is simply because employees may want to choose better, larger, fresher or more in-demand items for themselves or someone they know. In our company’s employee handbook, there is a section that expressly stipulates employees cannot reserve goods for themselves or others regardless of whether it is during or after their work hours.
It is a part of our culture and values to put ourselves into someone else’s shoes and understand from their perspective, as well as to put people and our customers first. If we reserve the best products for ourselves, how is it fair for our other employees or customers? If everyone followed suit, how would our stores operate? These are precisely the reasons as to why our company would take disciplinary action against those who reserve merchandise.
Through this opportunity here, we are kindly reminding everyone to please refrain from reserving merchandise. If you would like to make a purchase, please take the products directly from the store shelves to ensure a fair and transparent shopping experience for everyone.
(HR Dept.)