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Writer's pictureT&T Newsletter

2023 Period 12(Western Region)

加西版 2023 第十二期






1. 關懷長者:社區的長者曾用青春年華為我們做過許多事,我們當然應盡力提供他們需要的關愛和支持。比如,大統華就支持孟嘗長期護理中心的擴建,為長者增加了320個長照床位。

2. 關愛兒童:許多鄉親移民來加都是為了孩子,我們當然也應為年輕一代的生活出一點力。比如,大統華就積極贊助CCYAA加華青年體育會,他們為青少年提供了一系列的籃球訓練和季節性聯賽,我們也助力他們實現夢想。

3. 文化融合:擁抱多元文化對我們非常重要,我們積極推動並支持社區內豐富多元的文化活動,比如,加拿大日本節、多倫多龍文化節等等,這是我們開心融入社區的一部分。



最後,我們努力減少浪費 — 通過與「第二豐收(Second Harvest)計劃」的合作,今年我們已成功將超過40萬磅的食物轉交到社區的食物銀行,而不是浪費在廢棄物掩埋場,為那些需要幫助的人帶來一絲溫暖。而我們的有機食品計劃,更會進一步將送到掩埋場的食品廢棄物減少7,700公噸,目標是到2030年實現送到掩埋場的食品廢棄物為0。



Tina Lee


Jackson, LH團隊的驕傲!

今天為大家介紹LH店雜貨部優秀的副主管Jackson。他一直以來都表現出色,是團隊中不可或缺的一員,在LH店開業、Sports Day等關鍵時刻,均展現出令人印象深刻的表現。


除了出色地履行本職工作,他總是勇於承擔更多的責任,比如擔任JHSC員工代表和First Aid急救員,展現出卓越的多方面能力。不論任務多繁重,他都從不抱怨。

在Sports Day的團隊籃球賽上,Jackson不僅展現出精湛的投籃技巧,更展現出卓越的組織能力,帶領籃球隊在不被看好的情況下,為LH店奪得了全公司的第一個比賽冠軍,為分店爭得榮譽。


(Lougheed分店) 分店行政部Rita Lang



綜合營運部其中一個責任就是統籌分店培訓,考慮到主任及副主管級別同事都有包含管理的工作,我們在今年把軟技能培訓 (Soft Skills Training) 推廣至主任儲備人才和副主管儲備人才的培訓中。


Christina的講題是“Customer We Care”, 顧名思義就是跟顧客服務有關。作為專員,Christina豐富的經驗可不用說。她培訓過無數個收銀部同事,可謂桃李滿門。這樣的一個專家,還會謙虛求教,這種專業盡全力的精神實在令人拜服。


(分店支援中心) 綜合營運部Fiona Chan






2023 P11 分店最佳員工榮譽榜

2023 Period 12

Giving back to our community


The holiday season is a time of giving, and as we approach the end of 2023, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on how all of us at T&T are giving back to our communities and embracing our corporate responsibility. “Care for the Community” is one of our values at T&T, and I’m proud of how we continue to work together to make a positive impact.

Throughout the year, we sponsor worthwhile causes in our communities, aimed at supporting those who need it the most. Our sponsorship and donations are driven by three key pillars:

1. Caring for the elderly: we believe in providing care and support for our elderly community members who have contributed so much to our families and our society. As an example, T&T supported the expansion of Mon Sheong Stouffville Long-Term Care, providing 320 additional long-term care beds for seniors.

2. Caring for children: many immigrants come to Canada for their children; we are committed to initiatives that improve the lives of the younger generation. For example, T&T is a corporate sponsor for CCYAA, an organization that provides a range of programs and events for youth, such as basketball training and seasonal leagues.

3. Promoting culture: embracing diversity is important to us, and we actively promote and support the rich and diverse cultural events within our communities such as the Japan Festival of Canada, and the Toronto Dragon Festival.

Within our stores, we also give back by promoting environmental initiatives that reduce harmful emissions and plastics. Our industry is responsible for about a third of all plastic packaging waste, and we should be an equal contributor to the solution. A year ago, we began to work with our control brand suppliers towards T&T’s commitment for all control brand and in-store products to have recyclable or reusable packaging by 2025. We are already working hand-in-hand with these suppliers to find innovative solutions such as recyclable packaging for T&T’s Sushi Nori and Frozen Edamame, and bamboo cutlery in our dining areas.

Outside of plastics, we are also adding doors to coolers to reduce energy consumption, shifting refrigeration systems from Freon to more environmentally friendly CO2 in our new stores, and upgrading our lighting to energy-efficient LED lights.

In addition, we are committed to reducing waste – through our partnership with the Second Harvest Program, we have successfully diverted over 400,000 pounds of waste this year from landfills to food banks in our communities. Our organics program has further diverted another 7,700 metric tonnes of food waste from landfills, and our goal is to have zero food waste to landfills by 2030.

I encourage each and everyone of you to also explore ways in which you can give back to the community as we approach the holiday season. Remember that every small effort counts, and together, we can make a big change.

Thank you for your dedication and hard work in making T&T a force for good in the communities we serve. Your efforts are greatly appreciated, and they make a significant difference.

Tina Lee CEO

Jackson, pride of the LH team!

Allow me to introduce you to Jackson, our remarkable Grocery Assistant Department Head. His outstanding performance has made him an indispensable member of the team. In the crucial moments such as our grand opening and Sports Day, he always leaves a lasting impression.

The opening of a supermarket is filled with challenges, which include preparations for inventory management, shelf displays and promotional activities. Jackson played a key role in it. He worked well with the Department Head by shuttling around ensuring products were shelved on time, and promotional activities were running smoothly. His efforts and contributions were indispensable to the smooth opening of the LH store.

Aside from doing an outstanding job fulfilling his responsibilities, he always takes on more tasks, such as serving as the JHSC employee representative and First Aid attendant, showcasing his multifaceted abilities. And he never complains no matter how demanding the tasks are.

During the basketball match on Sports Day, Jackson not only displayed his incredible shooting skills, but also his outstanding organizational abilities, leading the team to clinch LH store's first championship across the company despite the odds, bringing our store honor and pride.

And just like that, Jackson has become an invaluable member of the team. His outstanding performance has made him been chosen as the Grocery Manager Trainee. He is truly our pride!

(Lougheed store) Store Admin Dept. Rita Lang

Role model and source of motivation

The winning culture and values are present and can be found throughout our daily work.

One of the responsibilities of the Central Operations Department is to coordinate store training. Considering the Supervisors and Assistant Department Heads (ADH) all have managerial-related work, we extended Soft Skills Training to the training for the Supervisor and ADH talents this year.

The Soft Skills Training Workshop for Supervisor Trainees are led by Judy from HR and Christina, the Cashier and Receiving Specialist. In theory, the two instructors do not need to communicate as I am the coordinator. However, when I found out Christina was meeting Judy, I wondered if there is anything wrong. I immediately asked Christina, who responded, "Since the training is coming soon, I wanted to consult with Judy on how to better facilitate the class."

Christina's presentation topic is "Customer We Care", which is related to customer service. As a specialist, Christina's rich experience speaks for itself. She had trained countless colleagues in the Cashier Department. The fact that an expert like her would be willing to humbly seek advice shows dedication and admirable professionalism.

Perhaps to her, this may not be anything major nor out of the ordinary. But her work attitude serves as both my inspiration and source of motivation. I believe we are all able to find small impactful moments in our daily work that touch and inspire us, and also find colleagues for whom we are grateful for.

(Store Support Centre) Central Operations Dept. Fiona Chan

Knowing when a joke crosses the line

Our colleagues work together day in, day out, and those who get along will sometimes joke around with each other. And indeed, harmless jokes can give everyone a good laugh and lighten the atmosphere at work. But there are colleagues who can't grasp when a joke has crossed the line, sometimes making inappropriate comments of another person's gender, appearance, age, birthplace, or even their marital status, which upsets this individual.

I would like to remind everyone that the company's policy explicitly states our commitment to prohibiting discrimination. The categories of discrimination as outlined in the Human Rights Act include race, religion, beliefs, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability, physique, weight, age, nationality, ancestry, place of birth, and more, which is to say that if you make biased, unfair or inappropriate comments or action towards others based on the above listed categories, then you have entered the territory of discrimination.

Please be mindful of your words, think before you speak, and avoid jokes that crosses the line. For our colleagues who are upset or feel discriminated against due to others’ comments, we encourage you to immediately express your feelings to the other person (or seek assistance from your Department Head when necessary). Please do not hide how you feel in fear of affecting your relationship with others, because only if you speak up will the other person be aware of the issue and correct their mistakes. Let's work together to create a healthy and mutually respectful work environment.

Human Resources Department

2023 P11 Outstanding Staff of the Store


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