在疫情最嚴峻的初期,員工們對疫情相當的恐慌。作為主管的我,原本部門人數有 9 人,但因疫情,繼而要求離職、休假。最艱難的時候,部門只有三人上班。
對我而言,家人害怕我工作在疫情高風險的場所。但我向家人解釋 “上班是我對公司的責任,亦是對社會的責任”,最後慶幸得到父母的諒解及接受。因此我更要對家人負責,每天更加小心謹慎,做足防護工序,務必要保護好自已和家人。
對部門而言,人手大量流失。只剩員工 Mabel 是一位兩個小孩的媽媽。但她更擔心部門人手不足,因此她堅持上班。還有另一員工 Clayton,初時他家人也反對他上班,後來也用 “公司已為員工提供足夠的保護裝備” 說服了父母。我時常提醒自己,一定要更加保護好我的員工,同時衷心感謝全店主管協助本部門度過那段最艱難時期。
(Coquitlam 分店 - 冷品部 Kyle Tang)
隨著疫情的愈演愈烈,公司的防範措施不斷升級,SU 分店的同事們並沒有因爲疫情疲勞而放鬆警惕,而是繼續勇敢的站在一線服務社區。來自收銀部的 Helen Miao 就是這樣一位對工作一絲不苟的美麗逆行者。
日常工作中 Helen 總是不停地清潔臺面、消毒收銀設備、指引客人排隊保持社交距離,而且她每服務完一位顧客,都會快速地對輸送帶和 POS 機進行清潔消毒,每個小小的細節都不會錯過,部門同事親切地稱她為 “防疫組長”,還真是名不虛傳。記得曾經某次我在匆匆結完帳後,她主動提醒我,因員工卡套經過不同 Cashier 觸摸,建議要馬上用酒精噴霧消毒,如此細心周到的服務讓我非常感動。事實上類似這樣暖心的事例,每天都在她和其他同仁身上不斷重複發生,三言兩語豈可表達我們的感謝之情…
(Surrey 分店 - 分店行政部 Lucy Fu)
P4 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
February 2021
The Three Fighters
It is an unforgettable experience; one is fairly enough, and I hope there will be no epidemic in the future.
In the critical stage of the pandemic, most colleagues were panicked about the COVID-19. As a Department Head, I originally had a team of 9 members. However, due to the pandemic, people were either resigned or took sick leave subsequently. There was only a total of 3 staffs in my department during the most challenging time.
In my personal situation, my family expressed their worried about me working in a high-risk area. I explained to my family, “Going to work is not only being responsible to my company, it is also being responsible to our community.” Fortunately, my parents understood and accepted it. On the other hand, I have to be responsible to my family, which I have to be more careful and follow all the safety measures in order to protect myself and my family.
In the situation of my department, I was having a severe manpower shortage. There were only 2 staffs remaining. Mable, a mother of two, who worried more about the shortage of manpower and stick to her duties. The other one is Clayton. His family also opposed him from going to work in the beginning, but he gained their understanding after he told them that the company provides sufficient personal protection to all staff. I keep reminding myself that I must always well protect my team and thank all department heads for supporting us to overcome this challenging moment.
(Kyle Tang, Dairy & Frozen Dept., Coquitlam Store)
Beautiful Fighter
While the epidemic was getting severe, the company also upgraded the safety measures. The colleagues of SU Store did not loosen up because of their tiredness, in fact they keep standing forefront to serve the community. Helen Miao in Cashier Dept. is one of the beautiful fighters who works meticulously.
In her daily routine, Helen always cleans the checkout counter, disinfects the cash register, reminds the customers to practice social distancing. Every time she finishes serving a customer, she will quickly clean and disinfect the conveyor belt and the POS machine. Since Helen will not miss out any details, her department colleagues recognized her as the “Safety Leader”. I remembered one time after I finished checking out, she kindly reminded me that the staff card holder was touched by different cashiers and suggested me to disinfect it immediately. I was touched by her thoughtful service. In fact, these kinds of heartwarming acts are happening on Helen and other colleagues every day. How can we express our gratitude in just a few words...
Although pandemic is ruthless, luckily our colleagues are merciful! I am grateful to all the colleagues for their hard work, because you stick to your posts to create a safe shopping environment for our customers and collogues. I believe we can enjoy every safety moment and be healthy every day, until we win the battle!
(Lucy Fu, Store Admin Dept., Surrey Store)
Don't Steal with Fluke
Recently, there have been employee theft incidents in different stores, and the stealing methods are the same: the employee took his own shopping bag, walked around the store, picked numbers of products and put them in the shopping bag. However, when he checked out at the counter, he only took some of the products out and once the cashier scanned those products, he put them back into his shopping bag and mixed with the unpaid ones. He then pretended all the products have been paid.
He can lie to everyone, but not to our store CCTV. It recorded the whole stealing incident. Beside of employment termination, he might also have to face charges from the police. The company has already solemnly stated that we will never tolerate any theft and will follow the common industry’s practice by reporting to the police.
Don't ever steal with fluke at any time. There will be a day when things will be revealed. It will be too late when you realize how important it is to protect your reputation and credibility.
(HR Dept.)