加西版 2024 第六期
上個月中(5/16),我們亞省的Sage Hill分店,突發了緊急狀況。
所幸沒人受傷。起火原因是電線走火,延燒到三個冷凍櫃,火勢20分鐘後被趕到的消防隊撲滅。分店行政部的Leo Zhao、店長Gordon Guo和地區經理Michael Wu也都很快趕到了現場。
看到這些畫面,我的心都碎了 — 我為受到影響的員工、Sage Hill的忠實顧客,和已被灰燼覆蓋的美麗店面感到心疼。但在應對這場意外帶來的挑戰時,夥伴們處處展現了我們T&T贏的文化,這是非常了不起的。
行銷推廣部立刻動了起來,發佈信息讓顧客及時了解情況;FSQA副理Zoey Lu和專員Alyssa Ren、分析員Ruby Tan 密切配合亞省衛生局(AHS),為團隊提供清潔和重新上架貨品的建議;數位團隊則為當地顧客準備了特別優惠券,做為另一種購物管道;Michael Wu和Gordon Guo也一直待命,徹夜為受影響的團隊夥伴們提供照顧和支持。
Gordon說:「看到T&T各部門的支援之情,真是令人感動,要感謝的人實在太多了」。他說:「Tony Low和專員們不眠不休地協調清潔和重新開業計劃;離我們最近的Harvest Hill分店,店內和網上的客流量暴增,給他們帶來巨大的壓力,而他們都在保持高標準服務的同時,咬牙承擔額外的工作量;連Loblaw都伸出了援手 — 公司緊急呼叫了Loblaw地產主管Sharla Paraskevopoulos,不到10分鐘,他們就帶著兩家修復公司趕到了現場」。
現場清理、深度清潔、修復和補貨,這顯然不是一個星期就能恢復原狀的工作。值得慶幸的是,Michael Wu和Gordon Guo在與團隊溝通方面做得非常出色,為大家隨時提供重要的最新信息。Gordon近日分享了他從這次事件中學到的經驗。
Gordon說:「T&T真的就像是一個大家庭」,他說:「事發當天,我和團隊壓力很大,也很焦慮,因當時有太多的未知 — 我們不知道什麼時候才能重回店裡工作。這次雖然不是一次愉快的經歷,但確實是一次學習的經歷。我們知道在T&T和Loblaw都有一支強大的支援團隊;我們知道萬一有意外發生一定能得到幫助;我們還知道分店有很棒的顧客群。看到公司和外面網路上傳來的支持訊息,讓我們更有動力繼續前進。我們迫不及待地要歡迎我們的團隊和顧客回來」。
而我呢,我從中領悟到的一件事是,顧客很認可我們的透明度。我們分享美好的照片,也分享困難的照片,顧客與我們共度美好時光,也會在困難的時候支持我們。火災發生後一週,我們Harvest Hill分店的銷售額增長了40%。我真的很感謝T&T出色的團隊,大家總是會挺身而出,在面對危機時團結互助合作。
Tina Lee
(Ora分店) 分店行政部 Renee Li
2023年最佳員工第一名:Dan Lin
(分店支援中心) 倉儲配送部Max Ma
麵包部員工B每天利用工作之便藏匿大量商品,下班後,將藏匿的商品裝進購物袋内,直接帶出賣場, 被APR現場抓獲。經查,員工B曾多次用同樣的手法盜竊店内的商品,他的行為嚴重違反公司的政策和加拿大的法律。員工B最終被立即解僱,並由警方帶走進一步調查,警方對他也提出多項的盜竊指控。
加拿大是一個法制國家,偷竊是一種刑事犯罪。大統華已經建立了完善的監控和調查機制,任何心存僥幸而違法違規的行爲, 終將會被繩之以法。除了給自己的人生留下終身污點之外,對未來的工作、生活及家庭都將有不利的影響。請大家自覺的遵守公司规章制度,堅守法律底線,珍惜前途,主動维護公司的形象和利益。
Western Region 2024 Period 6
From Crisis to Unity
Dear Team,
On May 16th, we had an emergency at our Sage Hill store.
At 3:30am, the beautiful store that opened just a year ago, caught on fire.
Thankfully, no one was hurt. An electrical outlet accidentally triggered a fire that spread to three freezers. The fire burned for 20 mins before emergency responders arrived on scene. Sage Hill Store Admin Leo Zhao, District Manager Michael Wu, and Sage Hill Store Manager Gordon Guo arrived shortly thereafter.
Seeing these images broke my heart – I felt sad for the employees impacted, the loyal customers at Sage Hill, and the beautiful store that’s now covered in ashes. But as we navigated the challenges of this tragedy, it was remarkable to see our T&T culture come to life.
“Help One Another” is one of our 10 Iron Rules. The entire T&T team demonstrated these aren’t just words on a wall.
Marketing jumped into action, preparing communications to keep our customers informed. Zoey Lu (FSQA Assistant Manager), Alyssa Ren (FSQA Specialist), and Ruby Tan (FSQA Analyst) worked closely with Alberta Health Services (AHS) to provide the team with advice on cleaning and re-stocking. The Digital team prepared a special coupon for local customers as another channel to do their shopping. Michael Wu and Gordon Guo were on standby and worked around the clock to provide leadership and support to the impacted team members.
“It’s been heartwarming to see the outpour of support across T&T,” said Gordon. “There are too many people to thank. Tony Low and the specialists worked tirelessly to coordinate the cleaning and reopening plan. Harvest Hill being the closest store to us saw an increase in their in-store and online traffic, putting a lot of pressure on their team. They all stepped up and worked hard to take on this additional burden, while maintaining a high standard of service. Even Loblaw stepped in to help – T&T made an urgent call to Sharla Paraskevopoulos (Loblaw Head of Real Estate) and within 10 mins, Loblaw staff showed up on site with two restoration companies.”
Although the fire was fairly contained, everything in the store was thrown out. Ashes and smoke from the fire can penetrate products, causing health issues when ingested or inhaled. It may also cross contaminate new products. For the safety of our team and customers, we decided to throw out everything – food, non-food, packaged, non-packaged – all in all, $1.3M worth of inventory. “Food We Can Trust” is one our T&T values, and this was no exception.
With the disposal, deep clean, restoration, re-stock – it became obvious that this wasn’t just a one-week job. Thankfully Michael Wu and Gordon Guo have done a fantastic job in communicating with the team, providing them with important updates. Gordon recently shared his learnings from this incident.
“T&T really is one big family,” said Gordon. “On the day of the incident, my team and I were feeling stressed and anxious. There was so much uncertainty – we didn’t know when we’d be able to come back to the store. Although it wasn’t a good experience, it was a learning experience. We learned that we have a great supporting team at T&T and Loblaw. We learned that it’s okay to ask for help. And we learned that we have such a great customer base. Seeing the messages of support from across the company, and online – it gave us the encouragement to keep going. And we can’t wait to welcome our team and customers back.”
One learning for me is that customers appreciated our transparency. We share the good photos, and the bad photos. They’re with us for the happy times and will support us in the hard times. A week after the fire, our Harvest Hill’s sales went up by 40%. I’m thankful for our amazing team, who consistently step up and show unity in the face of challenges.
Thank you for everything that you do, every day.
Tina Lee CEO
Recognition drives employee transformation
Renee Li - (Ora store) Store Admin
Jaiwei was extremely shy and introverted when he first joined the Meat Department, rarely communicating with colleagues and customers. His social anxiety and reserved nature raised doubts about his ability to fit in. During training, the Department Head couldn't gauge his thoughts or needs. Everyone feared he couldn’t handle additional responsibilities. Yet Jaiwei worked hard to ensure the department was kept clean, fresh products on the shelves were organized, and strived to meet customers' needs.
Despite Jaiwei’s reserved nature, customers sensed his sincerity, and both the Deputy Head and Store Manager noticed his dedication and progress. Within just a few months, he was named the store's best employee, much to his surprise. Initially concerned his shy personality would impede his performance, Jaiwei found that his quiet diligence still garnered recognition. Growing more confident, he actively took on more responsibilities, contributing to a positive work environment with the support of his colleagues and Deputy Head.
Young employees are T&T's valuable assets. A gesture of affirmation, a word of encouragement, and trust in another person can significantly help a young person become a better version of themselves. Of course, the most important thing is Jaiwei's willingness to change.
Best Employee of 2023: Dan Lin
Max Ma - (Store Support Centre) Warehouse and Distribution Department
Our freezer picker Dan always has a smile on his face. Having previously worked in the store's Seafood Department, he has now been working in our warehouse for nearly two years.
Although Dan is the oldest on the team, but he is highly efficient. Whether in the -20°C freezer, or the slippery produce room, he can still maintain a high picking speed, consistently ranking at the top, and never once received complaints for any inaccuracies. He stacks products neatly, ensuring they can be delivered safely to the store. He is also very attentive, notifying the Department Head immediately of any abnormalities to ensure accuracy in the inventory.
Most importantly, Dan is extremely reliable and possesses a strong sense of responsibility. Regardless of weather conditions, he always arrives to the warehouse early to prepare for the day. This habit of his has become a source of inspiration for his colleagues.
Dan's excellent communication and teamwork skills, his willingness to coordinate with colleagues and to help others complete their tasks have all helped the team's cohesion reach unprecedented heights.
Dan winning first place in the annual Best Employee award at the Store Support Center is well-deserved! Thanks to Dan's dedication, the warehouse team is able to perform even better.
Theft in the workplace
Asset Protection Department
Bakery Department Employee B exploited his position to conceal numerous products everyday, hiding them in a shopping bag after work and leaving the store. He was caught red-handed by APR and an investigation revealed Employee B stole repeatedly using this same tactic, violating company policies and Canadian law. Employee B was immediately terminated and was taken by police for further investigation, and faces multiple theft charges.
Canada upholds the rule of law, where theft is a criminal offense. T&T has robust monitoring and investigation systems in place. Anyone who attempts to break the law and violate company regulations will be brought to justice. Besides leaving a permanent mark on one's record, it also negatively impacts their future work, life and family. We urge everyone to abide by company regulations, uphold legal standards, and safeguard their future by actively maintaining the company's image and interests.
Let’s work together to foster integrity and honesty within our company.
👍虽然亚省分店的火灾事故给大统华带来了困难, 但是更显现出大统华管理层雷厉风行、行之有效的工作作风。赞 ᕙ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)ᕗ😛🆗