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2023 Period 13 (Western Region)

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

加西版 2023 第十三期










前進2024,新的戰役即將開始,我們將繼續做對的事,繼續勇敢成長,繼續攜手並肩,要讓每一位顧客都感受到我們的用心。新的一年充滿無限可能,讓我們一往直前,把“Food for Joy”這個戰鬥目標帶給更多的消費家庭,讓大家都能吃出幸福感。



Tina Lee



一個初冬的早晨,一位非常有責任心和對業務嫻熟的收貨員,正在忙碌地開啓新一天的收貨工作,他就是Don Lan。


Don憑著超卓的業務能力、堅定的意志力和高超的協調組織能力,不分晝夜地和各部門緊密配合,充分發揮溝通能力,在倉車到貨時,與各部門通力合作,用最短的時間完成收貨和散貨,每日都切實貫徹落實 “5S” 的五大要素:整理(Sort)、整頓(Set in order)、清潔(Shine)、標準化(Standardize)及維持(Sustain),使收貨部和後場永遠處於順暢不堵車的狀況。


(Sage Hill分店) 分店行政部Leo Zhao




除了有賴永不言倦的HR團隊統籌這個活動之外,我同時衷心感謝所有提供協助的部門,成就這次活動的成功。特別是行政部Emily準備飲品及房間所需,行銷推廣部Ray拍照和視頻,IT Sean和麵包部Jeffery協助佈置及還原場地。這種一起付出的努力充分體現大統華贏的文化中「互助合作」的一條。


(分店支援中心) 人力資源部Anna Poon






2023 P12 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

2023 Period 13

Wishing you a joyful holiday season!

Dear Team,


As we head into the holidays and start gearing up for the new year, I want to extend warm wishes and a heartfelt thanks to everyone in the T&T big family. May you all enjoy cozy moments with your loved ones, embracing the joys of this holiday season. Take a well-deserved break to relax, unwind, and recharge after a year of hard work – you’ve truly earned it!


Looking back at the past year, it's been a wild ride – together we navigated inflation, supply chain disruptions, and increasing competition in the East Region. In the face of these uncertainties, we stood tall, true to our values, and worked together to overcome obstacles. It’s a testament to the strength of our team, and the spirit that defines our T&T family.


Amidst the turbulence, we maintained our focus on putting the customer at the center of what we do. Our commitment to freshness, food safety, innovation, and great value for money continue to bring joy to Canadians. We didn’t just weather the storm, we embraced it as an opportunity to push the boundaries of what we can achieve together. I’m proud to share that, despite these challenges, we didn’t slow down. We continued to open new stores in Canada, and made significant progress towards establishing our first store in Washington, USA. With this growth, we can continue to serve more communities, and that is a victory that belongs to each and every one of you.


Heading into 2024, we will continue to grow. There are endless opportunities for us, and we will embrace them with courage, unity, and an open heart. I’m excited about the growth and success that lie ahead for all of us. Thank you for your dedication and hard work – I’m grateful for all of you.


As we enter the holiday season, let’s not only celebrate our professional achievements, but also cherish the joys of the season with our loved ones. We're fortunate to live in a beautiful country, supporting each other and finding the little moments of joy every day.


Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season, and looking forward to a prosperous and successful new year!

Tina Lee CEO

Be accountable and welcome challenges

On an early winter morning, an extremely responsible and adept receiver named Don Lan is busily starting his receiving work.

The backroom space at SG is extremely limited, with over 10% less floor space compared to that of a typical T&T store. Considering the potential business expansion, as well as the distribution model in Alberta, there are concerns as to how it can handle the upcoming holiday season, the subsequent peak in sales volume, and of course the unpredictable winter shipping peaks in the province.

Through his exceptional business capabilities, unwavering determination and excellent organizational skills, Don collaborated seamlessly with each department around the clock. Utilizing his strong communication skills, he effectively coordinates with departments during the arrival of shipments to expedite both receiving and distribution processes. Each day, he implements the five elements of 5S: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain, ensuring the Receiving Department and backroom operates smoothly without congestion at all times.

He always makes good use of every inch of the backspace, ensuring it is kept organized, clean and unobstructed,  earning him everyone's praise and respect along the way.

(Sage Hill store) Store Admin Dept. Leo Zhao

BC T&T Career Day: Fostering Growth and Internal Talent

The 1st BC T&T Career Day marked a resounding success, reflecting both our rapid growth and the crucial need to cultivate our internal talent pool. The event, held on November 28th, aimed to acquaint store colleagues with diverse career prospects within T&T, spanning opportunities both within stores and across various company divisions.

A total of 58 colleagues from 13 stores, Central Kitchen, and W&D participated in the event. The Store Support Centre showcased 12 departments, each hosting booths or delivering presentations. Colleagues who attended expressed their profound satisfaction. Positive feedback received through the satisfaction survey, with remarks like “I enjoy my time here today” and “非常棒的體驗 (great experience)”.

The success of the event owes much to the tireless efforts of our HR team. Additionally, heartfelt gratitude extends to all departments that lent their support, contributing significantly to the accomplishment. Special commendations are due to Emily (Administration) for preparing beverage and break room essentials, Ray (Marketing) for capturing photos and videos, and Sean (IT) and Jeffrey (PFD Bakery) for their invaluable assistance in setting up and dismantling the facilities. This collective effort vividly exemplifies our winning culture - “Help one another”.

Building upon the positive response garnered by the Eastern Region Career Day held in June, HR is keen on organizing more such events in 2024. We eagerly anticipate your participation in our forthcoming events!

(Store Support Centre) HR Dept. Anna Poon

Do not misuse your position for violations

As T&T continues to expand its range of quality products, one of the advantages of working at a supermarket is being able to receive firsthand news of product promotions and discounts. Yet this has led to inappropriate behaviour amongst some colleagues. Upon receiving this information, some colleagues will excitedly rush to purchase these products, completely disregarding the employee shopping guidelines.

Despite the trust our Department Heads place in our colleagues, there has recently been an increase in violations involving the misuse of job positions. Some of them, upon realizing that fresh and limited-stock items have arrived, will use the excuse of inspecting the area, when they are in fact shopping during work hours. They will select the products in the backroom, then ask their colleagues to wrap and keep it for them until their shift ends. There are also colleagues who will put a lower price label onto the item when no one's paying attention, allowing them to purchase higher priced items at a discounted rate.

Such behaviors are not only in violation of employee shopping rules, but also violates the company's culture of integrity. While our work may offer some conveniences, our colleagues must clearly recognize that they are on duty employees but not customers. We must always remind ourselves to do the right thing at the right time. The company will not tolerate any behaviour that violates trust. Avoid making grave mistakes driven by a fleeting sense of good luck.

Human Resources Department

2023 P12 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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