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February 2022 (Eastern Region)


優化庫存 從我做起

每天不到7點,人稱炳姐的Inventory Count Supervisor 就進入UV分店的大門,開始了她忙碌的一天。炳姐工作勤懇努力,每天一早會幫忙把所有冷品銷售區域的冰櫃照明燈打開,接著下來去辦公室跟飯廳把空氣過濾器打開。由於以前是雜貨部的,她也習慣性的把雜貨後場的小車與梯子拉到前場,為雜貨部門工作前期鋪路, 最後才開始她的獨立作業。


此外,炳姐需要參與到Receiving對 Non-Trust vendor的驗收工作,也因此少不了跟那些理虧的送貨員鬧掰挨駡、受委屈。炳姐從不抱怨辛苦,是我們分店的好幫手。

由於上午上班工作人員配備較少,因此她也幫雜貨冷品Price Check、聽客服電話、協助電商部找貨、幫助調整價格等等。

正是有這麼一位,在平凡的工作中做出不平凡貢獻的衛道之士,才令到我們的企業蒸蒸日上,茁壯成長。在最後也恭喜炳姐獲得2021年度東岸的Best Store Inventory Supervisor!妳拿到這個獎狀實在是當之無愧!

(Unionville分店) 分店行政部 Hank Qian




我們的文化和價值觀,讓我們“凡事先從別人的立場想一想”,要“以人爲本”,以及 “顧客至上”,如果把好的商品留給自己,那麽別的員工怎麽辦?顧客怎麽辦?如果大家都這麽做,我們的超市要怎麽運作?這麽一想,就不難理解,爲什麽公司會對員工預留商品的行爲採取紀律處分了。



P4 2021/2022 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

February 2022

Inventory optimization begins with me

Our Inventory Count Supervisor - known to everyone as Ms. Bing - arrives every single morning just before 7am at our UV branch to begin her busy day. She starts off by turning on all the lights in the freezer section, then heads over to the office and cafeteria to turn on the air purifier. A former member of the Grocery Department, to this day, Ms. Bing habitually continues to collect all the trolleys and ladders from the back room and brings them to the front to help kick-start the Grocery Department’s day. After completing all these tasks to ensure a smooth morning for her colleagues, Ms. Bing then sets off to begin her own work.

Effective inventory management is our company’s key goal. You will always hear Ms. Bing reminding employees that inventory must be accurate, and that the stock availability of groceries must be maintained at over 90%. Ms. Bing has to review and check the stock levels of these products each and every day. But her busiest time is undoubtedly at the end of the year. This is when you will often see her running around to check products and stock levels for the fresh foods section.

Aside from all this, another one of Ms. Bing’s jobs is receiving and checking the shipment of goods from Non-Trust Vendors. It is unfortunately not uncommon for her to come across a deliveryman who will yell at her or berate her even if they are at fault. Despite all this, she always displays professionalism. You will never hear Ms. Bing utter a groan or a word of complaint about how difficult her work is. Her diligence, strong work ethic, and positive attitude have made her a great asset at the UV branch.

Ms. Bing expertly juggles multiple roles every single day. Since there is usually less staff in the mornings, on top of her own responsibilities she will often provide assistance across various departments as needed - this can include price checking refrigerated and frozen goods, answering customers’ calls, assisting the E-Commerce department in finding products, price adjustments, and so much more.

An employee and individual like Ms. Bing who consistently goes above and beyond, and delivers extraordinary results in all aspects of her daily work is precisely the force that has enabled our business to thrive and prosper. We would like to extend our warmest congratulations to Ms. Bing for being awarded the 2021 Best Store Inventory Supervisor on the East Coast. Suffice to say, she is a well-deserving recipient of this award!

(Unionville store) - Store Admin Hank Qian

Be respectful in workplace Ensuring a fair shopping experience for all - Please do not reserve merchandise

We know employees will sometimes reserve merchandise for themselves. At times even taking these reserved items directly from the back room straight to the checkout counters.

Each and every product is available on our store shelves, so why is it necessary to reserve merchandise at all? The answer is simply because employees may want to choose better, larger, fresher or more in-demand items for themselves or someone they know. In our company’s employee handbook, there is a section that expressly stipulates employees cannot reserve goods for themselves or others regardless of whether it is during or after their work hours.

It is a part of our culture and values to put ourselves into someone else’s shoes and understand from their perspective, as well as to put people and our customers first. If we reserve the best products for ourselves, how is it fair for our other employees or customers? If everyone followed suit, how would our stores operate? These are precisely the reasons as to why our company would take disciplinary action against those who reserve merchandise.

Through this opportunity here, we are kindly reminding everyone to please refrain from reserving merchandise. If you would like to make a purchase, please take the products directly from the store shelves to ensure a fair and transparent shopping experience for everyone.

(HR Dept.)

P4 2021/2022 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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