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February 2021 (Eastern Region)



如果要說 AU 店誰是全能手,就不得不稱讚我們雜貨部的 Ken。從冷品部入職的 Ken,由於突出的表現與快速的成長,成為部門的 Supervisor。他認真的工作態度得到了大家的認可。

在 Receiving 缺少人手的時候,他主動請纓。作爲補充人員,他認真的學習了庫存管理,掌控貨品品質及數量。在公司推出新的 Cycle Count 工作任務的時候,他被大家推舉為第一個學習的員工。雖然這個新領域讓他倍感壓力,但他熱情的工作態度激發了他對目標的追求,使得達成率居於前茅。由於 Fulfillment 人手短缺,他也帶領員工一起打包送貨,培訓員工快速揀貨的技巧,提供了優質的服務給到每一個客人。由於身兼多職,讓他經常在吃晚餐的時候就睡在餐桌上,但是他從沒叫苦叫累,每一天他都用熱情的招呼,感染著每一個同事。

我們分店的 Ken,是一個工作熱情爲人踏實的代表,是一個勇於挑戰自我的代表,是一個互助合作樂於助人的代表,是一個橫跨多個部門的全能型人才的代表。只要同事有需要,永遠都會聽到他嘹亮的聲音: “Ken 喺度 (在這裏) !”

(Aurora 分店 - 分店行政部 May Zhao)






P4 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

February 2021

Grateful of Having You

Who is the all-rounder in AU Store? The winner must be Ken from our Grocery Department. Ken first joined the Dairy & Frozen Dept., because of his quick learning skill and remarkable performance, he quickly promoted to be the Supervisor of his department. His responsible working attitude has been recognized by everyone.

When Receiving had a shortage of manpower, he initiated to help. As a supporting role, he carefully studied the inventory management and took good control of both the quality and quantity. When the company launched the new Cycle Count task, he was recommended to be the first trainee. Although this new project made him feel a bit stress, his positive working attitude inspired him to pursuit the goal and reached a high achievement rate. Due to the shortage of staff in Fulfilment team, Ken led the other colleagues to do the packaging, he taught them some effective packaging techniques and provided quality services to every customer. Since he is working in multiple positions, he often sleeps on the table during meal breaks. However, he never complaints about his work and still greets every colleague friendly everyday.

Ken from our store is a representative of passionate worker, a representative of self-challenging, a representative of willing to help and he is a cross-departments’ all rounded person. Whenever a colleague needs help, you can always hear him saying loudly, “ Ken is here!”

(May Zhao, Store Admin Dept., Aurora Store)

Don't Steal with Fluke

Recently, there have been employee theft incidents in different stores, and the stealing methods are the same: the employee took his own shopping bag, walked around the store, picked numbers of products and put them in the shopping bag. However, when he checked out at the counter, he only took some of the products out and once the cashier scanned those products, he put them back into his shopping bag and mixed with the unpaid ones. He then pretended all the products have been paid.

He can lie to everyone, but not to our store CCTV. It recorded the whole stealing incident. Beside of employment termination, he might also have to face charges from the police. The company has already solemnly stated that we will never tolerate any theft and will follow the common industry’s practice by reporting to the police.

Don't ever steal with fluke at any time. There will be a day when things will be revealed. It will be too late when you realize how important it is to protect your reputation and credibility.

(HR Dept.)

P4 2020/2021 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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