加西版 2024 第四期
大統華光彩奪目 - 我們的故事在CBC播出
這可不是什麼常有的事,讓像CBC這樣的大媒體,來參加我們的Huddle、參觀我們的分店、品嚐我們的美食。這次他們的王牌記者Ian Hanomansing真的是來親身體驗了一番。我看到夥伴們跟Ian分享自己的故事和工作日常,真的很棒。我們的採購Luna唱了一首好聽的歌為Huddle開場、蔬果部的Ivan展示了我們話題十足的易開椰子、Lougheed店長Tony和他的團隊在分店接待Ian也非常出色。在Huddle上我有機會和Ian聊天,聽他說從中美洲千里達(Trinidad)一路到溫哥華成為CBC主播的經歷。Huddle結束後,Ian也就T&T的故事採訪了我。
這次專訪隨即登上了CBC系列節目「萬象更新」(It Changed Everything),通常這節目的故事都是圍繞藝術家、名流和音樂家的,而這一回是Ian首度報導的商業故事之一。我問他為什麼會選中T&T,他說零售業本來就是流行文化的一部分。想想T&T做為一家每週服務數十萬加拿大人的超市,造福許多人的日常生活,這正是我們工作的意義所在,也是值得我們引以自豪的。
相信夥伴們都已看過這一次的採訪,也鼓勵大家分享給家人和朋友。節目播出後,獲得了廣大迴響,支持T&T的訊息和留言如潮水般湧來,令我們倍感溫暖 — 我們已成功打造了一個了不起的幸福社群。正如我一直說的,T&T是由無數個獨特的故事匯集而成的,而我不過是其中之一。你也趕快來加入T&T的故事吧!
萬一你錯過了,可以點擊這個鏈接觀看完整版節目:T&T Supermarket CEO Tina Lee reveals moments that changed everything (youtube.com)
Tina Lee
帶著感恩 迎接挑戰
(Northtown Edmonton分店) 雜貨部Shelson Cheng
在大統華工作短短一年,全賴主管和同事們的無私幫助和培訓,使我得以迅速成長,從一名對超市營運一無所知的新人,成為NE店裡一名熟悉雜貨各項營運的促銷組部門主任(Promotion Supervisor)。
這一年裡,同事們各負其責,又互助合作,讓我深深感受到「大統華,大家庭」的溫暖。工作雖然辛勞,但卻充滿愉快的回憶。每當促銷組貨量大的時候,貨架組(Aisles)的同事、主管和店長都會主動幫忙,讓我十分感恩。而每當同事們一起享用分店以團隊建設基金 (Team building fund) 準備的食物,慶祝一個又一個勝利的時刻,又讓我非常欣慰和自豪。這些都成了我迎接未來挑戰的動力!
(分店支援中心) 商品部Charles Huang
2024 P3 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
Western Region 2024 Period 4
Spotlight on T&T -
Our story on CBC
Dear Team,
Normally we spend our days head down, working hard at our trade. But on March 31, CBC came to Richmond, BC and put a huge spotlight on our story.
It’s not every day that a media giant comes to join our SC huddle, tour our stores, and sample our food! And CBC’s Ian Hanomansing, journalist extraordinaire, did just that. It was so great to see everyone share a part of their story and their day with Ian. Our very own Luna Lyu (Merchandising Buyer) sang a beautiful song to start our huddle; Ivan Tan (Senior Category Manager – Produce) showcased our trendy easy to open coconut; and Tony Yang (Store Manager) and his team did an amazing job at the Lougheed store hosting Ian. At our huddle, I got a chance to interview Ian about his journey from Trinidad to being a CBC host in Vancouver, and after the huddle he interviewed me about T&T’s story.
The interview was published on CBC’s series It Changed Everything. Usually, the stories on this channel are about artists, celebrities, and musicians – this is one of the first business stories Ian has covered. When asked about why he chose T&T, he said retail is pop culture. As a company serving hundreds of thousands of Canadians a week, we touch so many lives with our day to day. It’s a good reminder of why we do what we do, and it’s something we can be proud of.
Ian also said this series strives to focus on stories of Canadian excellence, and that’s why T&T fits the bill. T&T was born in Richmond, BC, the mecca of Asian population, and has become a symbol of not just fresh foods – but also a symbol of identity and belonging that is worthy of exporting to the US. It was special to see Ian try our classic Chinese Crepe and the innovative mochi lava bao. It was special to see our huddle, our team, and our food featured on national television. As we push to a new country, we carry the expectations of all Canadians on our back. Let’s all work hard to make our fellow Canadians proud!
I hope you all had a chance to see the full interview, and I encourage you to share with your family and friends. The feedback and reactions have been heartwarming – the outpouring of support, texts, and comments for T&T has been tremendous – what an amazing community we have built. As I’ve always said, T&T is a collection of unique stories to be told – I just happen to be one of them. Be sure to add yours to the T&T narrative!
In case you missed it, you can catch the full interview here: T&T Supermarket CEO Tina Lee reveals moments that changed everything (youtube.com)
Thank you for all that you do every day. It’s a privilege to work with an amazing team.
Tina Lee CEO
Embracing challenges with a grateful heart
(Northtown Edmonton store) Grocery Dept. Shelson Cheng
I've experienced rapid growth in just one short year at T&T, all thanks to the help and training I've received from my department head and colleagues. Their support enabled me to transition from a newcomer with absolutely no knowledge of supermarket operations, to becoming the Grocery Promotion Supervisor at the NE store, proficient in various operational aspects.
The company treasures talent and emphasizes staff training. When I first started, I was assigned to dismantle pallets and restock shelves. Seeing dozens of pallets, I was a bit overwhelmed. My department head and colleagues encouraged me, "You can do it, kid!" With everyone’s help, we quickly got the job done. And with each busy day, I quickly found my stride. After a few months, the store manager and department head encouraged me to join the Supervisor Talent Training Program. I successfully completed the training and have since become a supervisor.
In this past year, all of us have carried out responsibilities while also helping one another, creating a genuine “T&T, One Big Family” atmosphere. Despite the challenges, work has also been filled with happy memories. Whenever there is a large volume of promotion items, the aisle colleagues, department head and store manager all readily lend their support, making me feel incredibly grateful. And whenever our colleagues gather to enjoy the food prepared with the store’s team building fund, celebrating each victory together, it fills me with great satisfaction and pride. These experiences have all become my driving force to tackle future challenges!
We all love T&T
(Store Support Centre) Merchandise Dept. Charles Huang
In early March, I did something for the very first time in my 20 years here at T&T – I joined a customer forum. Besides me and a few colleagues from the Merchandise Department, colleagues from the Marketing and Operations departments also took part.
Ten customers have registered through the WeChat group, coming to the LD store to share their opinion. The event organizer, Marketing Department, was initially worried customers would leave after receiving the $50 gift card, so they invited me and the Store Manager Warren to liven up the atmosphere. In the end, the customers were incredibly engaged that the one-hour event had to be extended by half an hour. I was really moved by the enthusiasm.
Customers scrutinize our products closely, much like examining them through a magnifying glass. Without steadfast loyalty, they wouldn't feel compelled to offer us such insightful feedback. For example, a customer bashfully said, "I really like your daily nuts, but each packet is different, some has more peanuts, others have more cashews", and suggested we distribute them more evenly, which was a very thoughtful suggestion. Another customer raised an even more astute observation, highlighting the layout issues with the self-checkout lanes at the MT store.
When I shouted, "Having T&T", the customers immediately followed with, "Is great!", made me feel the genuine love our customers have for T&T. Next, we will be organizing customer forums at each store so that all our colleagues at those stores can experience firsthand the enthusiasm of our customers!
Shopping bags are not exempt from the law
HR Dept.
An employee went shopping in the store after work and took a box of cooked food, two bottles of coconut water, three packs of frozen fish balls, and some other items, and placed them all inside a shopping bag. At the checkout, this employee did not take out all the items from the shopping bag, leaving the box of cooked food inside and left without paying for it. This individual did the same thing the following day, and the day after, each time leaving items in the shopping bag and casually leaving without paying for them.
These incidents have happened repeatedly at the store. Since the store no longer provides bagging services most of the time, some employees think hiding products in their shopping bags without paying is safe, and that no one would notice nor check. However, the store's security cameras have recorded everything, and in some cases, the outline of the products can be seen from outside the bag, inadvertently revealing traces, or at other times, an alert cashier, asset protection representative or other employees are the ones to notice something is amiss. At the end of the day, these intentional acts of theft will eventually be uncovered, and any employee who does this will, without exception, be terminated. The company reserves the rights to report these cases of dishonesty to the police. If criminal charges are laid, it will jeopardize permanent residency and citizenship applications, and existing statuses may even be revoked.
The inside of a shopping bag is not exempt to the law. Let this serve as a warning for everyone to uphold the standard of integrity for yourselves and for the company.
㊗️大统华蒸蒸日上 🥇。赞💓!