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對於這新架設的移動支付系統,今後能讓廣大華人顧客群 - 不論是留學生、旅遊客、還是新、老移民,都可以使用熟悉的手機 APP付款,再也不用為結賬換匯煩惱,是我們大統華在顧客服務上的再加分。

所謂「大船難調頭」,雖說我們沒有小生意的機動快速、沒有跑到人前,但怎樣我們也不能落人後!歷時一年多的計劃準備,上跟 Loblaw、旁跟廠商、內部更是跨部門無以數計的討論會議,終於在 20191004 熱鬧登場,相信這也算是在楓葉國零售行業中,大規模啟用 Alipay & WeChat Pay 的領軍者。



我們輕鬆訪談了這計劃的主要製作者 – IT 部門 Franklin,從他口中得知,這個計劃從 Soft Launch 到 OA、WS 的 Pilot Run,原本寄望提前暴露問題、好即早解決,但結果是完全順暢到毫無意外發生。Franklin 難掩興奮激動的心情說道:「這完全是因為我們前期作業做得太周全,我們實在感到太驕傲了啊!」

10 月 3 日 Marketing 提前一天在大統華微信公眾號公佈了消息,不到一天的時間,該篇消息的閱讀量就達到 8338 成為年度最高記錄。這個堪比媒體大號的流量,說明僅在一天之內就有超過 8000 位粉絲對該消息十分感興趣。可見引進這兩種支付方式是多麼令人興奮!


上線首月 (10/4-11/4),凡使用 APP 支付寶掃描下方海報中的二維碼,即可獲得消費滿 ¥100 人民幣抵扣 ¥10 人民幣的折扣券,每人限用一次!

不光是顧客,同事們 - 這個週末也趕緊到大統華自家店去手機結帳買個菜吧!


WeChat Pay / Alipay are now available

The long-awaited WeChat Pay and Alipay are now available today for our national customers!

As it is a new mobile payment system, no matter you are an overseas student, a tourist or a new / old immigrant, starting from now on most Chinese can use the familiar mobile APP payment system to pay in T&T and eliminate any currency exchange hassles. This will create positive impression to our customer service.

Although we are not as flexible as small business, we are still catching up the trend. After one year of planning and preparation and endless meetings with Loblaw, vendor and internal cross-departments, finally on 20191004 the system comes true. We are probably the pioneer in Canada’s retail chain of launching Alipay & WeChat Pay system in a large scale.

Celebrate the joint effect between IT, Accounting, Operations and Marketing

We talked with this project’s main developer, Franklin, from IT department. He mentioned that the project was expected to meet a lot of difficulties starting from the soft launch to the pilot run of OA and WS. In the end, the whole process ran smoothly and efficiently. “We are proud of the result and this mean we did a great preparation job”, said Franklin.

On October 3rd, Marketing released the news in WeChat a day before and the view rate reached the annual highest view rate with 8338 views within a day. This is pretty close to the view rate of those popular WeChat account and this also indicated that a lot of our fans are interested. Launching these two-payment systems really excite our customers.

Good things come to those who wait, now we are going to share a benefit of Alipay!

The first month of the launch (10/4 – 11/4) , when using Alipay APP to scan the QR code in the poster below will receive ¥10 RMB discount coupon after a purchase of ¥100 RMB or above. Limited to one usage per person.

No matter you are customers or colleagues, let’s use our cellphone to pay for our grocery in the weekend!


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