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Updated: Feb 11, 2020


正因為如此,加拿大衛生部門現在要求從中國湖北返回的人,即使沒有明顯冠狀病毒的症狀,都應自願隔離 14 天,而來自中國大陸其他地區的人,如果出現不適症狀也要自我隔離兩個星期。

為配合政府要求、將傳染機會降到最低,公司日前也發佈了對有關同事自願居家隔離的支持,其防護範圍更甚於加國政府。凡最近從中國(不限於湖北)返回加拿大的同事,不論有無感染症狀,只要能提出旅行證明且進行自我隔離者,其兩週的隔離期間,公司仍將支付 50% 的正常收入,以免去這些同事們的生活顧慮。 公司在此還要鄭重呼籲:這是一場戰役、並非兒戲,希望剛從中國返回的同事皆能自願進行隔離,千萬不要因為你個人的輕忽和僥倖,讓家人、公司、社區陷入險境。

這種自願隔離並不意味著加拿大出現高風險,只是防患於未然。聯邦政府至今仍然表示,加拿大面臨的風險很低,我們無需過度恐慌,但切身的保護措施不容馬虎 – 在外不碰眼臉口鼻、勤洗手,注重飲食睡眠運動以提高免疫力,減少聚會並避免到人群密集的地方等等。



Please stay at home after returning from China!

According to the latest information, there are 7 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) have been confirmed in Canada, of which four are from British Columbia. The third and fourth patients are not Canadian residents, they are relatives of the second confirmed patients from Wuhan. They arrived in Canada before the Chinese Lunar New Year and there was no symptom shown at that moment.

The Public Health Agency of Canada requires all travelers or residents returning from Hubei to self-isolate for 14 days, no matter one has any obvious symptoms or not. For those who returned from other regions of China and has the related symptoms should also self-isolate for 2 weeks.

To cope with the government requirements and minimize the chance of infection, our company also released the related memo earlier about supporting self-isolating colleagues, we even take stricter measure than the government. Colleagues who recently returned from China, with or without symptoms should present the proof of travel to company and stay at home. For the two weeks of self-isolation period, our company will pay 50% of regular earnings as company’s support. The company also emphasis that: This is a battle, not a child’s play. We hope colleagues who recently visited China must follow the government’s self-isolation request and do not put your family, company, and community at risk.

The voluntary quarantine does not mean that Canada is at high risk, it is just a precaution. Currently, the federal government has assessed the public health risk associated with 2019-nCoV as low for Canada. We do not have to panic, but we have to take personal protection measures seriously - do not touch your face, eyes, nose, and mouth without washing your hands, wash your hands frequently, eat healthily, get enough rest and exercise, avoid unnecessary gatherings and crowded areas.

Facing the severe epidemic situation, it is now a critical period. Let’s be well protected and stand on guard for this beautiful country where we are living.


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