作爲大統華的員工,每天要做好自身防護,還要為顧客提供一個安全、整潔的購物環境,其中的辛苦可想而知。儘管如此,我們的員工依然保持著一顆愛心,盡力服務顧客。我們分店收銀部的 Leah 和保安 Charles 就是其中的表率。
2021 年 2 月 24 日晚,在服務臺當值的 Leah 正準備打烊時,發現店内還有一位九旬老人在購物。於是 Leah 請保安 Charles 去協助,並在結帳後得知老人要自己步行回家。經了解,老人除了家門牌號不記得外,也沒有任何家人的聯繫方式。出於安全的考慮,Leah 和 Charles 主動駕車送老人回到家。老人的家人非常感動,告知去大統華購物是她日常生活的重要内容,對我們員工的愛心之舉萬分感激。問及姓名,他們只說 “我們是大統華的員工” 就離開了。
(First Avenue 分店 – 收銀部 Joanna Zhang)
中國人有句老話 “家有一老,如有一寶”,環顧我們國際村家庭,遍地是寳啊。
服務公司 10 年以上的員工佔比 30%!服務公司 20 年以上的,開店就在的資深員工更加是我們的傳家寶。我們過去一年多抗疫期間,寶寶們一個都不少地堅持在自己的工作崗位,默默付出。來,讓我們一件件曬一下:
“靚寳” - 收銀部 Jenny,屬於高危感染人群的她,曾雲淡風輕地說 “重病我都跨過去了,沒有在怕的,繼續正常生活就好”。“潔寳” - 海鮮部 Kitty,她每天消毒清潔的時間表像調了鬧鐘,防疫意識也像戰士一樣嚴謹。還有 “暖寳” - 冷品部的 Henry,人稱 “早晨復讀機”,每天一早向每位上班的同仁問好,或是一句暖心的 “你棒棒噠” 鼓勵其他夥伴。還有很多感人事跡不勝枚舉。
今年公司成立 28 周年,咱家庭也 26 歲了。新的一年,我們感恩這些寶寶們的付出之餘,也發現他們身上那些閃閃發光的地方 -- 樂觀、嚴謹、堅持做對的事等等這些特質,是如此的彌足珍貴。謝謝你們!你們是大統華的財產,是國際村的瑰寶。有你們,真好!
(Chinatown 分店 - 分店行政部 Renee Li)
嚴格遵守COVID 安全規定是重中之重
P6 2020/2021 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
April 2021
Heartwarming Act
The unexpected pandemic gave Vancouver a big impact. After a year passed, as a supermarket that provides daily essential, T&T becomes the connection between thousands of families.
As one of the T&T staff, beside self protection, we also have to create a safe and clean shopping environment to our customers. Although it is not easy, our colleagues still put their best effort to serve our customers with care. Leah from Cashier and Charles, our security are the examples.
On the night of Feb 24, 2021, Leah was preparing for closing in the customer service counter and saw a 90ish years old senior doing grocery shopping. Leah immediately asked Charles, the security, to help the senior. After checking out, they realized the senior will be walking home alone and she did not even remember her address and family contact. Due to safety, Leah and Charles decided to give this customer a ride home. Their kind act touched the family of this senior and the family told our staff that shopping at T&T is the main routine of her daily life. They thanked our staff for their helping hands. When the family asked for their names, Leah and Charles just replied, “We are T&T staff” and left.
In this critical time, the most heartwarming thing is the caring act between each other. Although we keep physical distance during pandemic, the kind act can bring our hearts closer together.
The ruthless pandemic cannot affect T&T from caring our community.
(Joanna Zhang, Cashier Dept., First Avenue Store)
Thanks for Giving
There is a proverb saying, "A family with an old person has a living treasure of gold." Looking around our Chinatown Store family, we have a lot of living treasure of gold.
Almost 30% of our colleagues have served the company for more than 10 years. Many of those who have worked here more than 20 years, they actually have been working here since the store opened. They are just like our family heirlooms. During our fight against the epidemic over the past year, many of the “family heirlooms” stick to their duties and serve the community. Let's list some of them out:
Liangbao-Jenny from Cashier Department: She is under the high-risk infection group, but she said calmly, "I have gone through a serious illness, and there is nothing to be afraid of, just continue to live as usual." Jiebao-Kitty from Seafood Department, her daily disinfection schedule is like an automated alarm clock and she has high prevention awareness. There is also "Nuanbao", Henry from Dairy & Frozen Department, known as the “Morning Greeter”. He greets every colleague at work every morning, sometimes adding a heartwarming talk like "You are awesome" to cheer others. There are too many touching stories to write here.
This year is the 28th anniversary of the company, our Chinatown family is also now 26 years old. In this new year, we are grateful for the dedication of our treasures, and we also find that the shining parts of their optimism, rigor, persistence, etc., they are all so precious. Thank you all! You are the values of T&T and the treasure of the Chinatown Store. Nice to have you!
(Renee Li, Store Admin Dept., Chinatown Store)
In Compliance with the Health and Safety Requirements is Our Top Priority
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the company has taken the safety of employees and customers as the top priority and has introduced a series of safety measures to protect everyone. It is because of everyone's effort and perseverance that we have maintained good results in this fight against the pandemic.
However, recently some individual employees have loosened up, who did not follow the rules, and were found chatting or eating with others at close range without wearing a mask. This is not allowed in the company. As the epidemic continues to get severed, loosen up might increase the risk of being infected, which is what we can’t afford and keep avoiding. In those cases, the company took it seriously and disciplinary actions have been taken.
In order to maintain a safe working and shopping environment for our employees and customers, we must comply to all the safety regulations. Let’s keep ourselves safe and look forward to the day that we can all celebrate the victory with hugs.
(HR Dept)