加東版 2023 第六期
終於官宣了!一週前(6/8)我們正式宣佈:T&T將向南跨過邊界,進軍美國!第一家店將於明年夏天在華盛頓州西雅圖貝爾維尤市(Bellevue)的Marketplace at Factoria開業。新店佔地76,000平方呎,是T&T的旗艦店,也將成為華盛頓州最大的亞洲超市。
Tina Lee
後場的「門神」: 收貨員Jim
收貨部可比作我們身體的心臟,在超市中不可或缺。 只有一個順暢且整潔的收貨區,才能確保新鮮貨物源源不斷。 而在CL店狹小的收貨區域,工作難度和挑戰性更是不言而喻。 記得有一次,友店的收貨員來支援了一天後,忍不住抱怨說後場太小,放不下東西,可見要整理好CL店的收貨區有多不容易。
然而,我們的收貨員 Jim Li卻能將後場整理得井然有序。 儘管收貨區只能容納不到8個板位,他從未抱怨,還主動幫助把貨物拉到各個部門後倉,又常常幫忙卸貨。 他將大統華互助合作和勇於承擔的文化融入工作中,深受所有主管的讚揚和感激。
另外,他還負責店內大小橫幅的裝飾任務, 經常可以看到他開著升降車在店內撤舊換新牌。 由於巿中心有很多小偷和流浪漢,每當店內有人搗亂時,Jim總是挺身而出,為員工們帶來十足的安全感。
也許有人認為收貨只是簡單平凡的工作,但能日復一日把平凡的事情做的不平凡,就是很了不起的事。 Jim不僅任勞任怨地做好日常工作,還勇於承擔店內其他事務,確是我們的好榜樣。
(College分店) 店長Eren Chen
在麵包部為Loblaw承辦第一場甜品特展中,我和Kelvin Wong在凌晨三、四點鐘回中央麵包房取物料。在790 Tapscott的後倉,昏黃的大燈,寬廣無人的舞台,我們忍不住像兩個在雪中的孩子,快樂地舞著特展要用的獅子。
還有,CL開店時,有一位看起來不是很友善的街友,橫躺在店門入口不肯離開,這時我們的Charles Wang竟直接上去和他商量,並成功請街友離開。原來溫文爾雅的王子也有這樣的一面!
(東岸分店支援中心) 麵包部 Rainbow Chang
衝動是魔鬼 有話好好説
2023 P5 分店最佳員工榮譽榜
2023 Period 6
Expanding Horizons and Fostering Canadian Pride
It’s finally official! T&T is expanding its reach beyond the Canadian borders, and venturing into the United States!
Our first store will open Summer of 2024 in Bellevue, Washington in the Marketplace at Factoria. At 76,000 square feet, it will be the largest Asian supermarket in the state, and a flagship store for T&T.
This expansion marks a significant milestone in our journey as a company. We have grown tremendously since our humble beginnings, thanks to the dedication, passion, and hard work of each and every one of you. It is your relentless commitment to providing exceptional customer service and upholding our core values that has paved the way for this remarkable opportunity.
What fills me with immense pride is not just our expansion itself, but the impact it has already had on our beloved customers and fellow Canadians. As we announced this new chapter, I have noticed the extraordinary support and enthusiasm from our Canadian customers online. They have taken the time to engage with their American friends and acquaintances, patiently explaining the unique concept and essence of T&T Supermarkets. It warms my heart to see how Canadians are cheering for us, and helping spread the word, ensuring our vision resonates with our new American customers.
This outpour of Canadian pride serves as a testament to the incredible bond we share with our community. It is a reminder of the trust and expectations placed upon us, urging us to continue to deliver excellence at every touchpoint.
We owe it to our customers, our fellow Canadians, and most importantly, to ourselves, to ensure that T&T launches successfully across the border.
I also hope you take pride in this moment. We have an incredible team, a family, that I know will rise to any challenge and exceed expectations. Let’s embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm and make Canadians proud.
Thank you for your continued hard work, dedication, and the pride you bring to T&T each day. I am honoured to lead this remarkable team, and I’m excited to embark on this new adventure together.
Tina Lee CEO
Receiving Clerk Jim, the gatekeeper of our receiving area
Receiving Department is like a human heart as it is an indispensable part of a supermarket. A constant flow of fresh goods is only possible with a smoothly operating and uncluttered receiving area. The challenge is clear with CL store's narrow receiving area. I remember when a receiver from another store came to support, he groused on how hard it is to place goods, which shows how hard it is to organize CL store's receiving area.
Despite this, our Receiving Clerk Jim Li is still able to keep the back area well organized. Even though the receiving area can accommodate not even 8 pallets, he has never complained, and even offers to help move and unload goods for other departments. He has fully incorporated T&T's culture of “Helping One Another” and “Be Accountable”, winning him praise and appreciation from all Department Heads.
In addition, he also helps hang the decorations in the store. You will often see him operating a scissor lift to replace them. And since there are a lot of thieves in the downtown area, whenever someone causes trouble, Jim is always the first to step up, giving employees a sense of security.
Some people may think receiving goods is a simple job, but to be able to take an ordinary task and do an extraordinary job repeatedly is a great feat. Jim not only does his work without complaints, but also never shies away from taking on other responsibilities in the store. He is truly a great example for us all.
(College store) Store Manager Eren Chen
We are worth it
At the SL store’s grand opening, a crowd spanning several blocks queued up outside as it snowed. Celebratory music and sample food flowed freely. Many had to wake up early and stay late to prepare for this moment, making customers to feel “it’s great to have T&T while away from home”. With the same snowy scene, many memories are flowing back to mind.
When the Bakery Department organized the very first dessert exhibition for Loblaw, Kelvin Wong and I went to Central Bakery around 3-4am to pick up ingredients. At the back storage area of 790 Tapscott, under the dim lighting and a wide empty stage, we act like children who are happily dancing in the snow with the lion used for the special exhibition.
When the WY store opened, Store Manager Gerald worked into the wee hours of the morning to speed up the progress. He thought everyone had already left and took off his shoes to relax a bit. When he saw us with his bare feet, instantly there’s a look of embarrassment on his face...
Also, when the CL store opened, a hostile looking homeless person lay outside the store's entrance refusing to leave. Our Charles Wang went straight over and successfully convinced him to leave. Turns out, the gentle and soft spoken Charles had an unexpected side to him!
Now, Store Manager Alex who nodded to us in acknowledgement in the heavy snow, and our colleagues who cheered each other on are all coming to my mind again. I must return to work for our customers who make all our efforts worthwhile.
(Store Support Centre – Eastern Region) Bakery Dept. Rainbow Chang
Impulsiveness is the devil. Always talk things out
HR previously shared stories of employees hurling insults, waving knives around, and even fighting, in a bid to remind everyone not to act impulsively and to always talk things out. Unfortunately, similar incidents are still happening at various stores. Simply because of a small disagreement, employees have yelled at, pushed, kicked and hit one another. Someone even grabbed a cup and a broom threatening to attack, and in one case, threw a cardboard box they were holding at someone.
We have zero tolerance towards these acts of violence. The company has promised to provide a healthy, safe and violence-free workplace for all employees, we will not allow our colleagues to be exposed to an environment where any threats of violence exists.
Helping one another, being people-oriented, humble and courteous, and work-life happy are all part of our culture and values. Yet there are always individual employees who will lose control of their temper when they are angry, and will act recklessly. Please keep in mind, if any conflicts or disputes occur at work that you cannot resolve, please refrain from yelling at or hitting someone, and immediately report this to your superior for assistance. If you feel your anger rising, please first take a deep breath, calm down, and think about how you can resolve the matter with your words. Otherwise, end the ineffective communication, or find your supervisor for assistance. In short, never act impulsively and do something that you will regret, and that may harm yourself and others.
Human Resources Department