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Updated: Dec 31, 2018






WL 分店則是安省第一家擁有海鮮吧的分店,由於滑鐵盧地區相對比較偏遠,新店的開業幾乎轟動了當地整個華人社區,不少顧客紛紛表示,這太不可思議了,大統華不僅如期而至還帶來了這麼多前所未見的設施!快來看看視頻中的熱鬧場面吧!

2018 Scaling Up: Three Stores opened in a year

This year is a significant year for T&T as we successfully opened 3 new stores in Canada, that includes our Lansdowne Flagship Store. What a perfect ending for 2018! Among all these years, this is the year that we developed the most, especially in the Eastern Region — our AU Store and WL Store grand opened in November and December respectively, two stores were opened within a month. This is a mission impossible, but with all our support and hard work, we did it! The three new stores received a lot of appreciation from the local customers and brought 2018 to a completion.

Overview of our new stores:

It is no doubt that our Lansdowne Store is an unique one, it is located in the founding place of T&T – Richmond, BC. We selected it to be the flagship store, not just because of its largest floor size (70000 sq. ft.), but also its unique features: live seafood bar, diverse street food, and the first Starbucks in T&T, etc. That is why our customers were lining up at 5 in the morning and looked forward to see our flagship store. Let’s feel the lively atmosphere of Lansdowne Store grand opening:

Afterward, both AU Store and WL Store in Eastern region opened in November and December respectively. The grand openings were full of crowd. AU Store is the first new store of Ontario this year, small but complete in details. The AU Store was packed with customers on the opening day. Our customers said, “Finally, you are here!”

The Opening pf AU Store:

For WL Store, it is the first Ontario store that has Seafood Bar. As Waterloo’s located closer to the suburb, the opening of our new store surprised the local Chinese community. It is amazing that T&T opened the store in time and brought us a lot of unseen features. The video showed us the celebrative scene of the day:


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