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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

2023 Period 5 (Eastern Region)

加東版 2023 第五期




母親節剛過,我們又迎來了向上成長的好消息。就在昨天(5/18)一大早,大統華在多倫多北約克最繁華的Fairview Mall新店,閃亮登場了,為這個50多年來一直引領流行生活的地標購物中心,加上了畫龍點睛的一筆。

這是大統華又一次進駐主流大型購物中心。這家有36,000平方呎的新店,位於Fairview Mall的黃金位置,人流必經,人潮聚集,客人可經由全新改建的行人步廊,來往於地鐵和我們超市之間,交通非常方便。

在對外開業的前一天 (5/17),我們盛大舉辦了精彩繽紛的開幕熱身活動,300多位貴賓雲集,有蛋糕大賽、媒體巡遊、太鼓表演,當然還有舞獅、採青、點睛,並有12個攤位推介16款美食試吃,現場氣氛超嗨。

Fairview Mall匯集了190家國際和北美知名品牌,還有餐廳、美食街可盡享各地美味。最值得一提的是,此次T&T進駐,為Fairview Mall的空間優化扮演了新角色。現在全加各地的購物中心都在為如何優化過剩的空間傷腦筋,而T&T正可以為購物中心帶來充滿活力的新體驗。

像T&T現址原來是Sears百貨,T&T來了,同時會帶來許多知名亞洲風的商家入駐,像日式舒芙蕾 (Fuwa Fuwa) 甜品店、八月堂 (Hazukido) 可頌、幸福堂、萬好冰室、東方宮蘭州牛肉拉麵、西少爺肉夾饃等。附近的公寓價格也會跟著上漲,房地產仲介都稱此為「T&T效應」。

大統華從來沒有停止過穩步擴展的步伐,即使在疫情期間,我們也在全加各地不斷增開新店服務社區。這次真的要感謝東岸團隊的辛苦,讓Fairview新店圓滿開張。下個月初 (6/1) 我們在西岸大溫哥華還有一家新店要開,下次就要看西岸團隊的表演了:)

Tina Lee



收貨部每天的收貨任務都異常繁重,如何能在有限的場地內,掌控好收貨的節奏,提高工作效率,盡可能又快又準地安排好各個部門的貨品,滿足營運所需,是一件非常不容易的事情。幸好,我們有石大哥Stone Shek。




(Warden分店) 收銀部Helen Zhao

專業盡全力 工作勿分心





2023 P4 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

2023 Period 5

The new T&T Fairview store is now open in Toronto's bustling shopping mall.


Mother's Day has just passed, and we have good news for upward growth. Just yesterday morning (5/18), T&T opened its new store in the busiest Fairview Mall in North York, Toronto, adding more charm to this landmark shopping centre that has been leading the trend of modern lifestyle for over 50 years.

This is yet another major mainstream shopping centre for T&T. The new 36,000 square foot store is located in a prime location in Fairview Mall where people can easily travel between the subway and our supermarket via a newly renovated pedestrian walkway.

On the day before the grand opening (5/17), we held an exciting event with over 300 guests, including a cake contest, media tour, taiko drumming performance, and of course, lion dances, and 12 booths with 16 food tastings.

Fairview Mall has over 190 stores with a wide variety of international and North American famous brands, restaurants, and food court where you can enjoy delicious food from all over the world.

What is most interesting about T&T at Fairview mall is the new role T&T is playing in the evolution of retail space in Canada. Landlords across the country are scratching their heads on how to deal with all this excess space? T&T is a unique grocer that can solve this problem and is bringing a vibrant new experience to shopping malls across Canada.

For example, T&T is taking over an old Sears department store space. When T&T comes to a new mall, 2 things happen: 1) new business move in, like Fuwa Fuwa, Hazukido, Xing Fu Tang, Good Catch, Omni Noodle Palace, Bingz Crispy Burger, etc. and 2) the prices of condos for sale around the store – goes up! Real estate agents know this as the ‘T&T effect’.

T&T has been steadily expanding, even during the pandemic, we have continued to open new stores throughout Canada to serve the community. Thanks to the hard work of the ER team who made the Fairview store opening a success. We will be opening another new store in the Greater Vancouver area at the beginning of next month (6/1), so let's see what the WR team will bring to the table :)

Tina Lee CEO

When Stone is around, everything is steady as Mount Tai

The daily task of the Receiving Department is always demanding. It is not easy to maintain a good rhythm when receiving goods in a limited space, increase efficiency, and organize each department's goods as quickly and accurately as possible to meet operational needs. Luckily, we have Stone Shek.

Stone starts work at least half an hour before his shift begins to get an early start and prepare for the receiving tasks that day, which include safety management, backroom cleaning, company's 5S management, and more. Under his leadership, even during major festivals or shopping frenzies, our store's receiving work is always in an orderly fashion.

He is the first to arrive and the last to leave every day. He habitually checks everything one last time before he leaves to ensure everything was done properly. At the same time, he is also generous and willing to help others. If a colleague has an emergency or other departments need help, he will offer his help without hesitation.

To have someone like Stone who never shies away from responsibilities and accountability, how could our WS store's receiving operations not be as sturdy as Mount Tai?

(Warden store) Cashier Dept. Helen Zhao

Strive to do your best professionally, never get distracted at work

It's unavoidable for anyone to have ups and downs. However, we must still maintain our professionalism a work, focus on the task to ensure workplace safety and best customer service.

Recently, our company received frequent over and shortage reports at our stores. After speaking with those involved to understand the reasons for improvements, the colleague involved said that the joy from the love life has resulted in distraction at work, causing frequent errors during cash transactions. On the contrary, some colleagues neglected the standard operating procedures due to their busy personal life, resulting in damage to the equipment, and nearly causing serious safety accidents. When dealing with money and potential safety hazards, we must especially concentrate on the task. Regardless of the reasons, lack of focus resulted in errors at work, as well as operational loss, led these colleagues to face disciplinary action.

“People-oriented” is one of T&T’s values. We give our blessings for employees’ happiness and convey comfort during their difficult times. We encourage everyone to communicate with your department head if you have any difficulties at work. But no matter how your personal life affects your emotions, it is crucial to maintain professionalism, and strive to do your best at work.

Human Resources Department

2023 P4 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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