可能很多東岸同事都知道「孟嘗會」,它是 1964 年在多倫多成立的慈善機構,50 餘年來致力扶老慈幼,公司也曾給予多次捐贈,共同為社區長者盡一份心。
孟嘗會雖已有三間長期護理中心在服務長者,但針對其高達 6,000 的等候人數,始終力有未逮。但就在上週五 (13 日),孟嘗會在其興建中的 Stouffville 新長期護理中心院址發表新院的工程進度。這間新院即將於 2021 年夏天落成啟用,讓 320 名有迫切需要的長者入住。這是他們在 2018 年獲省府撥出 320 張新護理床牌照後、全力興建的成果,更是透過其 “Because We Care” 的新院籌募計劃,得到社會各界愛心援助才得以實現的目標。
在獲知孟嘗會 “Because We Care” 募款計劃後,公司決定共襄盛舉捐助 7 萬元,希望透過這次的關懷行動,給未來更多入住的長者,提供一個有獨立空調系統、紅外線體溫檢測、更安心的安養環境。Tina 在發表會當天也親自到新院現場參觀了解情況,並在致詞中表示: 「我們很榮幸能進一步與孟嘗會建立合作關係,支持他們建立的第四間長期護理中心。大統華和孟嘗均有提供優質服務的承諾,相信這間擁有最先進設施的院舍,將為數百名長者提供舒適安全的環境。我們相信孟嘗以 "院友為本" 的服務理念,將繼續令長者的流金歲月更豐富多姿」。
Because We Care Too
This year, while we are busy feeding our community, we still remember to care for the vulnerable ones.
Perhaps colleagues from eastern region already heard about “Mon Sheong Foundation”, the Toronto based charitable organization founded in 1964, which has been dedicated to support children and seniors for more than 50 years. Our company partner with Mon Sheong to support our seniors through donation.
Mon Sheong Foundation has 3 long-term care facilities to serve the seniors, however, there are up to 6,000 seniors in the waiting list, and they cannot handle this amount of people in the moment. On last Friday (the 13th), Mon Sheong Foundation announced the progress of the constructing their new facility in Stouffville. This long-term care centre can be operational by summer 2021, providing 320 more long-term care beds to the community in need. Mon Sheong Foundation was allocated 320 new long-term care bed licences in April 2018 and through the launch of the “Because We Care” Campaign with the community support, we can expect to see the building shortly.
To support the “Because We Care” Campaign and help more people receive the care they need, our company made a $70,000 donation to Mon Sheong Stouffville Long-Term Care Centre. Through this contribution, we hope to provide a safer living environment to the senior residents by installing individual HVAC units in each room and common areas, infrared temperature screening system. Tina said, “It is our honour to further extend our partnership with Mon Sheong Foundation to support the building of your fourth long-term care centre. T&T and Mon Sheong share the same value of commitment to excellence. We believe that this state-of-the-art facility in Stouffville will provide a comfortable and safe environment for hundreds of seniors. We are confident that Mon Sheong’s resident-focused care will continue to enrich the lives of our seniors.”
Giving back to our community
This is a way to show our care to the community.