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T&T Newsletter

Updated: Sep 28, 2023









Tina Lee


Wishing you all a joyful Moon Festival


Today is the Moon Festival, a time to come together in celebration, share joy, and express gratitude. On this special occasion, I want to extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you. May your homes be filled with peace, your hearts with happiness, and your tables with loved ones.

In the spirit of togetherness, this festival reminds us of the significance of unity and collaboration within our T&T family. We have embarked on an incredible journey in Canada, creating countless beautiful moments and tirelessly working to enrich our communities. Despite the challenges and changes in today’s world, we've remained firm in our commitment, cherishing the roles we play and embracing life’s simple joys.

And indeed, the Moon Festival is a time for joy. Year after year, we've served communities across Canada, offering authentic festivities and delicacies. Our variety of seasonal fruits and mooncake gift boxes bring festive cheer, while providing comfort to those missing home.

Furthermore, the Moon Festival is a time for sharing. It’s a beautiful reminder of the joy that comes from sharing moments, stories, and experiences with our loved ones and the wider community. As we extend our reach, serving diverse communities across the country, we also have the privilege of sharing our food for joy with customers from all backgrounds. From engaging social media interactions to mooncake tasting at our stores, we are strengthening the bonds that connect us as a global community.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering dedication, especially during the recent challenges at the Port of Vancouver. The disruptions in the transportation of our Moon Festival products were concerning, but your swift response was commendable. A special thank you to our colleagues in merchandising and warehouse, whose efforts ensured that our Moon Festival activities went as planned.

Let us continue to work together to create more of these beautiful moments for our teams, and our communities.

Tina Lee



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